Friday, November 29, 2002
ok, little Heather is over till tomorrow, so I don't have much time to blog. Oh, it's "little" heather because she's 7 years old, compared to my 17, and I refused to be called "big heather" lol. So, I'm hay-you. My dad asked why she calls me hay-you, and she started to tell him, but then she said "Oh nevermind" lol. My dad already knew though, she's been calling me hay-you for about...5 or so years now.
My days are filled with playing 'important' (a game heather made up involving playing on the computer and pretending we're important people at their jobs), playing with homemade play-dough, playing playstation, and telling her how to talk on IM. If you're one of the unfortunate people she talked to, I know it was boring for you, sorry. :) But on the bright side, it made her REALLLLLLY happy to be able to 'talk' to someone on the computer. Anyway, 11:11pm, you would think I could get her to go to sleep. nope. she's sitting across from me at my sis's computer, playing on "Paint" and singing along with Christina Aguilara (sp?) *gag* At least she has her headphones on. be thankful for the little things right? Right?!? Ok, I'm done, I'll have a more interesting blog after she goes home. More time for one anyway.
Thursday, November 28, 2002
and that's all I have to say. :)
Saturday, November 23, 2002
brought to you by Quizilla
What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla
^Ok, so this one was wrong, in my opinion about myself anyway.^
The Subculture Label Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Ok, so this one's sorta wrong too. I'm not exactly 'normal' but I don't know if I know enough about computers to be considered a 'geek'. I wish though. lol. I'm a geek-wannabe.
***SIDE NOTE: If you do go to, just a warning, some of the quizzes are rather sexual. Not all, just some. Just thought I'd warn you, not for young eyes or eyes that want to remain innocent, lol***
A different quiz, what strange type of person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ok, phew, I think Im done. for now anyway. Don't forget to scroll down and read my other posts from today. Lol, notice I said posts and not blogs, cause I don't think they can technically considered a blog cause I didn't really blog about anything in particular. I will though. I have a rant formulating, it's just not out yet. I can feel it churning in my head. beware. lol.
I am a siren.
What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox
My magical style is Priestess.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox
I am a seductive fae.
What kind of female faerie are you?
Take the female faerie quizby Paradox.
If I were a city, I'd be Las Vegas, aka Sin City.
What US city are you?
Take the quiz by Girlwithagun.
***As a police officer you stop someone for speeding. They say they're on their honeymoon and rushing to get to their hotel. Do you give them a ticket?
Yes, I give them the ticket. Well, I guess. For someone to get a ticket from me, they'd have to be going awfully far over the limit (since my mom was doing 85 in my car on the highway and I didn't mind...). But, I wouldn't let them use the honeymoon as the excuse, if they were that hot for eachother they should have just pulled over. lol, that's gross.
***Your favorite ethnic restaurant is fined for exploiting immigrant labour. Do you continue to eat there?
Immigrant as in illegal? Isn't it kinda funny that it just happens to be an ethnic restaurant? I don't know if I would or not...
***You're young and single. A wealthy old coot/widow proposes marriage saying s/he will be dead in a few years and you'll inherit everything. Do you accept?
Nah, I'll be rich on my own account, thank you very much. Plus, knowing my rotten luck if I accepted, the guy would outlive me.
More Saturday Scruples. Oh, there's another link for the same thing, one of them has more questions, not sure which one, lol...
***A relative is dying. She asks for help to die with dignity. Assisting suicide is a criminal offense. Do you help?
Yes. If I'm sure that's what she really wants.
***A friend calls it "the best entertainment in town." He uses a scanner to listen to lovers talking on cell phones. Do you do it?
***You're selling your house because of constant noise from the rooming house next door. Potential buyers ask why you're selling. Do you tell them?
I'm selling because of the noise? Doesn't sound like me. Anyway, if it's a constant noise, wouldn't the potential buyers already hear it? I wouldn't have to tell them. Yes, I'd probably tell them. Then I'd pitch my land that my house sits on to a place that needs a parking lot, maybe they wouldn't care how much noise there is.
Well, that was kinda dull. Sigh, I tried. Comment, please! Even if the comments are to just answer the questions. I need to read comments, they're so entertaining and I'm so bored.... lol. i sound pathetic.
