
Friday, January 30, 2004

i had fun

i had off of work on wednesday night so i went over to my cousin's new apartment (she just moved in about a month ago and i hadn't seen it yet). I only got there around 8pm, and mom had said that i should be home by 12:30am because she couldn't stay up any longer waiting up for me- lol- so since it took 45mins for me to get there... at 11:20 I called mom and asked if i could sleep over. she said yes (after asking repeatedly if i had been drinking, which i hadn't (yet), i was just happy), so i did and left around 8am the next day. i had fun, we were telling her neighbor (we invited him over around 9:30) about things we did when we were little, our arizona trip, etc etc. remembering is fun :)

oh, and if you email me, make sure you put who it is in the subject line (if i wouldn't know your name) because i've been getting a lot of spam mails with just 'hi how are you' or whatever as the subject, so i've been deleting them. So if you email me make sure you say "hi this is _____" or i'll delete it. ok i'm done. :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

i'm done!!! well, sorta.

So my schoolwork is done for this semester! yay for me! I worked crazily, and got most of it done. All I have left that was due by the end of Tuesday is my World Lit (beloved novel) reading/quiz, but my wonderful teacher said since I have an 'A' in that class, and I asked for more time- "don't worry about it till next week". yay!! So, now I have 2 more days off of work, and yay i feel freeeeeeeeeeee.

and I wrote an outline for my novel.... I'm starting over, using a different process. that vampire one wasn't going anywhere, and sounded crappy. so i'm starting over, and i'm actually excited about my ideas for this one! (but i'm keeping them secret, because otherwise i'll talk myself out of them). i'm happy!

wheeeeeee. :)

Saturday, January 24, 2004


Remember how i said i have a partial dental type thing? Well, today, i got this email....

I am a 32 yr old sexy male who desires a woman with a sexy mouth like yours...I find very appealing the fact that you wear a flipper...nothing is sexier than a woman with a partial denture to take out, put in and play with...oh and the kissing that is awesome! can you send me some pictures of inside your mouth, with and without your flipper?!?Craig

My reply? eeeeeew NO.

that's just disgusting. eeeewwww. yuck. eeeeeeewwwww. For future reference to anyone who wants the same, your answer will also be a big NO. eeeew. I'm hoping it's just some weirdo kid that decided it would be funny. eew.

my dent...

this is the work i've gotten done refer to the most recent entry.

Lisa, thanks. If you want a blog, just go to and click on new user or whatever and it'll guide you through the setup of your blog. Let me know over IM/email if you need help :)

Friday, January 23, 2004

twas the best of times, twas the worst of times

how. or why maybe. WHY is better. WHY is it that people, one person even, can completely ruin a good mood? Nobody should have that type of power over me, and yet they do. Such as tonight. I was in a great mood. happy to be online. happy to make a tiny dent in all the schoolwork due by tuesday. happy to have written a 505 word essay for psychology class in 20minutes. i met a new IM person earlier, that contributed to my happiness. I read about 50 pages of my book while waiting for my sister in the dentist's office. that made me happy. I was so happy, with nothing in particular just everything in general.

and then...

and then one person comes along in a horrible mood, and it destroyed my happiness. popped like a balloon in the hands of a bully. not that my friend is a bully, although tonight i feel like it. the friend isn't intentionally being a bully, but tonight they bullied me out of my good mood, so therefore tonight they were one. their bad mood sucked me in, chewed me up, and spit me out with little regard of how they were affecting me.

i'm a generally happy person. and with all the stuff that goes on in my life (that nobody that reads this knows about, except maybe to some extent 1 person), my being able to be a generally good natured happy person says that i am a strong person. but where is that strength when i'm faced with a friend in a horrible mood? Where is that inner strength that says their problems are not your problems. it disappears, and turns instead into a rush of empathy and a clone of their emotions. i feel angry at the injustice they're angry at, sad at what's wrong in their life. And worse yet, i feel resentful because they dragged me down. i was in a good mood before, dammit.

this isn't to say i don't want to know about my friends problems. of course i do, that's what being a friend is about. being there for others. and their moods don't always drag me down. i like being a friend, and being their for them and seeing them through the bad times to the good. it's just... tonight i was selfish, and didn't want to let go of my happiness. and instead i might have just let go of a friendship. and now i feel like letting go altogether. going up to my bed, pounding my feet, crying, screaming at the injustice of it all. but i won't. it's not fair. it's not fair that my good mood turned sour. it's not fair. i was in a good mood before, dammit.

Monday, January 19, 2004

long time no blog

hiya. I just thought i'd update, even though I don't really have much to update anyone on.

my piercings (lol, that sounds so much more extreme than if i just said my ear piercings) no longer hurt much, only if I happen to catch my work nametag in it (twice!) or I catch my hair, or my fingers slam into it... but point is, it doesn't hurt and or feel irritated anymore just because I jammed metal posts through my earlobes.

