
Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Blah. My cold got worse. I now sneeze, along with my voice sounding like a frogs. sigh. I absolutely hate sneezing, always did. I always thought about the merits of cutting off my nose, number one being that I wouldn't have to sneeze. Granted, I'd look funny, and never be able to go into water without suffocating myself, but at least I wouldn't get to sneeze anymore. Did you know nuns cut their noses off their faces in like the fourteen hundreds or something? I was watching "The History of Sex" on tv (lol, I'm strange I know) and it said about how nuns were getting raped all the time, so they'd cut off their noses (or give themselves other facial scars) to make themselves ugly so they wouldn't get raped. That's why there's that saying "Cut off your nose to spite your face", well, ok, so I don't know how much of that is true, but it is what they said on that show. Well, ok, I'm babbling, but I'm sick so hopefully you people will forgive me?

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