
Sunday, August 31, 2003

I've been abandoned. for what? I don't know.
Nobody comments anymore :( I know at least some people are reading it, and yet nobody comments. Hence, I feel abandoned. sigh.

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Leesa's link wasn't added when I put up this template. It wasn't intentional, I just copy/pasted the links off of an old template and put them in this one. Sorry Leesa.

I lost weight! Yay! I have this one pair of black jean shorts that always fit, but were like really really snug, and kinda uncomfortable. This week I started taking the dog (gidget) for a walk every day, and only eating 1 serving size of whatever I ate (still ate a lot though, since I snacked and stuff, but not as much as I normally would), and tons of water. So now my jeanshorts fit me really well, and I'm quite happy about it :) AND I'm exercising my willpower, because right now there is a pint (I pronnounce it pint rhymes with squint, I dunno why I just think it should be pronnounced that way) of Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Me Ice Cream sitting in our freezer. And it's all mine. I just have to be good and eat it only one serving size at a time (1/2 cup, compared to 1/2 pint like I'd normally eat). I just ate the serving size, and it was actually enough, so I think I'll be ok with not eating anymore for awhile. Till tomorrow anyway ;)

Update: Ok ok so I'm weak. Yell at me, please. Tell me I shouldn't let myself keep thinking about how it's just sitting in the freezer, waiting for me to eat it. Well, now it's downstairs in the basement freezer- the one that really freezes everything really cold so it takes awhile to melt to edible status... I figure maybe if I know I'll have to wait for it, and go all the way down (loL) into the icky basement (ok so it's not that bad but shhh! don't remind me it's not) to get it, I'll decide it's not worth the effort and not eat it. So yea, someone please IM me and tell me not to eat the stupid evil ice cream.

We might start homeschooling again. We're not quite sure, everything is kinda up in the air right now because we're waiting for other charter schools to contact us (my old one is almost definetly closed), but even if we do end up going to them we have to go for an interview before enrollment, and the interview place is 4 hours away.... And the school didn't contact us yet... school starts there Sept. 2nd. We might just say heck with it and homeschool. Not sure. Anyway, if anyone has any good homeschool links, would you please let me know them? Just send/leave the links wherever, email, AIM, yahoo, tagboard, comments...

Yahoo Groups is so slow for me. It stinks cause Leif might have just started a debate, and I replied, but it will probably be tomorrow before it shows up on the group. Grr.

It hit me how much stuff I take for granted. I mean yea, I always think/know my life could have been a heck of a lot worse, but watching the one show last night really hit me. The kid had SIDS (I think it's called that? It's "bubble boy" syndrom) and I just kept thinking how bad I felt for that whole family, and about all the kids that don't get the transplants and everything that is required and they end up either dying or living in a steralized (so called) bubble. And then I think how lucky I am that I have an immune system that is healthy. I mean yea, I get sick/colds, but this little 2 year old boy could get one little common cold germ and end up dead because his immune system couldn't handle it. That just really made me realize how lucky I was to be born healthy.

On a happier note, I just found out that the library has 5 books from a new favorite author of mine- Teresa Medeiros. I read "Fairest of Them All" and I loved it. Even though it's a romance, it has really 'real' characters, dealing with what could be real issues- well, real issues with spins of course. who wants to read a romance that could be totally real? :P Check out the links (her name and the book title, title leads to more about that book) if you want to know more, which you probably don't but I thought I'd put it out there anyway :p

Thursday, August 28, 2003

New template :) You like? I don't know why cherries, because I actually don't like how cherries taste. I just think they look cute and fresh. I'm weird, I know. lol

Did I tell you I'm getting a daffodil template custom made? If not, I am. :) This is just one I think I'll use until my daffodil one is ready. I don't think it'll be too long till it's ready, but I said there's no rush, because there isn't. I waited this long to have a daffodil one, what's another few days/weeks matter? I'm just happy she's making it. But anyway, like I said, this is the temporary one.
(grrr, this looked a lot cuter without the blogger ad. i'm going to ask for my own webspace for my birthday, lol)

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Today we went to an auction. It was crazy. They had 7 or 8 auctioneers all going at once, and even though it was a huge area it was so crowded! We didn't get much, just like a trailor load. We were there since 8am till about 1pm. Then after that dad took us out for Chinese food.

