
Monday, October 21, 2002

I went to the mall. I love going shopping. Grocery, clothing, or even just window shopping. There's something about it that I love. and I don't even like to spend other people's money, I'd rather spend my own cause i feel guilty when someone spends money on me. Well, today I went Art Supply shopping. I got a whole bunch of art supplies that I need for my Art Studio Course. The teacher said we'll be getting a kit, but in the mean time if we want to get this other stuff... we can. It's either that or draw with a number 2 pencil on printer paper. So, I spent some of my hard earned birthday money, and got:

Sketch Diary (which wasn't on her list, but I was supposed to make one, but I figured why not just buy one since I saw it?)

1 of each- HB, 4B, 2B, 6B and a 2H- drawing pencil(s)

White Vinyl Eraser

Vine Charcoal (it's weird looking, thin, like a stick or 'vine')

Black Compressed Charcoal

Blending stumps

kneaded eraser

and.... that's it. That's $20! I was amazed at how much it cost, but my mom paid for some of it. Nice mom :) Plus, I got some stuff for my Australian guy, and a pair of jeans for me :) I love shopping. And it only took us 3 1/2 hours, which actually isn't that long considering we expected it to take longer, and we even went to a restaurant for lunch then did more shopping. I love shopping. It's so great.

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