I watched a bunch of movies today. My dad's been home a lot lately (instead of working at his business and making money) as a result of his depression/bipolarness, and since I'm not working over this break (because I'm lazy) I've spent a lot of time watching movies, which is something my dad likes to do (when he can stay awake long enough).
Today I watched Passenger 57, which has a bad guy thats just too deadpan and freaky for me. I mean, of course the plot wasn't all that great, but its better than a lot of the movies I've seen lately. I also watched the latest War of the Worlds. It wasnt too bad. I had a hard time dealing with all of the special effects, because I mean come-on, I'm all for great effects but I think there's a limit to how many things can blow up/crack open/fall down/etc in a 30second span. But I knew that the special effects were going to be there going into the movie, so I expected it and aside for a few comments I just shutup and enjoyed them. And the movie wasnt as long as I expected (I was expecting 3hours, it was 2) but with the last half hour or so to go I was ready for it to be over. There's just a limit I have, I guess. And, without spoiling it for those who havent seen it, the ending wasn't to my satisfaction. However, watching those 2 movies (even if I do gripe about them) was definetly preferable to how I spent the rest of my day... cleaning.
Hmm, watch movies or clean (with my mom, who has to have things done a certain way to a certain standard)? Which would you pick? ;)
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