Ok, so I admit it, I am very fussy about what I eat. That being said, I only eat the Sweet & Sour Chicken whenever I have chinese food. I used to not eat anything chinese, so I'm progressing. lol. Well the restaurant we went to today was All-you-want-to-eat Buffet style, so I got to try a bunch of different stuff. I tried pan fried chicken, sweet & sour chicken (even though I already had that), and a few other things.
Oh, I tried sushi too. Well, if you can call putting half a sushi thing into my mouth and nicely spitting it into my napkin trying it. it was disgusting. I'm never ever trying it again. It didn't help that my dad pointed out right before I took a bite that it is, in fact, raw fish. I have a serious adversion to eating any meat raw. I simply cannot do it. Same thing with eggs. I'm paranoid of salmanela and all the other disgusting diseases/germs that come from it. They have to be totally cooked before I even think of eating it. But, I must have forgotten that sushi was raw fish, because I tried it. and did I mention, I hated it? lol eew. Turns out the only thing I liked to any degree of wanting to eat it was the Sweet & Sour Chicken. Told you I"m fussy. :p

After that... didn't do much at all. Dropped my dad and brother off at work, came home, watched the DVD version of Chicago (didn't like it, fell asleep) and What A Girl Wants (not that great of action, predictable story line, but did have it's funny moments). And now I'm on my computer with my nice wonderful lawyer lamp on low. hehe. My 'lawyer lamp' is what my mom calls this lamp she got me. It looks like it belongs in a lawyers office, and I love it cause it has a dimmer switch instead of just a regular click switch, so I don't have to have the lights on so bright so everyone knows I'm awake. :)

Friday, August 22, 2003

long time, no update, eh? Sorry, I was/am just busy.

My school is closing, it's pretty definite. So now we're working on finding another school to go to, and we found one that seems ok, so we applied there. Hopefully we get in. it'd be best if Einstein opened again, but I'll hope for the more likely to happen thing and go with this new school we applied to.

Oh yea! Big News! I'm going to Arizona! With my cousin, Mandy. She's never been (I was there with my family once in '99(?), and she was taking her bf but they broke up. And so now I'm going. I did feel kinda cruddy, like I was second choice, but she explained that she honestly didn't intend for me to feel that way, and she said she was sorry she could see how I could get that impression. So, all is well between us again (unless she's annoyed with me always getting mad, which I don't think she is. hope not). I leave on October 5th and come back on the 13th. I'll probably sleep over at my cousin's house beforehand seeing as how our flight leaves at 9:30am. 9:30am flight leaves, and you're supposed to be there like an hour and a half before your flight is scheduled to leave, so that makes it we have to be there by 7am. Plus, it's like a 4 hour drive to the airport from my cousin's house (longer from my house), so I think we have to leave at like 2am lol. ZzZzZz. It'll be worth it though.

I was feeling guilty about asking my parents to spend that much money when money is already kind of tight, but they said I deserve one big fun trip before college. And it'll be like a major part (if not the whole) of my 18th birthday present. :) so now I don't feel as guilty, cause I know they'd feel bad if I didn't go just because of money. So, I'm going. Too late to back out now, I already have the ticket reserved and mom's (brand new) credit card charged. haha. No backing out. I just have to keep reminding myself it'll be fun. I dont doubt it will be, but I get extremely nervous about things sometimes and I talk myself out of them. That's what makes me glad we reserved the plane ticket and everything now, I cannot change my mind. Good. I think. lol. isn't loading for me. grrr. And I was just going to get another layout without images, because this one takes soooo long to load. And I think I have popup ads because I use for my image hosting, so I think that the popup comes from that when I use it for an image. Sorry if it annoys you guys, like I said hopefully I'll be getting an imageless template soon.

