
Friday, March 30, 2007


I went to a bar last night! It was crowded, smelly, loud, and I loved it. I had so much fun. I had a long island iced tea and a rum & coke, but didn't get drunk. 2 of the 4 friends I went with did get drunk, so it was fun just watching them. Silly girls.
I even danced! Well, not dance really. You know how when a good song comes on you kind of move your body to the beat... but not like full out dancing? It was more like shaking or something, I don't know. But it was fun! And I was singing too. And it was so crowded and loud (they had a live band) that I could scream in someones ear and they could barely hear me, and I could barely hear myself.
This is a crappy post, but I'm just using it for a placeholder for the next one which will be much better.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

start the sad music

I am very mad Frustrated. With a capital 'F'. Yes, that Frustrated.
I had a nice (very long! witty! great! highly entertaining and worthy of reading!) post.
Blogger ate it.
Apparently one image tag not being correct is enough for blogger to say "what? you wanted to post that? with that error? too bad, I'm eating it." and then off it goes, into blogger's stomach and I'm left postless. Even the 'recover post' didn't work. Didn't blogger used to have a warning that said something like 'post html code invalid'? If it does still, it certainly didn't warn me.
It's not saved as a draft. It's gone. I'm very sad.
You'll never understand how great it was
because you'll never get to see it.
I'm sorry.

(slow fade out of sad music)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

This is whatever my fingers type.

I have such a headache right now. Actually, my head has been throbbing (feels like it's behind my forehead) ever since I woke up today. Today, not this morning, since I slept in til 12:30. I had stayed up til 2am so that's a 10+1/2 hour sleep. Not bad, considering the night before I had literally 2+1/2 hours sleep.

My car (for those who care) is being worked on right now. Hopefully, within the week I will have my lovely car back with a fresh new heater core... which means my car will have heat again! I didn't mind not having heat sometimes, but when your fingers start to feel numb and you're already wearing gloves, I guess it's time to give in and spend the money to get a new heater core installed. Sigh. Cars are expensive.

Expenses suck. Suuuuck. I went from having about $5,000 in debt (not including student loans) and about a 700 credit rating to having $8,000+ in debt and a really really low score. All within less than a year. And it sucks but I had to do it. My family needed me to pay this bill or that bill or etc for them. How can you say 'no, I don't want to pay the $250 heating bill even if it means you wont have heat this month?" You can't. I couldn't anyway. And I dont regret it, I would do (and I have done) it again. Family is more important than money, especially imaginary money that I don't even really ever touch.
That being said, my credit card bills total $160 a month. That's for the minimum payment. I work-study 8hours a week at 6ish dollars an hour= approx. $180 a month. If I miss a day (or a week, in terms of spring break) I'm screwed. Luckily I built up a cushion in anticipation of missing a few days, so I have about $50 in my account to cover that... but that cushion is about to disappear soon. I haaaate money. Or rather I hate the lack of it, not the money itself. Money smells good, I've always liked the smell of it. I know, I'm weird. ;)

Can you believe it's already almost time for me to pick my classes for the first semester of my Senior year? Its insane. I have so much that I want to do before college is over and so much less time to do it now. Why do I always procrastinate so much?

I have two 5 page papers to write. Pretty much by Sunday. I haven't started them yet. I also have 2 novels and 2 short stories to read. I'm on page 16 of the first novel. Oops. I'll just chalk it up to me putting the 'break' in Spring Break.

I have been extremely accident prone lately. Over the past week I've cut myself on a can of chilli, dropped a cast-iron rooster doorstop on my foot, kicked my super-sore toe into the edge of my bed, and accidently kicked my dad's shoe. It's been a painful week.

Ok, word vomit is over.