Thursday, October 31, 2002
It was a lot of fun, we got lots of treaters. Tons and tons of fun, we almost ran out of candy to give out though! That would have been a disaster.
My brother put a mask on and sat really still on a chair outside, then when the kids walked by he'd yell "ARGH!!!" and scare the kids. Fun scaring though, not actually frightning. All the kids were laughing after they got over the initial heart stop. The one boy was about 6, and he said to me "Man, who was that?? He scared the bejeezes out of me!!!" and his sister that was slightly older, looked all smug at her brother and said "He didn't scare me." Lol. Fun fun.
My favorite holiday. You should see my makeup. It's great. Pale pale pale face, with Red lipliner with black lipstick on top, and my eyes are smokey black. It's really cool looking. My mom said I look evil if I glare. yay! I don't want to be evil, but it's cool looking it on halloween. :) I've been ready for half an hour already, and it doesn't start till 6pm. sigh.
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
I have 2 rooms I want:
My one room would be blue and white. Like a really light, ice blue walls with lots of white accents. Or, really light purple/lavendar with white accents. I can't decide. hardwood floors. The room wouldn't have to be big, umm... a little larger than medium. Just enough so it looks 'light and air-y.' I want a huge bed, maybe with a canopy, or maybe an antique bed. LOTS of long windows. And french doors leading to a patio/balcony that overlooks my garden. Lol, ok, fantasize much? Basically, it'd be simple, clean, airy, and you'd walk into it or lay on the bed looking around and go "Ahhhhh it's so peaceful"
Ok, now for a complete twist:
My other room choice, black. Black walls, metal/chrome/glass accents. Lots of green plants. Weird painting/designs on the walls. This room would only be huge, because I want to put a black sofa in there too. Black sofa, glass/metal coffee table, metal lamp (for reading) and a black rug, make up the 'living area' I want incorporated into the room. The bed itself would have to be huge too, because I like big beds, they look cool. And I want one of those screen things, that is made up of those \/\/\ bendy things, if that makes any sense. the ones you can change behind. Anyway, a really weird one of those. dark hardwood floors, with the black rug for the living area.
Oh, and each room would have to have a huge bathroom connected to it, just for me :) Either light lavendar, or the one on that new Lowes commercial. If you didn't see the commercial, it's huge. and dark green, with white stuff. I don't normally like dark green, but this bathroom was huge and looked cool. So, either that, or lavendar. I don't think I'd want a tub. I'm not a bath person. Maybe I'll just put a jacuzzi in my heated pool (the one next to my garden). lol.
I think I watch too much Trading Spaces. Ok, please comment and say what your dream room would be :)
Monday, October 28, 2002
Hall, I added your link. :)
I'm feeling MUCH better today. 100x better. Hopefully it'll last.
I need something, nonpersonal, to rant about. any ideas? lol, my problem is, I can't think of anything. It's not that I can't type, or talk incessantly, I can. I can't spell worth beans, but I can type, lol.
Oh, guess what! They have cinnamin tictacs in Austrailia! That's such a good thing! I was worried, cause I was only going to send him 3 packs, and then when he ran out he'd go through cinnamin-tictac withdrawl. That would Not have been good. This makes it sound like I love tictacs, which I don't really. I just hate it when I get used to eating/drinking something, and I can't have it any more. Like, if someone eats the last cookie. Yikes. I'm not going to think about that. We still have cookies left, so no thinking about that.
Ok, I'll try to post something a little more meaningful, or at least half interesting, later.
Sunday, October 27, 2002
i'm also watching 'Pretty Woman' with Julia Roberts. good movie. I only first saw it about a year ago. I love the part where she returns to the snooty store. I don't want to ruin it, in case there's somebody out there who hasn't seen it. but it's great. not the whole movie, it's a little slow at some points, but overall it's a good movie.
I made chocolate chip cookies. yumm. well, sorta yumm. they didn't get soft, which is how I like them. but they're really good fresh warm from the oven. too bad I made them this afternoon. I could use a warm cookie right now. are they microwaveable? lol, kidding, I don't think that would taste too good...
