I HATE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, but I just can't say that with enough emphasis. It's such a pain. Our roads are completely blocked, our cars/truck are covered, and it's just an all around pain in the butt. My city got 24? inches, I think. I dunno, that was the last total I heard, around 3 o'clock or so. I have a picture of my car, buried, I might post that later. Once I find it, lol. I think the pic is on mom's computer, so I have to transfer it and yadda yadda yadda.
Our 'vacation' (with quotes, because everyone else is calling it a vacation, but I don't consider it one because I'll actually be doing school and stuff) has been pushed off by a day. It was supposed to be that we leave on Tuesday (tomorrow), I take my test Wednesday, and then we come home on Thursday. Now, they pushed the test off till Thursday, so... Now we leave Wednesday, test Thursday, and come home on Friday. I don't really mind though, it's better than trying to risk it with traveling in the snow. Plus, not only did they move my test back a day, but they pushed it up a few hours to give people time to arrive. Instead of it starting at 9:30am, it starts at 11:30, which is much better. :) Granted, instead of getting done at like 2:30 we won't get done until around 4:30 or 5. But I'd rather finish later than get up early, lol.
You may (or may not have) noticed that my template was messed up earlier. I don't know why, but it was. And so I just put up an old blue/yellow template, and then later put this one back up again. All is fixed now, I think. And now I'm using haloscan and enetation comments... but I'll delete the enetation as soon as haloscan gets back working. But until then, I have both in my source/code, so if 2 links show up before I delete enetation, feel free to comment using either one, lol.
This might be my last blog before I leave, I'm not sure. It all just depends. Everything is so up in the air right now. But, I made myself a list of things to take with, lol. It's a long list. If I remembered where I put it, I would post it, but since I don't... I can't. I think it's upstairs in my room somewhere, but with me you never know. lol. :p
Well, enjoy the snow.
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