Everyone keeps telling me I should make my own templates. I don't think I'm good enough to, I tried using CSS once (which is what I'd prefer to use if I made one) but I couldn't make it, it kept messing up. I need to learn more CSS before I try to again. Plus, with all the free templates out there, I don't see the point. Chances are someone out there will have if not the same exact layout, they will have one close to what you want. So why not just use the one someone else created and give them total credit? (if they let you use it, of course. i'd never steal a layout) Having a little link on the side in return for using cool templates doesn't bother me a bit. I don't even mind linking to the site in my post. Blogfrocks. Blogfrocks. Blogfrocks. See? I've no problem letting you know that Blogfrocks designed this layout and not me. lol.

Oh, in addition to being busy this week, I was off the web. My computer had a filtering system installed from when my school had told me to install it (which was no problem since I knew the filter override password, but it was ok because i was told I could uninstall the filter if I wanted, but I just thought using the pwd was easier). So... all is well until like beginning of this past week when the filter account suddenly stops working and refuses to let me go onto any websites at all. Grrrr. And the stupid thing is, to uninstall the filter you need to call a (long-distance) number and give them a code, and they'll give you a 4 digit code and then you can uninstall it. Well, somehow, after a few days of trying to uninstall without the code, my computer suddenly decides to let me uninstall it-- no code needed. My brother's computer still needs the code however. Mom tried calling the phone number at like 8pm tonight, but it kept ringing and ringing so we guess she needs to call during business hours.

As if all those computer problems weren't enough, my mom downloaded that new sobig Worm. GGRRRRRRR. That thing is so annoying! It's horrible knowing your computer has a virus and trying to think of anything you can do to fix it. After running a few virus fixers like 6 times (not an exaggeration, I ran one 4 times the one night, mom ran it at least 2 times the next day) it suddenly healed itself. I was so relieved. I hate viruses and worms. Stupid people. If you're mad at Billy Gates, send him an email or something, don't take it out on people who are too OS illiterate to use anything other than Windows (in other words, people like me/my mom lol).

Okies, that was a pretty long post, eh? I've better go, it's almost midnight. No I'm not going to bed, but I think this blog was long enough for everyone to suffer through ;)

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Oh yea, I had a wedding reception to go to today. And I went. It was ok. I hate wedding receptions generally, but this one wasn't so bad. Didn't dance (I never do) but they played good music so I was singing along (it was so loud nobody could hear me).
I wore my new dress that I got yesterday, and my brand new sandals that I got today. and let me tell you, my normally ugly feet looked pretty cute in these sandals with my toenails painted the same color as my dress :)

New design coming soon is up. I liked it, and I don't want my spring/summer/warm weather to go away, so I'm using this design from BlogFrocks.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

I feel like I should edit myself. And I hate that. I wobble back and forth between liking that I get new visitors to my site, and not liking it. I mean, I love when people come to my site and comment (didn't mean to offend anyone, I'm not talking about anyone that comments..) I just hate feeling like my site has lurkers. If that makes sense. If you come to my site, I like to know something about you, even if it's just if your opinion meshes or clashes with mine. I don't like the idea of a nameless/thoughtless face out there just reading my site.
I was looking over my statistics and I noticed that a few of the people came from search engines which, quite frankly, freaks me out. I hate the idea of people being able to find me from search engines. I don't mind if my URL is on a site where I commented or whatever, but the idea of people being able to enter in a couple words and find my URL out scares me. I don't want stalkers. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I feel like I should completly edit everything before I say it. I mean, more so then I do now. Now I edit out like my city and my name and stuff like that, but I feel like I shouldn't tell my age in case there's freaks out there that are looking for a certain aged girl, etc.
Paranoid? What do you think? I know nobody can ever give guaruntees (sp?) that I will/won't get stalkers, but has anoyone else ever felt like this? And if so, what'd you do about it?
Agh. Maybe I should get rid of my site meter, it makes me stressed. Ignorance is bliss, right? So if I didn't have it...

Monday, August 11, 2003

I have a zillion things to write about. Ok, so not quite a zillion, but a lot :) It was one of those days (like the good ol' days) when I'd just be doing something, and then think "Oh! I should blog about this!" and then my head would start thinking out about how I'd blog it down. Don't worry, I'll spare you most of it, how about a condensed version?