Ok, that's it for my dream. I have a chat on Tuesday for my History class. When I was in a chat last week they were talking about what time we should make it. One kid is a fireman and has work at the time we were going to have it (1pm) so they changed the time around. Normally I'd be fine with it, but they changed it to 8:30AM. I am NOT a morning person, can't function, can barely stumble to the shower. 8:30 means it'll actually feel like 7:30 with the time being put back. Which, if going by the 8:30 time, means I'll have to be awake by 7:30 to be able to fight over if I can have a shower (there's usually 3 people up by then, alternating the shower, then plus me...), then around 8 I'll have to drink a heck of a lot of soda to wake up.... and chat at 8:30. My teacher gave me permission, since I was complaining, lol, to not comment during the first few minutes of the chat so I can wake up. I'll be fine then. Hopefully. It still stinks though, 8:30 isn't even normal school hours. yea well......
I normally stay awake till 1 or 2am on my own, without being told to stay up that late. But whenever my dad asks me to wake him up, 1am seems like it takes forever to get here. And I'll be soooo tired by the time I stumble up to bed, but then when I get there I just read for another hour or so. I'm strange. I didn't go to sleep last night till 3. maybe that's why I had those weird dreams.
wow, this blog was strange, huh? I kinda rambled on about.... well, nothing really. just rants? I don't know what to call them... anyway... I guess I"m just in a ramble-ish kinda mood today....
Saturday, October 26, 2002
Friday, October 25, 2002
1. What is your favorite scary movie?
Umm, well, as Arue and Mystic said, movies don't scare me. I can never get that involved in them. Well, they can sometimes make me cry, but only when it relates to something happening in my life. Maybe I've never been scared in a movie cause I've never had some psycopathic killer chasing me aroun? Well, if that's the reason, keep it that way. I'd rather not get scared at movies. Or, the reason could be because during the whole movie I'm laughing at the cheesy plot. Or cause I always think "It's only a movie"
2. What is your favorite Halloween treat?
Chocolate? Carmello bars? hmmm... I don't go trick or treating anymore, so I dont' know.
3. Do you dress up for Halloween? If so, describe your best Halloween costume.
The absolute best was the first year I went as a goth, because it was new then. Well, I didn't actually go OUT as a goth, cause my dad thought my outfit was too sexy and wouldn't let me out of the house in it. So I went as a weird clown thing. Basically I just went wearing the ugliest outfit I could find. My goth costume wasn't sexy, at least not in my opinion, and not intentionally. It had a design like a necklace but it was sewn in, of droopy glass beads that made the dress look fancy/freaky. It had slits at the shoulder so the long sleeves only hung on by about an inch of material (you couldn't see the inch) and it was a long-ankle dress, and had a slit to.. my knee! gasp! How dare I want to go out like that! I still get mad thinking about how he made me change, and the HUGE argument we had over it (my dad and I were SCREAMING at each other) even though it was 4 years ago now...
4. Do you enjoy going to haunted houses or other spooky events?
Umm, I've been on a haunted hayride....and I've been to an amusement park haunted house. I didn't like either, not cause I got scared because I didn't, but I just didn't like them. I like to be able to see, and those places are always dark. Plus, what's the big deal about somebody in a mask? It just gives the guys wearing the masks too many opprotunities to grab you. lol, I'm not very trusting of guys in costumes.... or guys in general, lol....
5. Will you dress up for Halloween this year?
Yup, as a goth. Same as the last 4 years. Except I might have to find a different dress this year, the fancy/freaky one is getting short. It's now calf length, and looks funny. But, still a goth. Hopefully we'll have more weeners (trick-or-treaters) this year, last year we only had 3, but we moved and are actually IN a town now, so hopefully...
<------ there in case you missed it :)
Thursday, October 24, 2002
Well, today, my aunt came over. and my cousin. Nothing interesting to report, except they took some of our almost-rotten fruit to give to their pig. They have a pig named Gidget. Our dog is named Gidget. We didn't think of that till after we already named her, and since it was on the license we figured we'd just keep it. So, our dog is named after a pig. Well, sorta. She's actually just named Gidget cause she was named Midget, but calling a dog that's rather big (ok, fat) 'Midget' is mean. So, we changed it to Gidget, cause we figured it's close enough to Midget that she'll still come when we call her. Well, she doesn't come when we call her, but that's just cause she doesn't want to, not that she doesn't know her name. Very stubborn dog. She was entertaining my aunt. Gidget will play with her food, if you give it to her hot. Like, today we gave her a meatball, but it was cooked so it was hot. Gidget started almost pouncing on it, and snapping her mouth above it, and batting it around with her paws. She's a dog! I think she's part cat though. Anyway, that's what she always does when you give her something hot. strange.
