
Sunday, May 30, 2004

i'm sorry...

I'm just not in a blogging state of mind lately. This blog has gotten to be more of a chore, something I feel guilty for not doing, than it has a space for my thoughts. Maybe it's the template? It is rather... bad.
I feel like all I ever do on here is update. Why should I update? You don't really care what my life has been like, or what I'm doing, etc etc. You come here for entertainment. And that's how it's supposed to be, so don't go saying that I'm wrong.
So, until I get back to my normal writings, this blog is on vacation. Who knows, it may only take a week. I may get inspired by the fact that I have been accepted to the Honors Program @ my college and get into a writing frenzy. OR I could get a bunch of comments on this post and therefore feel like I'm actually having readers that read my blog, thus making it worthwhile to post (not you Leesa or Roscoe, you people comment. I mean cyber lurkers)... So, go ahead, inspire me.


Thursday, May 27, 2004

my life as of late in 5 sentences...

Visited my college and fell in love (with... the campus of course).

Met up with some people I've missed.

Caught up on almost all schoolwork while looking forward to graduation on the 12th of june.

Spent way too much time on the computer yet see no signs of slowing down.

Am dreading working 12noon til 10pm tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

ok, so figure ME out...

That title is a reference to the Nickelback song that i am currently in love with- 'figure you out'. It's just the perfect song to SCREAM while going down the highway at 70..erm..a legal 55mph. :)

Not to change the subject past my wonderful driving tendancies, but..

I'm honestly excited about going to college. I mean, yes, I will miss my home because that's what it is, home. And I'm leaving it. Even when I return for a weekend every so often, or for the summer, it won't be the same. I'll have to get caught up before I understand the inside jokes. And even then, since I wasn't there, they won't be the same. Life won't be the same...

but I'm coming to realize, that's ok. Life is supposed to change. Children are supposed to grow up. Live their own lives, change, grow apart from their families... I think I've accepted that, and while I'm sad that I'll have to go through it, I'm looking forward to (cliche warning) starting a new chapter in my book of life.
I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I'm weird, I love to learn. (English major... I'd better love to learn) And I'm going to be in an environment that encourages learning. And I'm finally going to be interacting with people my own age (ok, and maybe like 3 years older if they're a Senior). Don't get me wrong, not socializing as much as I could have, as a 'normal' child, has been entirely my choice. But I'm ready to branch out, test the waters, and college just seems like the perfect place for it. What college grad doesn't have stories about when they did this with so-and-so and it turned out soooo hilarious? I want that. I want to have fun and learn.
And, as part of the having fun idea... I'm THISCLOSE to being accepted to the Honors Program at my college. THISCLOSE. I just have to send in a writing sample. I swear, if I had any nails to bite, I'd bite them. I'm that nervous. Which writing should I send in? Should I go with the mock court trial that I wrote for my World Lit class? It's more involved, calling up witnesses, testimonials, etc. Or should I go with my infamous tomatoe plant post (I've dubbed it 'childhood innocence). I think I've narrowed it down to those 2... Comment and let me know what you think, please! Or if you want to see them both, IM me/comment and I'll email you them... I could REALLY use some opinions here. Honest ones. Honestly, why would I want fake ones? :)

My english teacher is a real doll, I love talking with her. She thinks I'm this great writer... we had a voice chat and she kept referring to me as Heather, the writer. I'm not! At least not yet. I don't think I'm half as good as I want to be, or people seem to think. Although I think that way with everything (my personality, looks, etc) so maybe it's just a character flaw? Anyway, about my senior project, she "LOVED IT!!!!" (direct quote). She wants to show it to the whole class! Excuse me while I cover my face and die of mortification. That would just be embarassing. Frankly, I don't like my project that much at all. Teachers. Who can figure them out. :) So while I'm happy she liked it... I'm hoping she forgets about the idea of showing it to others!

Ok, did I bore everyone enough yet? That's what happens when I feel guilty for not updating with anything substancial in a long time, I just tend to babble (hence blog title). So... if you want to know something, COMMENT!!!! I'm an open book. Unless you're a pervert, than this book is closed and bolted. Stay away creepos.

Monday, May 10, 2004

I love when assignments get me thinking...

Ok, so in my World Lit. class we have to read some essay/stories/reading material and then comment on it. I had to read a chapter I guess it was called 'Solitude' from I guess it was the book Walden (sorry, I'd give more info if you were interested and ask). Anyway, I'm a bit proud of my answer/comment, so I thought I'd post it for the 'world' to see:
Q#5 on Solitude (from Walden)
My favorite quote from this reading was
“Society is commonly too cheap. We meet at very short intervals, not having had time to acquire any new value for each other. We meet at meals three times a day, and give each other a new taste of that old musty cheese that we are. We have had to agree on a certain set of rules, called etiquette and politeness, to make this frequent meeting tolerable and that we need not come to open war. We meet at the post-office, and at the sociable, and about the fireside every night; we live thick and are in each other's way, and stumble over one another, and I think that we thus lose some respect for one another. Certainly less frequency would suffice for all important and hearty communications. Consider the girls in a factory--never alone, hardly in their dreams. It would be better if there were but one inhabitant to a square mile, as where I live.”

I thought that adequately explained how I feel a lot of the times. I do like people, but generally I’d rather they didn’t get too close. Don’t crowd me. Don’t be false with me, and don’t try to be honest with me because society doesn’t permit it. Unless you’re the best of friends with someone, which it is hard to become in a short period of time that we meet new people (such as at parties), the politeness, the engrained etiquette and the hiding of one’s true feelings and opinions is almost unconsciously done. We avoid saying things so we don’t hurt feelings, so “that we need not come to open war”. Yes, I enjoy being around people sometimes, but I will not usually ask how you are because the general “I’m okay, how are you?” is not honest, and is a waste of breath. You don’t really care how I am, except in a general ‘I want everyone to be happy and no harm to come to them’ type of way that most people feel for each other, as I do for you.

Now back to the essay/story… This really struck a chord in me, and while I wasn’t quite aware that I felt this strongly about the things I said until I started typing them and the words flowed, I’m glad I read it so I could get it off my chest.

I don’t hate or even dislike people. I just hate the falseness that society sometimes demands.


This just seems a bit weird.