My day was filled with cleaning. I woke up at 9am (as I almost always do), took my shower (like always), and then cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. The first thing my mom said to me, after the original "Heather wake up!", was "oh Pudgy (neighbors dog) peed on the kitchen floor, and I think I wiped it up but now I have to go run your dad around on errands (he has no license) and so I can't finish, so would you please mop the kitchen floor?" Let me tell you, it stank. I was actually glad to clean the floor just so it wouldn't smell like dog pee. Stupid Pudgy. I even let him out at 11pm before I went to bed and he just sat at the back door until I let him in. grrrr.

So anyway, after moving everything in the kitchen (including the 8 2-liter bottles of soda we have stored underneath a cabinet, 8 packs of gatorade, chairs, the table) I mopped the whole floor. It's not really a big deal, I mop it occasionally, it's just annoying, lol. But a plus was I found my- previously lost- favorite stuff to mop with, Lysol Antibacterial Kitchen Counter Refill bottle! hehe, I know I'm weird, but I was happy because it makes it much easier. I don't have to lug around a rinsing bucket, just squirt and mop, squirt, mop. And it's antibacterial so I don't have to worry about any disgusting germs *cringe*

That was my morning. It took me a good hour and a half I'd say. Although more of that 1 1/2 was probably due to my changing the CD all the time, and dancing around with the mop, lol.

Then later I cleaned the rest of the kitchen, tried to pick up things in the office (which is almost impossible because there's no floor space, it's all computers), cleaned up the living room, picked up/ran wash through the machines. Dusted the stuff in the living room too. Oh! AND I cleaned off my desk :) It's messy now of course, but the point is, it was clean today :p

Then because our house gets a lot of foot/paw traffic running through it, the kitchen floor was messy again. I even tried following my brother and sister around with a towel for any drips they made on my nice clean floor, but it didn't work for too long, it got dirty anyway. So, I cheated :) I took the vaccume out to the kitchen, and used the hose to clean the floor. lol. Oh and the kitchen table (but I wiped the table with soap/water afterwards anyway).

And.... no, I think that's it. My days have been filled with cleaning. There hasn't been a day that has gone by lately that I haven't done some cleaning of some kind.

Oh except yesterday! Yesterday was fun :) Our town had a small parade type thing yesterday, so we went out and watched it. It was tons of fun just sitting there watching, but my mom hopes next year we'll actually participate in it. She has high hopes, lol.

And now because I still have another hour before my parents think they'll be home (they're at an auction) I'll blog the Friday5 (even though it's not friday, and it won't take me an hour, it'll kill some time...)

1. What's the last place you traveled to, outside your own home state/country?

I've never been outside the U.S. I'd like to, believe me, but my family/I don't have the extra $$$. My grandmother did, however, fly us out to visit her in Arizona a few years back. Hmm... in 1998? 1999? I think I was 13. Wow, it feels like it was yesterday, but it was so long ago :( I remember the "fun house" at the Circus Circus hotel in Las Vegas (yep, they took us to Vegas too, it was the best!), and my dad getting sick on it while us kids wanted to go on it again and again... Such fun. Oh wait, that wasn't the last place I've been. Just the best, lol. I've been to Baltimore after the AZ trip.

2. What's the most bizarre/unusual thing that's ever happened to you while traveling?

Hmm... I can't really think of any, besides that when we went to Arizona on the plane, we took with cans of soda (and ice) in our insulated cooler/bag as a carry-on bag. Well it had to go through the xray machines to make sure it wasn't anything harmful (it was even before 9/11), but right after we got it back from going through the xray we noticed... the bag was leaking. There was soda on the xray belt! They had to get paper towels and clean it up. Not exactly bizarre, but it's pretty unusual for a cooler bag to suddenly start leaking when there wasn't even a hole in it, lol.

3. If you could take off to anywhere, money and time being no object, where would you go?

AUSTRALIA. No question. I've just always wanted to go. I even said I was going to live there. I'm not sure about living there anymore, but I still definetly want to visit. I know a couple people in Australia so I could hang out with them... Plus I just think it would be fun :) Plus, just think of all those Australian Accents *sighs dreamily* ;) lol. And then after Australia (they didn't say only one place)... Las Vegas! I loved it there, bright lights, unusual sights/people, just a bunch of fun.