Thursday, November 21, 2002
I"m back from my lunch with the grandparents, it was great. Hilarious. My grandmother loved the printer we got her (that was her present, I couldn't say it before for fear that she'd actually read my blog). My grandpa was funny. It was/is his birthday today, so my dad told the waitress (when my grandpa wasn't listening) and she brought him balloons. My grandpa wouldn't let my gma tie them to his wrists, so he tried to wrap it around/under the salt shaker. The balloons floated up, and POPPED on the ceiling. 2 of the 3 balloons popped. Everyone in the whole, Crowded, restaurant looked at us, including this one really little (maybe a year old) boy. So, my grandfather gave the kid the remaining balloon. lol. As if that wasn't enough, when it was time to go, he went out the 'emergency exit only' door, and an alarm went off (but my dad and bro were with him and steered him back in the door and out the normal exit). lol. At which point, my gma, mom, sis and I were already walking to the bathroom, so when the alarm went off we walked a little bit faster so they wouldn't think we were with them. Lol. It was fun.
My little sister now has a blog! It's not much, yet, but she likes to talk so maybe it will be. Anyway, check it out, comment, and if you don't mind, give her your link, so she has something to fill her page up with, lol.
Ok, that's all I can think of to talk about for now....
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Gilmore Girls wasn't what I expected it to be. It was still great, just for the sole reason that it was Gilmore, but it wasn't quite up to their usual stuff. At least, in my opinion. And the previews were misleading, to me anyway. I thought Lorelie was going to throw a fit about Rory&Jess, but apparently not, the 'trip' she was packing for in the preview was just a weekend with grandparents, which I did gather from the preview, but I was thinking the weekend with them was cause Lorelie was freaking out, not because grandpa wanted to visit Yale. Sigh. maybe it was just my mistake, and I shouldn't try to interperet (sp?) things before I actually see the episodes. But then why else would they have previews???? Anyway, next week Jess AND Dean go to dinner at the grandparents. WHY?!?!?!? There is no earthly reason that I can think of that this should happen. Grrrr. Now I have to wait allllllllllll the way to next week to figure it out. My mom and I were discussing this, and we think that they should show all the new episodes, right in a row. And then move on to a new season the next week. It'd make it so much easier. I hate suspense. sigh.
Wow, quite an insane-sounding rant. Sorry.
Oh, one more thing before I go, FASTLANE IS ON TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!
Show: Fastlane
Time:9pm eastern (no clue for anyone else, check your listings :) )
Station: FOX
Don't miss it! I want people to watch it, if just for the fact that the ratings stay up, so I can see the rest of the season >:)
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Sunday, November 17, 2002
But my mom and my sister went, and had a great time, it sounds like they had a lot of fun catching up, with actual caring talk, not just small talk. Which makes me kinda wish I would have gone, because it sounds like they had fun, but in the end I guess I'm glad I didn't because I hate baby showers.
Mom met up with all her best friends from high school that she hasn't seen in YEARS. I'm talking years. Like, 20. My mom's 20th high school reunion is coming soon. lol. She feels old. It's funny. She doesn't mind her age too much anymore. She had a huge breakdown when she turned 30. I mean huge. So much so that I remember it. I don't tend to remember things like that. But it was big. Good thing she's over it now. Hopefully. Next time it's 40, yikes.
I had a good time at my grandma's, my cousin was there, Crystalynn. I don't get to see her much. She's 3 or 4. Cute. She's a little behind other kids, because she has autism or something like that (they're not exactly sure) so she's just getting so she'll talk and play with you. It's fun and cute. My mom had a ribbon leftover from wrapping the baby gifts, and she gave it to Crystal. Well, when it came time for Crystal to go home (her dad shares custody with Crystal's mom) Crystal refused to leave the ribbon at my grandmothers. She had to take it with her. She threw a fit when they suggested it. High pitched screams and everything. So, she got to take it home. She's spoiled, and they know it but don't really care. lol. They're just happy she functions the way she does, we're all happy about that.
So, I had fun, and my feet are cold/wet because I wore open-toed sandals outside in this wet weather, so I'm going to go watch tv and dry/warm my feet.