Ok, so, hopefully my comments will work later. Or now. The sooner the better, I'm going crazy knowing there's some there (I saw them earlier) but I can't read them. grrr.
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Monday, October 21, 2002
Sketch Diary (which wasn't on her list, but I was supposed to make one, but I figured why not just buy one since I saw it?)
1 of each- HB, 4B, 2B, 6B and a 2H- drawing pencil(s)
White Vinyl Eraser
Vine Charcoal (it's weird looking, thin, like a stick or 'vine')
Black Compressed Charcoal
Blending stumps
kneaded eraser
and.... that's it. That's $20! I was amazed at how much it cost, but my mom paid for some of it. Nice mom :) Plus, I got some stuff for my Australian guy, and a pair of jeans for me :) I love shopping. And it only took us 3 1/2 hours, which actually isn't that long considering we expected it to take longer, and we even went to a restaurant for lunch then did more shopping. I love shopping. It's so great.
Sunday, October 20, 2002
We have a lot of fruit/veggies. Lots. See, my dad has his own business at a flea market. He's been going there for years (and is the main reason there is that flea market as a lot of people come specifically for my dad's stuff) and so he's friends with a lot of the vendors. Including the fruit guy. So, if my dad goes up to his stand at the end of the day before they pack all the stuff in, he gets stuff cheaper so they won't have to throw it away cause it wouldn't last till the next week. All good stuff, it just wouldn't last that long. Anyway, my dad got a TON of stuff for $20. Then, before he even came home, he sold some of it for $10. So, in actuality, he payed $10 for:
28 bags of red grapes
4 huge heads of romaine lettuce
6 eggplants
10 bunches of scullions
8 cartons of cherry tomatoes
8 cabbages
42 plums
17 cantalopes
13 heads of lettuce (that strikes me as a good band name, but I don't know why..."13 heads of lettuce, now onstage!")
2 boxes of corn on the cob (that we might have to throw away, it doesn't look too good. but I don't like it in the first place, so I might be a teensy bit predjudice against it).
Hmm, that's it. My mom was laughing at me cause I said I was going to take inventory and make a blog out of it. She thinks I'm strange. She's right ;) But I don't mind.
Every Sunday, and some other days during the week, I have 3+ hours of her yelling at the tv cheering her team on. And then after those 3 hours, either my mom or my dad watches the Eagles play (if they play that week). I'm usually listening to football from noon- 6 or so. I used to absolutely HATE football. Now I've begun to tolerate it, and even laugh at my mom as she gets so into the game. There's something funny about a grown woman, who is also your mom, yelling at the top of her lungs at some guy she's never met, telling him either "RUN! RUN BABY! YAAAAAAAAAYYYY!" or "YOU STUPID @$$!!!!!"
Our Sunday day planning revolves around football. Oh, we can't go to the store until either the football game ends, or before it starts. Unless it's during the first period, then it's ok cause you can catch up by watching the end of the game.
At least they have some funny sayings, if you're only half listening. for example, the guy on tv just said "now that's a rather large tight end" lol. meaning, that the guy who plays the tight end position (which the name in itself I find funny) is a big guy. So, I spend my day in front of the computer, listening for funny comments. or listening to my mom yell at the tv. lol.
Saturday, October 19, 2002
Oh! I ate my cake. Not the whole thing. Just a piece. But it's really really good. Wait, I didn't say anything about my cake, did I? Well, my mom baked me a cake for my birthday, a carrot cake like I requested. But it turned out horrible, mom didn't even eat it. So then I baked my mom a cake, and it turned out really really good, better than I remembered it being. It's a 2 layer vanilla cake with chocolate chip pieces, then between the layers it's butterscotch, then on top for icing it's melted chocolate chips and some other stuff. The icing tastes like melted chocolate chips though, very good. yummm.... We only ate about half of it, and my dad was going to take 2 pieces with so he and my brother could eat them at work, but he forgot them.... Maybe I'll actually eat breakfast tomorrow. I hate breakfast though, so maybe not.
