
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

the blahs

Today has been an off day. Usually my cheerful mood is kept throughout most, if not all, of the day. Today however I found myself being sarcastic/mean to people that maybe didnt' deserve it to the level I took it to. And not only that, but at one point I wanted to be this smiley-sexy-happy chica but that ended up as me as buddah-roly-poly 'eh' that doesn't even come close to how I wish I could have felt. And I find myself alternating moods perhaps moer than I should. And I find myself not wanting to go to bed early and sleep the day away. I slept 13 hours one night, and I still could have slept more, it didn't bother me one bit to have slept that much. All I want to do is sleep with my comfy covers pulled around my head hiding me from the outside world.

Sometimes the outside world can seem like a harsh, unforgiving, and scary place when you don't even know what's going on inside your own head.