Today I poured water on my brother. I do that, occasionally. Not just to my brother though. Usually when someone keeps irritating me on purpose, and I have a pitcher of water in my hand... well, they get wet. Just a warning for all you people *wink* This was the conversation that happened after I poured like 2 tablespoons of water on him, and like 3 on the floor:
brother: Mom did you see what she did?
mom: what'd she do now? (side note: I am not always the guilty one!)
brother: She poured water on me! And look it's all over the floor!!! (he then points to the 3 tablespoons on the floor)
mom: Heather -- (insert middle name) if you got water on my freshly waxed floor you'd better clean it up!
I start laughing. a lot.
mom: Heather! Get a mop! That water is going to eat through the wax!
I start laughing harder, while getting a dish towel to clean up the spill.
brother: in a dismayed tone: now my nipple is cold.
ha. that'll teach him.

Thursday, January 15, 2004


Ok, everyone please go over to my sister's blog to wish her a happy birthday! It's her birthday today :) I feel old.

I got my ears pierced today. no big deal really. my ears feel a bit irritated/itchy, but other than that it's ok. I'm just hoping they don't get infected because I'm not using the right type of earrings... the last 2 times I got them pierced (only 1 hole per ear, i let them grow shut) they wound up getting infected... so this time if they start to get slightly infected I'm going to take them out and put that special kind of earrings in (sorry I forget what they are at the moment).

is this just my opinion or..?

Ok, please don't take offense May, but I think the girl on the cover/starring in this movie looks a lot like you. And the movie is called May. Anyone else think so? With weird makeup and lighting and hair of course. I mean not exactly like you but i see a vague resemblance...

Wednesday, January 14, 2004


you know what really irks me? I'm at work, straightening and refolding towels for an hour and a half, and I think of these amazing, funny, never-blogged-by-me-before blog topics. I arrive home, or anywhere with a pen and paper to write them, and just like that *zap* they're gone. Nothing is left. I swear i had topics! Lots of them! And they were goooood. *goes to sit in the corner and cry*

*comes back from corner*

We got snow today. I don't know how much. But as much as I detest snow, and I really really really hate it, it looks pretty. Not all snow, just this one snowfall. I don't know about everywhere else, but as I was waiting for my mom to pick me up from work today, I looked out across the parking lot and the snow was glittery. It looked like that snow/confetti you see in bags around christmas time. the fake stuff. Or it looked like someone spent all their time taking apart one of those christmas tree garlands and sprinkling the peices everywhere. it's really pretty.

and then you go out and drive in it, and it's a dangerous icy dirty type of snow that i despise. sigh.

Monday, January 12, 2004

any better?

Okies, I switched templates. This one has, well I'm not sure if it's a table, but the words are smushed into a space rather than sprawling across the whole page. And the links are clearly visable on the right.

And May, really, don't worry about my present, I actually forget about it until you keep bringing it up, lol (not to say that i don't want it, i love presents! lol). I believe that you want to get it to me, and it's the thought that counts. and you really didn't have to get me anything, so the fact that you even thought to get me something means a lot, no matter when i get it :)

well, it's simple... and hopefully not too simple

yep, so uhh... yea, read my title. and let me know what you think about this template/ color/ font size/ font color etc etc you get the idea. it's essentially the same template as my where's heather blog. what can i say? i like this purple/pink color. :-)

my archives make the page scroll over. that's annoying. if i knew how to fix it, i would. but since i don't i wont. or can't. or both.

oh yea, and be sure to read alllll the posts on this page. because i added titles to them, where there weren't any before. so actually, you only have to read the titles. and you don't even have to do that, i'd just appreciate it since i went to soooo awfully much work (lol uhhuh. sure i did)

Saturday, January 10, 2004

reach out and touch... a truck?!?

yep, almost died. seriously. and yea, i guess the 'almost' was a little obvious, as i'm not writing from the grave. :p

Friday afternoon (well, it was dark outside) I had to take a movie back to the movie store, and so I took hoov with me, because she always insists on going with me, whenever i drive somewhere, for some strange reason. So the road that the video place is on is a pretty major road, and so to turn into the video place there is a turning lane. I was driving down that road and just starting to go in the turning lane, until I had to go over a bit because I realized a truck was in my lane... except the tractor trailor was going the wrong way. It's hard to explain. The truck had crossed the yellow line, he was coming from the opposite direction as I was, and he was in my turning lane. Well, when he whizzed by us (didn't even notice he was in the wrong lane) I bet I could have reached out and touched the truck, it was that close. I even made sure afterwards he hadn't hit my mirror because it was so close. So after it happened I started laughing because for some reason I found it a bit funny, seeing as how right before I left I said to my parents "see you in a bit. unless we die getting there. in which case I'll haunt you so either way see you soon". Odd, eh? Hoov was/is still shaken up about it, she claims she can close her eyes and "still see the lights of the truck!" lol. what a dramatist.

Friday, January 09, 2004

(almost) death to smushy

so um yea, i almost died this afternoon. notice the almost. I'm ok. except (unrelated to the near death experience) i'm tired, so i'm going to bed soon. IM me then or I'll post the who/how/whats later tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004


ok, so I know I said new template is coming soon. But honestly, I'm not sure when. With school and work I am super busy, and though I have thursday and friday off I really should spend that working on school. So... you're stuck with this template UNLESS someone wants to make me one (lol) or you people just want me to use a template that I already used (a rerun, lol). Oh, and no I can't put up the cherry one (sorry may and chris) because my computer seems to have mysteriously ate the html code for it. grr.