*tear* I suppose I should have read status.blogger.com more carefully.. especially the part where it says to copy your old posts before you republish because they might not show up again. And I didn't! All I wanted was to republish to get the comments working again but then it deleted the whole post! I'm sad now.
Thanks to bloglines not updating right away (wow, who thought I'd be happy for that?) I found my post that got deleted! Here it is:
Originally Posted on: Fri, Feb 17 2006 11:44pm
I'm not sure what to say...
but I thought I'd post anyway. I'm bored. I'd like to be doing something, but I'm not sure what since it's 11:30pm and I have no life when I'm home... can't go out anywhere, since I've no car to do so (my parents would freak out if i took their car... actually they'd freak out if I went out this late now so as it is). There's no place to go anyway. I'm not old enough to get into the local bar/music place, not that I'd really want to anyway. Although they do play good music and I wouldn't have to drink... but it doesn't matter since I won't be old enough for another 8months.
Wow only 8 months until I'm 21! It doesn't really mean anything anyway, not like I'll be drinking or anything. But at least I'll be able to get into places, even if I'm not going to drink...
My dad's court date is on Tuesday. This is the day he'll be going to jail most likely. He finds out for how long, and then he serves his time right away (as far as we know). So this weekend is all I have left to spend with my dad before he goes away.. on vacation as we used to call it when he went to jail... for anywhere from one month to sixteen months. We're all praying for it to only be a month but I bet it will be longer. It's going to be so rough, I cry when I think about it now. So I try not to, in typical heather fashion- I ignore the things that make me upset. Someone's got to be strong and since I'm the oldest...
---- change of topic ---
I'm tired. Maybe because I'm thinking of how much work I have to do this weekend, and how like I ALWAYS do, I procrastinated it until now even though I had all week to do it. I have 120 pages of 'America After Tocqueville' to read for my sociology class on Monday... the work is due sunday by email and I have to write a 3 page essay outlining the ideas he presents in the last chapters. Thank goodness he grades extremely easy, the last paper I handed in was "skimpy and a little short- needs more in depth analyasis" (it was only 1 1/2 pages) but I still got an A- on it. He tries extremely hard not to give out anything lower than a B+. And with my GPA last semester, I need all of the help I can get. Oh, and I have to read Henry the... Fith I believe for my Shakespeare class and then write up a 300 word post by Monday at 4pm. You would think I'd learn not to procrastinate, since I do this every week. I always say I'll get it done early, and this Thursday I even attempted to get it done... I read 20 pages of Tocqueville before falling asleep and giving up. And I haven't opened it since. Someone smack me. Please.
On a better note, I've decided that as soon as I get a bit of 'extra' cash (is there really such a thing?) I'm going to buy myself a DVD of 'A Man Apart' because I absolutely adore this movie. I've seen it 5 times, it's actually getting to the point where my dad even notices that we've seen it before (and he never notices that stuff). I just love it, and no not cause of Vin Diesel (I'm not a big fan of his) I just like the movie.
Ok, I think it's time to end this post. Congrats if you read it all, I don't blame you if you didn't, leave a comment and I'll love you forever (...maybe). ;)
Bloglines rules!!
JaG @ work
Oh Heather... where to start? Hum...
I hope that helps. ;)
'A Man Apart', hum? I've heard of it, but haven't seen it. It must be pretty bad if your Pa notices it... Mine's that way, lol!
Anywho, I hope everything works out alright for you and yours. If you ever need to chat or vent, well, kiddo, you've got my contact info. Pick a method and give me a hollar. I'd be happy to help.
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