Oh, wait, I just wanna say this one thing. I always thought it was hilarious. I couldn't spell "weather' till just a few years ago. Weird, considering my name's heather and I only have to put the w instead of the h. Strange, huh? Same with feather. I was never sure if there was supposed to be the 'a'. Lol, ok, I'm done.
Friday, November 15, 2002
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Ok, this is impossible to keep in the exact order it happened, with all the characters and all, so I'm gonna give you a rundown of the main people, then add people like Lane later.
It started off with Lorilie wanting to enter this dance competition that Star's Hollow has every year. It's a 24-hour dance-a-thon, last couple standing wins. Kirk (is that his name? the strange guy...) always wins, so of course Lorilie HAS to beat him this time. The girls go to their usual Friday night at Grandmas, and Lorilie is all excited because she has "the perfect" dance partner. During dinner, she gets a cell phone call saying that the "perfect partner"'s wife won't let him be in the competition because Ms. Patty showed the wife a picture of Lorelie and the wife thinks she looks good and is worried about her man keeping his paws off. Anyway, Lorelie winds up begging, pleading, and begging some more, for Rory to enter with her. Rory finally agrees, even though she had planned to just go and watch the competition with Dean. Instead, Rory goes to the dance with Lorelie, and Dean just sits there on the bleachers watching and occasionally talking to them.
Oh, yea, they're dressed all old fashionedish.
Jess and his 'girl' Shane show up, and just watch. During an intermission, Rory and Dean go off to get food, and Jess & Shane follow. This really irks Rory, and they have an exchange. Jess puts his arm around Shane, Rory puts her arm around Dean. Jess kisses Shane, Rory kisses Dean. Finally Dean gets fed up, barks "Rory get your stuff and lets go" to which Jess makes a comment about how caveman he is. To which Dean replies "You really don't wanna mess with me man" (wow, scary huh? *rolls eyes) Anyway, back at the dance, Lorelie loses the heel off her pump/shoe. She props a very tired Rory up on Dean, and uses her emergency card so she can get off the dance floor. *The emergency card gives one partner 10 minutes off the dance floor, as long as the partner keeps on the floor and moving.* Luke fixes her shoe with glue (apparently really fast drying glue, seeing as how she only has 10 minutes) and they bond, then freak out about getting too close, over the fact that they both want kids someday, with "the right person".
MEANWHILE....on the dance floor....
Rory is very sleepy, propped up on Dean, and keeps talking about Jess. "how can he be with her" "look at them, just sitting there" "what are they even doing here anyway, they're not dancing?!?!?" And Dean gets ticked off. They have this big arguement, with Dean saying he's been kidding himself all along, telling himself that Rory didn't really like Jess, that the feelings weren't there between them. But he's finally had enough. They break up!!!!!! (Jess watched the whole arguement, even participated with his comments sometimes). Rory runs off the dance floor, and to a pier/dock where Jess finds her close to tears. They admit that they have feelings for each other, that Dean wasn't wrong. Right after they admitted that they have feelings for each other, Jess said "I have something I have to do now" and left. I think he was breaking up with Shane, but they didn't show so I don't know.
Lorelie goes back to the dance floor to find Rory not there, and she lost the competition. She's crushed, but then Rory runs to her and starts crying in her arms, so she puts her loss aside and hugs Rory while Kirk runs laps around them with the trophy in his hand to the theme song from Rocky.
On to Lane...
Lane can't enter the dance competition, instead she dishes out 'eggless egg salad sandwiches' to the dancers, and hands out her mother's fliers on the evils of dancing. Her friend from the band (sorry, forget his name....) comes to the snack room where Lane is and admits he missed hanging out with her. Lane's mom comes over, all hyper and demanding to know who 'this boy' is. He charms her by saying he stopped by while his parents were at a Bible reading at their church. He stopped by because he kept hearing people rave about these fantastic sandwiches (that lane's mom made), and he had to taste one for himself. He takes a big bite, and to the delight of Mrs. Kim asks if he can have another sandwich for later. Then he asks if it's ok for him to bring his parents back to try the sandwiches, but if hes' not back in 20 minutes he's sitting on his porch steps waiting for his parents to get out of the church. Sounds complicated, I might not have explained it right, but he ends up charming Mrs Kim.