4. Do you prefer traveling by plane, train or car?

Well, I've only ever been on a plane, and in a car. I remember being in a train a couple times when I was littler, but being as how I barely remember it and it was probably just 10 minute rides, I'm not counting them. I loved the plane ride. I didn't think I would, I was scared to death of flying but I did actually enjoy it once I got over the initial AHHH! Sure beats having to spend a day in a hot stuffy car.

5. What's the next place on your list to visit?

College. Don't know where, lol

My parents are back early, so I'm offline bound now :)

Friday, August 08, 2003

It's only 11pm (11:09 if you want to be technical) and I'm already getting tired. What's wrong with me?!? I used to be able to stay up till like 2am with no thoughts of sleep. Then again, that's when I'm on the computer and people are actually talking to me. I actually resorted to going into the yahoo study group chat again the other night, just because I wanted to talk. I met a kinda cool guy, we talked for like an hour a day for maybe 2 days, and we haven't talked since. burnout syndrome. It happens a lot. To me anyway. I'll be having a great time talking to someone I just met, we can talk for hours and hours, and then like the next day it seems we ran out of things to say. Even if we don't talk for a few days, the conversations pretty much go "what's up?" "not much, you" "same" end conversation. Not very interesting, is it? There's only a few people that I instantly "click" with (chat wise, I mean) on yahoo IM. And none of those people are on right now, grrr.

I went with my parents to an auction yesterday. It was a school auction, so there was computers and such, most of it was inside which was good. We got about 15 awesome art desks, they're really big (4x4 square?) and they have a thing so you can tilt the back of the desks up and hold it in that position... they're cool. we've had some before, I just really like these. I wanted one, my dad would have let me have one since he only payed like $3 for a row of 10, but I've no room for one :( Oh, and we got like 5 computers, but 3 went in the trash right away because they wouldn't boot up/were missing parts and we didn't feel like messing with them. The rest run Win95 (again! sheesh, can't seem to get away from 95) and have like 170mb ram. which I guess is good, mom likes the one computer better than the ones we had, the only problem is upgrading. But hopefully we can get that figured out, or figure out what we want to do or... everything's kind of on pause right now, lol.

I was sketching my dad's one barrel table that he made, and I decided to turn it into a little cartoon guy instead of a real-life sketch, and so I gave it funny eyes/ears/nose/mouth, turned the middle of the barrel into a round tummy/chest with a tie, gave him a belt and shorts, and I gave him 3 feet with 3 toes per foot. Sheesh was that a mistake. My dad said he'd be cute if you wouldn't have drawn him with... well, lets just say he didn't interpret the extra foot as a foot. grrr. And it's so obviously a foot! If I were to draw that (which I wouldn't, least not on a cartoon, lol) why would I give it claws?!? grrr, that's just my dad, and I guess the mood he was in tonight (nit-picky and kind of grumpy, though he wasn't mad, he was just so sure that it was that and not a foot). And so to avoid anymore misinterpretations of the foot, I decided to erase it, but of course that would be the foot I drew too darkly and won't erase no matter how hard I use the eraser. sigh. yea well, nobody else is going to see it, especially not now, lol.

It's now 11:37pm, and no I wasn't typing this that whole time, I was talking to my cousin on IM too so :P

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

hey everyone, I have a new link, to Leesa. Her blog's pretty cool, so be sure and go visit. :)

Monday, August 04, 2003

Ok, I had a longer posting but there's no sense in posting it. lol. I just deleted it, it was more for my ranting about morons not being allowed to have phones than anything substansial.

On another note...

