I'm just not in a blogging state of mind lately. This blog has gotten to be more of a chore, something I feel guilty for not doing, than it has a space for my thoughts. Maybe it's the template? It is rather... bad.
I feel like all I ever do on here is update. Why should I update? You don't really care what my life has been like, or what I'm doing, etc etc. You come here for entertainment. And that's how it's supposed to be, so don't go saying that I'm wrong.
So, until I get back to my normal writings, this blog is on vacation. Who knows, it may only take a week. I may get inspired by the fact that I have been accepted to the Honors Program @ my college and get into a writing frenzy. OR I could get a bunch of comments on this post and therefore feel like I'm actually having readers that read my blog, thus making it worthwhile to post (not you Leesa or Roscoe, you people comment. I mean cyber lurkers)... So, go ahead, inspire me.
i am a random cyber lurker who read your blog and thinks its really awesome
will u rite 4 mine?
well, No, I can't, seeing as how you posted annonymously and didn't leave a link to your site. So without seeing the previous content or the site at all, I'm going to have to say no i won't 'rite 4' yours. Comment again with real stuff then I'll look at it (assuming this isn't just a weird lame joke by someone with too much free time)
hey heather...lol i've been feeling the same way! Just too lazy to blog...plus i cant even remember what i've done, let alone write about it. maybe i'll get back into blogging regularly again soon too, =D
"assuming this isn't just a weird lame joke by someone with too much free time"
*falls off chair, consumed by fits of laughter*
CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING INTO THE HONORS PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great work!
[url=http://wxfguzwi.com/quli/tslb.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://zsijyner.com/znzf/xpzd.html]Cool site[/url]
Great work!
http://wxfguzwi.com/quli/tslb.html | http://cxbzdwab.com/tdmh/ogsr.html
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