Paris's friend from when they went to D.C. over the summer, contacts her and they go out to coffee. Paris has such a good time with him, that she is fine when Rory reschedules the 75th anniversary issue of the newspaper meeting. Surprise to everyone, since the two girls (forget their names....) had asked for the day off and Paris freaked out on them (but that was BEFORE the date).
Ummm....Suki and Jackson had a fight, but it was resolved before the end of the episode. Sorry, I'm slacking off on my details, but my fingers are tired. Hope thats enough.
Oh, the preview for next week showed Lorilie saying they were going away, she doesn't want Rory to date Jess (horrible, horrible Lorelie. and I used to like her. grr).
Gilmore was great last night. I stayed up till 1am working on this blog. Well, actually, I stayed up so I could wake my dad for work, but I was actually working on this till 1.
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
I really really do like this template, thanks for designing it for me. But, as you can probably tell due to the amount of time I've actually been a blogger and the amount of templates I've had, I get bored with my templates quickly... Would you mind if I changed it? I have a new one that I thought was interesting and I'd like to change it. You won't be insulted though, will you?
Monday, November 11, 2002
There was something else I was going to ad to this blog earlier, but I forgot it. I did most my school, 3 art assignments to go and 1 math. That's it. Oh, and my family lost our cable/tv remote. Can't find it anywhere. We looked under the sofa, chairs, under all cushions, in the kitchen, we searched the whole house. We keep looking at the dog and debating whether she really would eat it. I don't think she would...but we can't find it anywhere. hmm. It'll turn up. hopefully.
Ok, can't think of anything interesting to say....
Does anyone else have this bad weather? It's been rainy/miserable for the past few days, and they're calling for rainy and miserable for the next few days. It wouldn't be so bad if it rained steadily, but all we have is overcast days with really light rain every once in awhile, barely enough to get your car windshield wet if you're driving. sigh.
Speaking, or rather typing, of driving, my dad's going to take me driving sometime. I have to get my license by Nov. 27th, and I need to take my test a week before that so if I fail or something I can take the test again without having to renew my permit. So, dad's taking me driving. Sigh. I don't like driving on the roads that much. Too much thinking involved. I always have trouble turning/taking corners, and since I live in the city, I really have to work on that. And I need to learn to parallel park. I know how, I've done it before, but I definetly need more practice. The driver's center guys are really fussy about parallel parking. My cousin's back tires touched the curb when she was parking, and that was it. End of test, she failed. No retries for parallel. so, I'm a wee bit nervous. Plus, I think you have to ride with a cop. I don't like cops that much. in general, I mean.
Well, I really do have a ton of school to do, so I'd better go. Comment, please. : )
Thursday, November 07, 2002
I watched Fastlane yesterday, great great great show. And I'm not only saying that because they show the guys bodies as much as the girls (which is a rarity on shows these days...they even showed the main-guy- character's butt! gasp!). It's on FOX on Wednesdays at 9pm. Well, 9pm for me, maybe different time for others. It's a great show. Fast cars, undercover cops... Sounds typical right? Well, these undercover cops don't really have to follow the rules that the normal cops do, they have a whole ware house sorta thing that has cars, money, etc that they can use to help be undercover. It's a little racy though, so beware. Ok, I'm not doing the show justice, you probably think it's stupid from what I just wrote, right? It's soooo not. It's tied with Gilmore Girls for fav. show, but not really because they're 2 totally different shows. And I really like fastlane for the fact that the storyline that they start one Wed. gets finished during that hour. No more waiting till the next week to see them save the day. All wrapped up in one action packed hour. Sigh. Only 6 more days left till it's on again.... too long. sigh.
I don't really have anything to talk about. Besides my glowing report of Fastlane, I mean. Great show. Watch it and let me know what you think..please. But don't only watch the first 10 minutes of it then turn it off, cause you'll be confused and won't be able to get the whole 'experience.' you have to watch the WHOLE episode. sigh. I love that show. And Van's kinda hot (little old for me though...). Ok, that sounded really shallow, but that's just one of the perks of the show, I promise :)
Wow, ok, Obviously I have a show on my brain, so I'll say bye now and stop talking about it....try to anyway.....