Ok, this whole blog was kinda pointless and boring, so I apologize. Sorry, I'll try to do better tomorrow. I need to come up with a topic really deep...
Friday, October 18, 2002
1. How has this tragedy affected you?
2.In your opinion, do you believe that there was anything that we could have done as a Nation and/or as individuals to have prevented such horrifying acts of terrorism?
Now, besides it being a sensative topic, that shouldn't be hard to discuss. My prob is I have the essay to a page, and I can't get any farther. I feel like if I add to it it will ruin it. grrr. I guess I'll try to write more on it tomorrow, I have that assignment to do, and a health assignment. I think that's it. This paper might take me awhile though, just to get two lousy pages. sigh.
On a lighter note, here's this week's Friday Five.
1. How many TVs do you have in your home?
We have.....3. I think. if monitors don't count. My parents have one in their bedroom, my brother has one, and we have one in the living room. My sister and I could have one in our room, but we're hardly ever in our rooms, and we don't really have the room for one anyway, so we decided that 3 are enough. Before we moved we had 5 though. Every room except the bathroom had a tv.
2. On average, how much TV do you watch in a week?
Umm, I'm not sure. Rarely do I just watch tv. I listen to tv while I'm on my computer, I like the background noise. But I watch a soap opera every day, or rather... listen to it, and I watch Gilmore Girls...and there's an awesome show called.......oh! I forget what it's called! But the guy's pretty hot (and they showed part of his butt! not that I'm a butt person or anything, I myself think they're gross, lol), which that in itself isn't very unique on tv, but the show is actually GOOD, has a plot and everything, which I think tends to be very unique nowadays. I'll let you know the name when I think of it...
3. Do you feel that television is bad for young children?
It depends. I don't think children should become Zombies, where they don't know anything outside of tv. Nor do I think that babysitters should just plop the kids down in front of the tv just to get out of the responsibility of watching them. But, I do think tv can be helpful, with shows such as Sesame Street- Even though I always have hated that show with a passion myself- can be very educational for kids. Plus, kids need to be exposed to different ways of thinking, different races, cultures, etc. Television can do that, without the parent having to be embarrassed that the kid may voice an inappropiate thought. So, no, I don't think tv is bad for children, as long as they have parents too.
4. What TV shows do you absolutely HAVE to watch, and if you miss them, you're heartbroken?
Gilmore Girls. and that new show. But I'm not heartbroken over them if I miss an episode, they are just tv, and chances are it takes 2 episodes for something interesting to happen. Well, on GG anyway. not on the new show, that's wrapped up in each episode, which I love also.
5. If you had the power to create your own television network, what would your line-up look like?
I don't know, maybe I'd make it another homeshopping channel, make a ton of money, then devote a network to each of my favorite shows 24/7. that way nobody ever misses an episode. and have certain weeks where they can just watch a whole season straight through, not have to wait till the next week... :)
Oh, did you know today is my actual birth-Day? I was born on a Friday. which I love. at 5:13 pm. So, not including leap years, I am EXACTLY 17 years 6 hours, and 17 minutes old. wow. 17:6:17. I'm old.
lol, I had to edit this cause it was one loooooooooooooong blog, with no
Thursday, October 17, 2002
I talked to the Australian guy that I hadn't talked to in awhile. We're each going to send stuff to the other, from our country. I need ideas, if anyone has any... I already have Tasty Cakes, Cinnamin tictacs, and Hershey chocolate, along with normal pics, postcards, etc. Can you believe they don't have any of those things over there? I'd go crazy! Except I think I could deal without the cinnamin tictacs, I like them but they're not my favorite thing. They have other tictacs, but not cinnamin. strange. So, any ideas?
Ok, Arue got me thinking about the whole billions of people thing. Well, she sorta did, then my head went spinning in all different sorts of directions with it. For example, You know how they say there's only one you? Like, noone else is exactly like you? How can that be? There's BILLIONS and BILLIONS of people in the world, and yet there isn't someone else like me? That's strange. I guess they mean exactly, as in, same thoughts at the same second. That I can agree with. But to say there isn't someone out there exactly like me.... that's odd. How many personalities can there be? Wouldn't one of them have to be mine? or, two of them, I guess I should say? Well... I guess if there isn't another of me that's a good thing (not to quote Martha Stewart or anything), the world will have enough to deal with just having me. See what I mean about my head spinning? And it's all Arue's fault. Yea well, I guess it was about time I started thinking 'big' and since I'm done with all except one school assignment (in art)...
