
Thursday, November 10, 2005

hello old friend

I'm happy. I'm spending the weekend at school just doing nothing. Should be fun. I need more people to talk to online though, so feel free if you see me on AIM/yahoo and wanna chat or just send me an email. I need an email buddy! And I promise i'm a lot happier in IMs then I apparently am on this blog. lol
yahoo: alien4004
aim: aliengurl4004
email is my name (heather) @ my blog (


Chris said...

hehe don't get mad when I email u a million times! I've decided to leave my computer on my trip cause since my accident that's all I ever do. My vacation should be computer free! I like the new layout (atleast new for me I'm so lazy about visiting blogs anymore) talk to you later :-)

Anonymous said...

You don't use MSN do you?

JaG @ work