Tuesday, November 05, 2002
Ok, this'll have to be short cause Gilmore Girls is on in 10 minutes. It doesn't look that interesting, Lorilie (sp?) once again gets jealous of Chris's new wife, but it's G.G. so I'll watch it anyhow.
Do you realize how sick I am of strawberries? No, of course you don't, cause I didn't tell you about how many we have yet :p On Sunday my dad brought home 8 FLATS (with 8 of those wire/green packs of strawberries in a flat). Granted, some were rotten, so we had to get rid of them. Mom went through them all, gave one flat away, and froze the rest. We now have 2 different kinds of shortcake bread/cake stuff, 5 cans of whipped cream, and 1 tub of cool whip (for me, I hate whip cream but love cool whip). We're all going to look like strawberries. He also brought home 8 watermelons, but my mom said they didn't taste good, and trashed them all. I would have been mad cause I like watermelon, but they didn't even look all that good.
hmmm.......6 minutes to go and me with nothing to say....
Tomorrow I'm going shopping. Again. I used to love shopping, but this is pushing even MY limits. We went grocery shopping yesterday, did major shopping at 2 grocery stores. Tomorrow we're going to BigK(mart) to maybe put stuff on layaway for christmas, and to get me boots. I only have sandals to wear, which is fine for now cause I hate wearing shoes so I prefer sandals, but once it snows I'm going to want something other than open-toed sandals.... And I saw these really cute black boots that have this black and white flannel-like material at the top. Oh, and we might go to walmart because I saw this great little webcam there for $17, and my mom wants to get it for me since she feels like she didn't spend as much on me for my birthday (she got me an eminem cd off of ebay) as she did for my brother on his birthday. I told her how stupid that was. But she insists, and since it gets me the camera I'm not going to complain too much. The one I want has a zoom feature, which my other one doesn't have, I have to set it really far away from my computer in order to get a picture that isn't looking up my nose..... AND it has a stand. Which might not sound like much, but I broke my old stand, and after days of smelling like that nasty epoxy after trying to glue it back together and then just settling for setting it in a tea cup and propping it up with an eraser and a pack of tictacs....a stand is a big plus. Wow, 8pm. :)
Forget what I said about Gilmore Girls, it was great, I loved it. Totally hilarious. Why would green be the new pink? That reminded me of the movie "Josie and the PussyCats." Granted, I don't like pink much, but it is considered the girl color, at least for babies. And that thing with the protester, I so want to know what he was protesting. And the devil eggs! Ha, that had to be the best part. Hilarious. It has restored my faith in G.G. (the name of the baby, and the initials for the show...coincidence?). And I can't wait for next week...I like Jess so much better than Dean. But I'm afraid, like it normally does on these shows, that as soon as Rory and Jess start dating, they'll lose their sarcasticness, and turn all lovey-dovey and dramatic. sigh.
Remember how I said we had 5 cans of whipped cream? Dad just finished off 2 cans. He gets these huge plates of strawberry stuff, like, a regular size dinner plate, and then swirls the whipped cream completely on top of it all. Makes me sick just looking at him.
Ok, I think I'm done now. Did you read it all? Comment, please!!!! There should certainly be enough to comment least something...
Anyway, Alien is putting in the comments and changing the tag board colors now, so I'll get out of her way...
I'm going to edit a little bit more right now...
Monday, November 04, 2002
Sunday, November 03, 2002
I'm thinking of changing my template again. I'm bored. I'll only change it if I can find one I like a little better. I dunno. I never change my archive templates, as you might have noticed. I like looking back to see what background I had when. Ok, going to look for a template now, so if you visit and it's all messed up, that's why.
Saturday, November 02, 2002
Friday, November 01, 2002
1. Were you raised in a particular religious faith?
Yup, Christianity.
2. Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not?
Yes. But I kinda molded it to what I think it means.
3. What do you think happens after death?
I think a portion of you goes to heaven, and you get reincarnated. I don't know, too hard to explain on here right now, with all this candy still in my blood.
4. What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)?
I don't like religious rituals in general.
5. Do you believe people are basically good?
Yes. Basically. Most people.