
Monday, December 26, 2005

(as promised- here's yesterdays post)-- In a sappy sappy mood

I guess thats what happens when you spend most of the week watching those romantic/comedy holiday movies that they tend to show by the shovelful this time of year. And that's what I've been doing. Watching those movies, thinking how absolutely corny they are and yet they still make me a bit... wistful.

Is it such a bad thing that I want some of this 'love' stuff for myself? I've never been in love. Well, I've had crushes and such, and I've loved people as friends and maybe a bit more, but nothing that was anywhere close to this ever elusive 'love' that everyone seems to be acquainting themselves with quite frequently.

I suppose it must be these movies that are making me so rather sappy. Sure, I'll blame the movies and ignore that I've felt like this for awhle now. Afterall, love right now would be awfully inconvenient. I've my whole life to live, why get boggled down now? And I'm not even sure I believe in love. It's probably something made up for movies and those dramatic type people (which believe it or not, even though you can't tell from this blog, I'm not all that dramatic of a person- I prefer things down-to-earth and calm), and is non-existent in reality.

I suppose I'll never figure it out really, unless/until it actually happens. Til then, I'm going to play the role of an ostrich and stick my head in the sand, its safer that way (and warmer too!).

I'm writing this in Notepad right now, because when I felt in the mood to actually write a post, I felt I needed to do it right away, even if our internet was being stupid and wouldn't let me online. Besides, this way I get to write it in a pretty font (monotype corvisa, 12pt) and then just copy paste it into the blogger box. *smiles*

And no, I did not forget that it's Christmas- or Kissmas as I like to call it because it can encompass everyone, not just those who believe in Christ. So Merry Christmas to the Christians, and Merry Kissmas to everyone (Christian or not). I hope everyone has a good rest-of-the-year, and if that's not possible, well, just remember- the year's almost over soon so look forward to that. I plan to celebrate bringing in the New Year by alternating between being online and counting-down the seconds with my family. Maybe even with a drink or two, if I'm so inclined. *wink*

I'll try to blog before the New Year rolls around, but I never know if I will... if someone wants me to, feel free to send me an email (link's on the side) and yell at me to write. Or leave a comment, since I check like a million times a day. I may be a tad OCD...

And on that note... Merry Kissmas and have a Happy Safe Fun Magically Delightful New Year's eve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey honey! Ooh how cool is the new template design! I'm very envious!
Awww yeah it's not quite the same not having a partner to share christmas with! This is my first in four years which was strange, but at least I got to spend time with the family!
Anyway hope you're well, blog more!
Ian x