No, there was no reason for that sneeze. I have caught a slight cold, but thankfully there is no sneezing involved. Just the occasional cough, sore/scratchy throat, and messed up nose. All around, not an entirely horrible cold, but not exactly wonderful either. Actually, apparently this cold is really contagious cause I not only picked it up from work, but sent it across the oceans to my internet-friend's mom. Those are some powerful germs, eh?
I officially quit on August 7th. My mom, wonderful mentor and role-model that she is, is trying to convince me to quit on the 4th, so we can watch the beginning of the super amazing X-Games ( together- which is what we traditionally do. I just can't see missing out on 3 days pay for a sporting event-- even if it is my absolute favorite sporting event, and with this year being the tenth anniversary (X-Games roman numeral X years... X-Games X baby!) it promises to be better than ever... I'd better be careful, or I'll talk myself into quitting on the 4th!
After a frantic search for my disk, I've hooked my webcam up again. So for all those who like to watch it (ha, all.. 1? 2? of you..), IM me.
I can't wait until I quit my job. Quitting brings on rest, XGAMES!!!, and summer. A whole... 2 weeks of summer before school starts. yay :)
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