
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

This is whatever my fingers type.

I have such a headache right now. Actually, my head has been throbbing (feels like it's behind my forehead) ever since I woke up today. Today, not this morning, since I slept in til 12:30. I had stayed up til 2am so that's a 10+1/2 hour sleep. Not bad, considering the night before I had literally 2+1/2 hours sleep.

My car (for those who care) is being worked on right now. Hopefully, within the week I will have my lovely car back with a fresh new heater core... which means my car will have heat again! I didn't mind not having heat sometimes, but when your fingers start to feel numb and you're already wearing gloves, I guess it's time to give in and spend the money to get a new heater core installed. Sigh. Cars are expensive.

Expenses suck. Suuuuck. I went from having about $5,000 in debt (not including student loans) and about a 700 credit rating to having $8,000+ in debt and a really really low score. All within less than a year. And it sucks but I had to do it. My family needed me to pay this bill or that bill or etc for them. How can you say 'no, I don't want to pay the $250 heating bill even if it means you wont have heat this month?" You can't. I couldn't anyway. And I dont regret it, I would do (and I have done) it again. Family is more important than money, especially imaginary money that I don't even really ever touch.
That being said, my credit card bills total $160 a month. That's for the minimum payment. I work-study 8hours a week at 6ish dollars an hour= approx. $180 a month. If I miss a day (or a week, in terms of spring break) I'm screwed. Luckily I built up a cushion in anticipation of missing a few days, so I have about $50 in my account to cover that... but that cushion is about to disappear soon. I haaaate money. Or rather I hate the lack of it, not the money itself. Money smells good, I've always liked the smell of it. I know, I'm weird. ;)

Can you believe it's already almost time for me to pick my classes for the first semester of my Senior year? Its insane. I have so much that I want to do before college is over and so much less time to do it now. Why do I always procrastinate so much?

I have two 5 page papers to write. Pretty much by Sunday. I haven't started them yet. I also have 2 novels and 2 short stories to read. I'm on page 16 of the first novel. Oops. I'll just chalk it up to me putting the 'break' in Spring Break.

I have been extremely accident prone lately. Over the past week I've cut myself on a can of chilli, dropped a cast-iron rooster doorstop on my foot, kicked my super-sore toe into the edge of my bed, and accidently kicked my dad's shoe. It's been a painful week.

Ok, word vomit is over.

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