
Sunday, October 27, 2002

Did you ever have a really weird dream? One you can find no explanation for whatsoever? Thats how I dreamed last night. I don't normally dream, but I did yesterday. The dream I remember most, the one my mom woke me up from, I was with my cousin Mandy, and I must have slept over cause she was bringing me home. But we weren't going right home, we were going to go out and do a few things before she brought me home. I don't know what those things were, but anyway... We stopped at a fast food restaurant, and I used a cell phone (I don't know who had the phone either) to call my house. I went outside the restaurant to get better cell reception, and I was dialing while I was walking towards the car so I could sit in it and talk. I couldn't remember my phone number. I dialed every number I could think of. Then I got to the car, sat in it, and it started hailing outside. That's when I remembered my phone number. So I talked to my mom, told her I was coming home today but not right away. Then my cousin and I went to my grandmother & grandfather's house. My grandfather was there sitting on a chair, with a cat on the arm of the chair. This is weird for 2 reasons, the first being my grandfather died around the beginning of Dec. last year, and 2, he didn't like cats and even if he did my grandmother wouldn't have let one in the house on the furniture. Anyway, I had to go around his chair because I didn't want to knock the cat off of the arm of the chair, and my grandfather laughed. Then my grandmother came out and asked me if I would help her put the laundry through the washer/dryer, she needed the help because she had "37 towels." Then I woke up. Why would she be doing 37 towels??? I doubt she even has that many towels!! The whole dream was weird.

Ok, that's it for my dream. I have a chat on Tuesday for my History class. When I was in a chat last week they were talking about what time we should make it. One kid is a fireman and has work at the time we were going to have it (1pm) so they changed the time around. Normally I'd be fine with it, but they changed it to 8:30AM. I am NOT a morning person, can't function, can barely stumble to the shower. 8:30 means it'll actually feel like 7:30 with the time being put back. Which, if going by the 8:30 time, means I'll have to be awake by 7:30 to be able to fight over if I can have a shower (there's usually 3 people up by then, alternating the shower, then plus me...), then around 8 I'll have to drink a heck of a lot of soda to wake up.... and chat at 8:30. My teacher gave me permission, since I was complaining, lol, to not comment during the first few minutes of the chat so I can wake up. I'll be fine then. Hopefully. It still stinks though, 8:30 isn't even normal school hours. yea well......

I normally stay awake till 1 or 2am on my own, without being told to stay up that late. But whenever my dad asks me to wake him up, 1am seems like it takes forever to get here. And I'll be soooo tired by the time I stumble up to bed, but then when I get there I just read for another hour or so. I'm strange. I didn't go to sleep last night till 3. maybe that's why I had those weird dreams.

wow, this blog was strange, huh? I kinda rambled on about.... well, nothing really. just rants? I don't know what to call them... anyway... I guess I"m just in a ramble-ish kinda mood today....

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