So what exactly is NaBloPoMo? Head over to to find out more details, but in short its where people sign up to blog every day of November. Why would someone do this? Cause it's fun, silly. Also, I think I need the jump to get back into blogging. I used to post multiple times a day, then every day, then every few days, and sadly I've gone a month or so without posting sometimes. And I don't like that! For some reason, writing to my (sometimes invisible/lurking) audience about whatever is going through my head, as boring as it may be, makes me happy (but I'd be happier if people commented!). So I apologize if these posts may lack substance... but its to get into a rhythm so hopefully they'll turn good eventually.
It's 2am and I'm tired. So I'm just going to end this here, if anyone (including new readers if there are any!) has any questions for me to answer about anything about myself/likes/dislikes etc feel free to ask! It'd give me something to talk about....
UPDATE: Folks, its over before it really started. For a bunch of reasons I've decided this month really won't work, and I really won't be able to commit to blogging once a day. Maybe another month. Perhaps when I take my photo course next semester I can do a corrllation with that. But as for right now, I quit. Sorry.
1 comment:
hiya smushy xoxoxoxo
you know ill always comments
least if i can be bothered reading
i know why you blog less smush
its case youre talking to me more
2am huh...where was i???
id like to know this?
weetbix or vegemite...which??
love ya smushydarling
smwuahsphixiates ya
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