Tomorrow is my birthday!!!!!!! My second favorite holiday, if you consider it a holiday. Halloween is first. Birthday's are second. Not other people's birthdays, just mine :) My mommy's birthday is the day after mine (Sat.) She never looks forward to her birthday. Unlike me. It's not that I want to get older, but I figure your birthday is just marking a DAY, not a year. You're not a year older, you're only one day older than you were yesterday. Your birthday just marks where you were last year, to where you are this year. I've progressed a little. At least I hope so anyway. I got my drivers permit, took my psats, started talking to people a TINY bit (outside of the computer, I mean)...... All things that I hadn't done by my last birthday. I have to get my license by Nov. 24th, or pay the $30 fee to get my permit extended..... So, by tomorrow's date next year I'll be a licensed driver, and will be a senior. Pretty impressive if you think of it like that. I won't think of it in the depressing terms, like, soon I'll have to move out, my life will completely change cause I'll be in a totally different atmosphere (college)..... No. I'm not thinking of it like that. Happy thoughts. I've progressed, lets just leave it at that...
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
Oh, guess what else is exciting...for me anyway... My cousin went to a KoRn concert (that's not the exciting part for me), and bought me a concert shirt! yay! I already have one korn shirt, but I hardly wear it cause I don't like how it fits, and the material is too stiff feeling, but this one 'should' be better, at least that's what I'm hoping anyway. :)
We got our heater fixed, not permanently fixed, it might break again, but for now it's fixed :) I'm warm and toasty again. This morning I was hot though, they had the heater on reeeeeally high downstairs (90 degrees!) and even though I was upstairs, it was hot. They didn't do it on purpose, they turned it up when the plumber was checking it and forgot to turn it down. I now know how a lobster feels. or, a pig in a blanket. lol, cause I was in my comforter blanket at the time. ok, I'm getting stranger, so I'll sign off now...
I'm happy, if you can't tell.
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
Yikes. Lol, the test itself wasn't that hard, well, that might be because I didn't, and don't, expect to do that great. I"m fine in my english skills, but I am horrible at math, and everyone knows it, so we don't expect high math scores. Geometry and algebra are not my things. It was nerve wracking going in with the other kids, but it was ok. Definetly would have rather taken it by myself, but I didn't do anything stupid to embarass myself so it was ok.I took my PSAT!
- After that we went to Mcdonalds (I got woozy feeling after I ate their food, of course)....we met my grandparents there and ate lunch together. Then we went to an auction. Has anyone been to an auction (one offline)? They're fun, if you don't stand next to the speaker...if you do it makes your head ring, lol. My dad has been going to auctions for about 16-18 years (that's his business, buying, reselling), so I've been to A LOT of them. It's fun though, when you don't have to work too hard like we did today. Lol. Just carrying boxes back and forth to the car, that's not too bad. The funny thing is, when my mom went up to get a number so she could bid, the lady was going to ask her if she has a tax number so she doesn't have to pay taxes on the stuff she buys, and then the lady looks up and goes "Oh! You're dave's (my dad) wife!" Lol, we get that a lot. Dave's wife, dave's kids, dave's daughter... Are you related to dave? We get all of the above, at least once a week when we go to his work, lol. I don't mind though. Sometimes I do, but not usually. Since my dad's been going to auctions for awhile the auctioneer really knows him, and knows my dad will take boxlots and he usually gets a few truckloads of stuff. So, while we're there, the auctioneer says to us "Oh, good, you can help carry." lol, this is before my dad has even bought anything. Then, if he's not getting bids for stuff in a row of boxes, he'll look at my dad, and say "all to number ###" (depends what my dad's number is).
He gets good deals, we got 6 Gummi Bear stuffed creatures (all in good shape) included in one of those rows. Sunni, Tummi, Gruffi, Granni, Cubbi, and Zummi. We're thinking about putting them on ebay around christmas time. I loved the gummi bears cartoon, and I like the stuffies cause they remind me of the cartoon, but... I'm not really into stuffed animals in general.
Well, I have to clean, the plumbers coming to fix our heater.