In case you haven't talked to me today and therefor don't know, I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean today!!!!!!!! Woohoo! For the 2nd time :) I seen it last wednesday with my granny, brother, sister, and my cousin. We've all been talking about it all week, so today I finally convinced my mom and dad to scrape up loose change and borrow $$ from my brother (lol, he has more money than them... but then again, zac has no bills either ;) and we went to see it today again. It was my parents first time seeing it, and us kids second time. They liked it :) I love going to the theater with my parents, I don't know why, it's just fun. I suppose it could be considered dorky that I like to go places with my parents, but so what :P No, really, my parents can be cool people. My dad is a major munchie addict (like us kids) so whenever we go somewhere, to the theater usually, he gets a bunch of munchies, and is usually in a good mood. My mom is, well, my best friend, so we usually have a good time together. we're good at sarcasm, and we make up wild stories and stuff that I can't do with anyone else. Add in a sister who loves to talk and is turning out more and more like me every day (she orders what I order at a restaurant, not to copy but because she actually likes it, sarcastic, etc) + a brother who makes up weird sci-fi type stories and is great when he's in a good mood... and you have one fun family outing! lol. ok so not always. But generally we have a good time together.

On the way up to the theater today (it's about... 10 miles away) our car was acting horrible! It's been acting weird (and occasionally shutting off) for a little while now, dad says it needs another filter and we were going to get one today but didn't because dad forgot his tools at work. Anyway, on the way to the theater today it was way worse than normal. It kept like stalling, but not always shutting off. You would think the car shut off cause if my mom tread on the gas it wouldn't do anything (try going a bumpy stop-go-lurch forward 10mph on a highway... AHHH!), and then sometimes it would shut off... On the way to the theater, a measly 10 miles away, our car shut off at least 15 times. And I'm not exaggerating. We almost got hit once, my mom started crying (and she was driving) because the car was so hard to drive and she was freaked out (my dad couldn't drive-- no license), and we barely made it to the mall. A normally 10 min trip took 30. And then on the way home the car didn't do anything unusual, no mess ups at all. Grrr. I hate cars.. I even hate my car lately. (just don't tell it I said that). My car needs a starter. and then hopefully it'll start. Makes sense, doesn't it? A starter starts the when your car doesn't even try to turn over, you need a starter. Lol, I just like how it's called a starter, it's the most sense making car part name.

Wow, I sure have been posting long blogs lately. Sorry. The last one I didn't realize how long it was until after I posted it. And then I looked and... wow. sorry again. And kudos to anyone who actually read all of that. lol.

Sunday, August 03, 2003

According to my site meter, 8 people (one of them was me) visited my site today. And yet nobody commented! Or only Lyra commented, depends when she visited :) Anyway, what I want to know, who all is reading my blog? Is my commenting system just wrong? I'd appreciate it if everyone that visits tomorrow/tonight/in the near future would sign my zonk board (just say hi or something, and leave a link so I can go to your site :) or just say hi in the comments. I'd really like to know that there are actually people reading this blog, and I'm not just typing to myself :)

I found this on some blog I was at, so I decided to fill it out.


last car ride: today, on the way home from my dad's work.

last good cry: the other week when I got mad at my dad (I cry when I'm mad more often than when I'm sad)

last library book checked out: hmm I dunno. A romance one, of course ;)
last movie seen: on tv: Son In-Law (with Paulie Shore :) In theater: pirates of the caribbean (best movie I seen all year, a new favorite of mine. I love this movie!)

last book read: I don't know, I'm really absorbed in 2 books currently, a romance book and "The Canterbury Tales" by Chaucer

last beverage drank: water. tons of water. :)

last food consumed: chocolate chip pancake

last crush: hmm. I dunno. real life? A guy named Charlie in my old neighborhood. As of now I don't have any.

last phone call: When I answered the phone and it was my aunt wanting to talk to my mom. I don't get phone calls, cause everyone knows I hate my voice and prefer IMs, lol

last tv show watched: well, ABC's 'The Restaurant' is on right now, but I"m not watching it. Umm... I watched PMK today, a lot. (PMK= Popular Mechanics for Kids. neat show)

last time showered: this morning

last shoes worn: my black sandals.

last cd played: Well the last time I played a CD (lately it's just been the radio) was Friday when I was dancing around...erm, I mean cleaning, the kitchen. I played my Sister Hazel tape, the 'Square Dance' song off of the Eminem Show cd, a few songs off of Good Charlotte's cd (mainly because Gidget loves GC, it's funny, she'll always come to wherever I am and sit with me when I put them on. And if I say "Gidget want to listen to Good Charlotte?" she'll follow me to go listen). Oh yea, and I sang/danced/listened to Pat Benetar too.

