I bought a printer, USB cord for said mentioned printer, a wireless mouse for my dell since my mom cannot operate my touchpad and I fear she will break it by jamming her finger really hard trying to click, a dish set, a 4 port USB hub, 10- 3.5" floppy disks, and I think that's it. Why does money spend so easily? Dang Wal*Mart. It's evil. Really. It just sucks me right in and takes my money.
But on the bright side, I felt like it was (a slightly better than usual, and without all the guilt that is inspired by) Christmas as I sat there on the floor surrounded by my purchases. I think the only thing I have left to get is a fan-mat thingy so my dell doesn't get really hot on my lap, and some dish washing clothes already pre-treated with dish soap, or just plain old normal dish soap so I can use my cute new dish/wash towels. Gosh. I'm so spoiled. And I know it.
I said that at walmart today when I was paying for my things. As I'm putting everything up at the checkout counter, I mention to my sister that I'm spoiled because I'm getting so much. But you know what? I've earned it. I'm using my own money, I'm not begging it off of mom and dad, it's money I've saved from working so I could buy myself stuff. And, not to sound weird, but I've had a rough life. Really. Things I don't even write about here, cause it's too personal. Things I don't tell my best friend because it's family stuff. Especially lately, life's been less than amazing. So, what's the harm if shopping- finding the perfect black/white plates to match my beautiful maroon glasses- helps me forget things for awhile? I'm not hurting anyone, and I'm not even hurting my credit since I payed all cash. So there.
*ponders* I don't know who I was saying all of that to. Possibly the part of my brain that needs justification for spending money on myself?
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