Monday, October 14, 2002
Sunday, October 13, 2002
Saturday, October 12, 2002
Blogger has decided to not let me edit my last posting, so because it messed up, the URL for the site is Hopefully that showed up this time.....

Friday, October 11, 2002
1. If you could only choose 1 cd to ever listen to again, what would it be?
AHHHH! Worst nightmare! Ummm, I honestly don't think I can answer this. Maybe Eminems Marshall Mathers LP just cause I like it's beat? If I can never listen to other cds, can I still listen to the radio? Please??
2. If you could only choose 2 movies to watch ever again, what would they be?
Idle Hands and (my all time fav.) JAY & SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK!!!! I love that movie.
3. If you could only choose 3 books to read ever again, what would they be?
hmmm. I don't know. I don't really like to reread my books, so probably something I've never read before. But then if they were horrid books, then I'm stuck with those books. Blah. Did I mention these questions are hard this week??????
4. If you could only choose 4 things to eat or drink ever again, what would they be?
hmm. Soda. more specifically, Pepsi. ok, I got it. Pepsi, water (so I don't get over caffinated by drinking only pepsi), gummi bears, and Carmello bars. yum. caramel.
5. If you could only choose 5 people to ever be/talk/associate/whatever with ever again, who would they be?
do I count as one? If not, then family (4) + dog. 5. if one died, could I pick a new one?
Those questions were way to hard.
Oh, don't forget to scroll down, and read all about my vacation :)
Ummm, between my brother, sister, and myself, we spent about $30 in the game room of the hotel yesterday. We kept playing air hockey. That was fun, but after about 20 games you get tired of it. We were supposed to give my parents some time alone, that's why we played it so much.
We got back around 12 today, to a cold house. Apparently our hot water heater stopped working while we were away. Hot water heater and/or whatever it is that heats our house. Now we have to wait till we can get ahold of our landlord. blah. It's not too bad though, we have the oven door open and since it's a gas stove it lets off a lot of heat quickly.
Well, sorry blogging wasn't the first thing I did when I got back, but I had, and still do have, a TON of school to catch up on. I have to draw an abstract pic. sounds easy, but so far i have a mental block. I have to try to portray something, make it meaningful. blah, meaningful, I still have pool water in my head. ta ta for now.
Sunday, October 06, 2002
I'm going away, on 'vacation' for the next few days. I, unfortunatly, am not allowed to take my computer with. So, I won't be blogging till I get back. This is going to be strange. If I don't blog again tonight, then bye everyone!
Saturday, October 05, 2002
How young is too young? How old is too old? explained....
How young is too young to begin dating? to get married?? Me personally, I think 16ish is ok to date. I think anything below that and you're trying to grow up too fast. Even if you get serious at 16, I think it's wrong. Ya know, the whole sweet 16 thing? Why rush that? Why not just be a teen, while you still can? While long relationships and marriages and children and whatnot aren't expected of you? I think the time will come soon enough to get married and whatnot, without having to rush it. I see people that are my age, and have had dozens of relationships already. Why? All they did was end in heartbreak for some, if not all, of the people involved. Relationships are hard enough for 'adults', why would you want to get into one when you don't really even want to?
Marriage I think is for your 30s. That gives you time to establish yourself as a person, whatever kind you want it to be. A career person, a volunteer person, both, etc. I think too many people get married too young, and don't get a chance to see the world. Well, they'd have a chance, but I don't know how great it would be if you had to lug kids around. I love kids and all, but I think 30s (especially with how technology is now) is an ok age to have them. I *gasp* don't even really think you have to be married to have kids. It might be a little more fair to the kids to grow up in a 2 people house hold, but I think it's better they don't if the house isn't what it should be, loving, caring, nice, etc. Ok, sorry, I got off track.....
(back on...)
How old is too old? No, I don't mean this in a... is 70 too old to fall in love kinda way, I mean it as in, how old is too old for you personally, to have a relationship with someone? Can you be 17 and the guy 20? 30? 40? Where's the line? For me personally, being all of 16 almost 17, I think the line right now (might change later) is around 19 or 20 or so. Why would a guy want to go out with me if he's old enough to live his own life? I know a girl who's younger than me, about 15, going out with a 23 year old. To me, that's WAY too big of a difference. Not only for the above ^ mentioned reasons, but because he's 8 years older, why would he want to go out with her? She's a VERY immature 15 too. So what's he see in her? Besides the perverted guy thoughts that he must be having.... I think age doesn't make that big of a difference when you're older, like in your 20s or whatever. My parents are 8 years apart, dad's older. That is fine for me because a) it worked out, and afterall, they had me :) and b) they were OLD when they were young. they were out to see what life has to offer, etc. They knew they were ok with the age difference.
