I just don't have the umph required to blog anymore. When something happens, I don't automatically think "I should blog this!" like I used to. I don't automatically blog when I'm upset anymore either. I think it's because I tend to feel stressed when I think about writing/blogging. I feel like since I have actual readers, I should somehow make this blog better than what it is, and frankly I'm not up to doing that. I want this blog to just be me, good and bad. And even though I think sometime's its gotten away from the personal stuff that I used to write to a more general theme, it's still me. However, I'm going to try updating again, really updating with no expectations. So, the only expectation you can have is that I will blog at least twice a week. Don't expect them to be good, I have to get back into the writing for-fun habit. I think it will be a lot better over the summer, when I have more fun stress to deal with like working, as opposed to horrible stress such as schoolwork.
I am looking forward to working this summer. On one hand I'd love to be the type of kid that doesn't need the money, that actually can just lay around getting a tan by the pool all summer. But I've never been that type of kid. I need the money for next year, heck even this year I could use it, and I just don't think I could stand mooching off my parents when I could be working. And I enjoy it. Sure, I complain about it sometimes (a lot of times), but it DOES have its good points too. It can be fun.
I loved being a cashier. I loved the interaction with people. I loved asking if the person had ever tried ___ that they were buying, and if so did it work? I loved having repeating customers. I loved how I was called "dear" and "sweetie" by these sweet old customers, and how it wasn't sexist at all, they just thought I was a cheerful happy person and that I was a "sweetie" or a "dear". I loved how you could have 5 cranky customers in a row, and then the next one is a super nice customer that just makes you forget about the previous cranky ones. I loved how understanding customers can be when there's technical difficulties with the register, and they have to wait. You would think the majority would throw a hissy fit, but, in my experience at least, if you smile and say you're trying to get it taken care of as fast as possible, the customers understand and will just laugh or BS with you while they're waiting.
Of course customers can be cranky and things can go wrong and you can have horrible days where you just want to cry. And you can also have days where you leave smiling because of great coworkers and happy fun customers. And those are the days I try to remember when I'm having a rough day. So, do me a favor, and if I complain about being a cashier or about a rough day in the future, remind me of the happy days, ok?
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