
Sunday, February 15, 2009


2 days ago I made this rainbow cake).
It was yummy.

Yesterday, my dad left. Supposedly for good this time.

Today, I was woken up by yelling (yet again) because he had come back. And while he had a semi-legitamit reason for coming back (he brought my van back that he had borrowed), he did his usual craziness when he went through my mom's garbage can searching for evidence of her affair (the one she didn't have). After he didn't find anything, he left again.

It's hard, not knowing when he'll come back and what he'll search next. He's already taken apart their room (twice), searched mom's desk and computer numerous times, and gone through both my and my sister's cell phone (you know, in case my texting-illiterate mom is secretly a texting-fiend and sending texts to her non-existent lover...). I think later I am going to go through my computer and delete any not-dad friendly website urls and emails I have (even though I'm the only one that ever goes on my computer). I have a feeling my computer will be next (or Heidi's) and I really don't need him using something of mine as evidence against my mom. Sometimes life sucks and I hate it.

But we'll survive, by taking everything one day at a time.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Right now, my van is being a pain in the butt. Big time. It was having trouble running, so we replaced the cadisomething converter, then it seemed fixed. Turns out the vaccum hoses are bad too, and so we're trying to replace them. Just when we think its running like it used to, it starts stalling out again. My poor dad wanted to go to the flea market (to sell) this morning at 3am and it gave my parents all this trouble on the way there. Then after he thought he fixed it, he decided to still go down at 11am. And it does it again! He's very angry/frustrated/grumpy. Sigh.