So, what do ya'll think? Comments? something?
Friday, October 04, 2002
Here's my Friday Five:
1. What size shoe do you wear?
Depends on the shoe, but normally an 11wide. I have big feet. I've been a size 11 since I was 11.
2. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
2 pairs of sandals- 1 old everyday pair and 1 newer-, and 2 pairs of sneakers- 1 that I hardly ever wear. I try to never wear my sneakers, or any shoes. But if I have to wear shoes I wear sandals if possible. oh, and I have slipper/shoe things. Cloth material but rubber bottoms so they're slipper/shoes. Kinda remind me of clogs.
3. What type of shoe do you prefer (boots, sneakers, pumps, etc.)?
4. Describe your favorite pair of shoes. Why are they your favorite?
Umm, I'm not very shoe obsessed, I prefer barefeet. But, my sandals are comfy. It's just a black elastic band that goes across my foot, and has a tiny heel. not much of one. Easy on, easy off. Oh, and I like my slippers too, it's a tie. they're material, clog like things. Very warm when it's cold.
5. What's the most you've spent on one pair of shoes?
Hmmm, in a moment of insanity, I *cringe* once spent $29.99 on boots. I regret it now, because they're suade, so I've only ever worn them like, 2 times. I doubt they even fit me anymore. They're really cute boots, go to my ankle, zipper up the side, but I don't think they were worth the $30. oops. I think that's the most I"ve spent on any one thing, ever. hmm.
Ok, so there you go, my friday five for this week. I'll try to start posting every day again. luego.
Tuesday, October 01, 2002
I tried to network my mom's computer to the rest of ours, and something went horribly wrong. The computer rejected the new network, and broke/crashed. I have no idea why, or how to fix it. We called my uncle, he's going to try to fix it, he might have to totally reinstall Win98 AGAIN. grrr.
Nothing else is really new, I finished my art vocab. I have 3 lessons to go in spanish, and 1 to go in Human Anatomy & Physiology, and then I'm done school until a teacher puts new assignments up. They'll put new assignments up soon though, so I won't get much of a break, if any at all.
Our friend Paul moved my car for us so my dad could park his truck in the spot where my car was. Well, he moved it up the street a little. An old lady comes knocking on our door later and asks us to move it. Apparently it's in front of her garage, and she can't put her car in it then. This 'lady' has a handicapped parking spot in front of her house that she doesn't use, instead she parks in her garage so people can't park in 2 spots (the one in front of her garage and the one in front of her house). So, ok, fine she asked us to move the car. No big deal. Just as my mom's moving the car, a cop pulls up. This stupid lady is still complaining about mom parking there (even though mom explained that a friend -who didn't know better- parked the car). The cop said "Oh, we'd just have to tow it if you hadn't come out"!!!!! A few months ago when a car was in OUR spot we were told we had to wait 10 days before they could do anything. Apparently since this was in front of a garage and 'blocking the street' they could have towed away my car. Ok, so my mom gets in to move the car. This lady is telling my mom that she'd better tell her friend to get his drivers license, he should know he can't park in front of a garage! Then she says how my mom can't park in the parking lot, that's Smiths. We don't park in the parking lot, and have no idea who smith even is. What an annoying lady. My mom's still mad at her, and this happened a few hours ago. Mom's hoping the lady's garage falls down on her car. lol. I keep reminding her of karma, to which she says the lady's garage falling on her would be karma. This lady is just a mean fusspot. Mom had problems with her before. Before she said to mom she can't park in front of her garage (which she didn't). Mom was only in front of her garage a tiny bit, the lady had plenty of room to get out. The lady was still complaining, to which my mom said (after she moved the car 2 feet) "If you need help driving come get me and I'll get your car out". lol. My mom's not a good person to annoy.
Well, I'd better go. schoolwork to do, blah blah blah.