
Monday, January 17, 2005

i survived!

I survived my first day, only one more '1st day' (of new classes) to go! Tomorrow is Jazz Cultures/Philosophy & Literature/Math Reasoning. 12:30-4:45. If you want to know my schedule (I don't know why you would...) it's here.

I bought all of my books!! That was my big accomplishment today. $210, which is about 100-150$ cheaper than last semester. Yay. I called my mom twice, had class, watched a movie, ate... yea that's about my day, in no particular order.

The movie I saw was the Butterfly Effect. I liked it. I particularly liked the alternate ending which, while I won't talk about because it might spoil it for those that haven't seen, was a very good ending for those that love philosophy. Like myself. :)

New template soon, I just have to find one and then find the time to put it up. I'm having trouble finding templates I like. I know I know I should just code one myself from scratch, but I'm 1)lazy 2)not that talented 3)dont' know enough and 4)last time I tried after HOURS it turned out looking like something I wouldn't put on my worst enemy's site. lol

Ok, now the fun part.. answering the comments! Thanks!

Leesa, if you think THAT's clean, you should see the room after my mom makes me clean it to her satisfaction. She's crazy with her level of clean!

Jill... it's a bank :) hehe. Almost filled with ONLY nickels. I used to collect them (..about 2 years ago lol) and they were supposed to be college book money, but so far my dad has just said if I ever need the money I'm supposed to give my parents the nickels and they'll give me the money for them. Why he wants $150 worth of nickels i have no idea...

Sabrina... As for posting more pics, while I'd love to, unfortunetly my mom's digital camera took a little bath, and so she's using mine because she needs one for ebay, while I don't NEED need one like she does. Until she gets the money for a new one. It's not a big deal, as like I said I don't really need one. I can just take pics when I go home if I want.

Thanks for all the comments girls, i love coming to my blog and seeing something besides my rambling :)

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