last annoyance: my last annoyance? hmm. probably when my mom told me to not forget to get the wash from the other side of the room, which I was already going to get. she was being grumpy, so that was annoying.

last disappointment: constant disappointment is my dad not being able to quit drinking beer. A not so heavy disappointment is finding gross advertising on the back of the Sept. issue of YM

last soda drank: Sprite
last thing written: this :)

last key used: Delete to erase the previous answers :) And before that, it was > so I could end the BR tag

last word spoken: g'night

last sleep: last night, from like midnight-9am

last sexual fantasy: yea, like I'm putting that on the net. I don't need a bunch of sickos emailing me, thank you very much :p

last weird encounter: a guy at my dad's work can't figure out which sister is who. Like he'll look at Heidi and say "and you're...Heather, right?" and vice-versa. It was kind of funny at first, but now I wish he'd stop guessing since he does it every week and always gets it wrong.

last time wanting to die: when little Heather was hit by a car. It hurt so bad to think of her hurt.

last time in love: always :) with my family, haha. Never in love romantically.

last time hugged: hmm... that would be a couple weeks ago when I got into a fight with my dad and he hugged me afterwards. I'm not one for being hugged, I don't really like to hug.

last chair sat in: my desk chair, duh. :P before that it was our new pink sofa

last lipstick used: well, I don't normally wear lipstick, but there was a free sample in a magazine so I tried that on. Don't know what it was called though, sorry.

(I'm deleting questions I think are too weird to answer)

last shirt worn: the one I'm wearing now.. tan tank top. Before that (earlier today actually) was a white spaghetti tank top. And then before that (last night? early today?) was a blue tank top. I like tank tops, lol

last time dancing: at a wedding over a year ago. I don't like dancing.

last poster looked at: does my free Dog Chow calendar count?

last show attended: I've never been to a "show". Unless you count the show/movie Pirates of the Carribean?

Ok so that's it for those.

As you might have read, up there ^ in the facts somewhere, YM magazine is a disappointment to me. On their latest issue (Sept. 2003) they have an ad for perfume. No big deal, perfume is an ok thing to advertise. But then, in this full-page/back cover ad, they have a girl- staring into the camera I guess seductively- with the caption "watch out, Monsieur". Ok so all that's not bad, but if you ad it up with this--- she's wearing a see through (plastic looking fishnet type thing) dress, and it shows her nipples. I mean, come on! This is an ad that's in a magazine for young girls. 10-15/16 seems like the targeted age. I could see putting this ad in a magazine for older teens/women, like Cosmo for example, but YM?!? Doesn't that seem a little wrong, or is it just me? I wrote YM an email, although I doubt they'll even read it or reply. Here's what I wrote:

Hi. I'd just like to say that I normally enjoy looking through YM the minute it arrives in my mailbox, and your September 2003 issue was no different.
(that was just sucking up so they don't automatically delete my email, it's not really true)

However, when I finished reading this issue (which took a remarkably little amount of time due to the increasing number of advertisements instead of content) I flipped the magazine over to see the back, I noticed that in the ad for 'COCO Mademoiselle Chanel Paris perfume' the girl is wearing a see-through dress. You can see her nipple! The ad is for perfume, and it's in a magazine that is geared towards young girls. I just thought it was highly inappropriate.

Maybe YM should look for advertisers/companies that don't use a "sex sells" policy.


So what do you think? Was I right to email them? The nipple isn't that obvious, I only noticed it because of the angle I had the magazine laying on the coffee table and how I was looking down at it. But my point is, it shouldn't be there no matter the angle. Should it? Maybe I'm blowing it out of proportion. But it irked me, seeing this "sexy" thing in a magazine geared towards young women. And its not even like they needed to put the girl in a see-through dress, it's not like they're advertising the clothes, it's for perfume for goodness sake. Grrr. I'll let you know if I get a reply back from them.