Wednesday, April 30, 2003
hoover has a new template. Be sure to visit since she's actually blogging now.
Apparently my comments weren't working right, and I have no idea why, but if they're not working for you I put up the enetation commenting too. Is it illegal (according to any TOSs) to have 2 commenting systems on one blog? I didn't think it was, and if someone tells me it is I'll fix it, but until then, there's a haloscan and a enetation commenting systems on this blog. So, if one doesn't work for you, just use the other, the important thing is that you comment, please!!!!!! lol
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
My dad was in a truck accident on friday night/saturday morning. 12:30am saturday morning. I won't go into details, it just explains why I've been absent as of late. He's still alive, which is a miracle considering what the truck looked like. He just got back a half hour ago from the ER and they say he has a concussion. Which we already knew because he's been woozy and dry heaving for the past 3 days. Has it only been 3 days??? wow. It seems like it should have been longer. I've been helping out at work, doing what I can.
On a completely different note, I got a whole bag of books :) Books that I haven't read before, that is. A perk of having a dad in the re-selling business, he occasionally gets boxes of books and I can take my pick. So, I did, and wound up with a big bagfull :) They're currently spread out all over my floor by my bed where I dumped them because I didn't like how loud the plastic bag sounded when I was digging through it at night. Can't risk waking my mom at 1am, she wouldn't be too happy. So now they're all over my floor, and if she knew that she probably wouldn't be too happy with that either. I just can't win. I could put them on my bookshelf, but it's already full and it's on the other side of my bedroom as my bed, so if I got bored with one book during the night I'd have to get up and walk over to my bookshelf, stand there until I find something new that I haven't read, and then climb back into bed and try to get comfy again. It's much more organized with them on the floor. This way all I have to do is remember to tread over them when I get out of bed in the morning.
Does anyone else just open a book and start reading from like the middle? Or, be like 15 chapters into the book then skip ahead to read the last chapter to make sure it turns out how you want it to? I do both of those things, and it drives my mom crazy. But I can't see reading the whole beginning of a book when it'll just be repeated later. And besides, in my case, it's a romance story anyway, you don't need as much background info as the authors put in. And sometimes I read the last chapter because I'm dying of curiosity, or because I need to make sure that the book ends the way I think it should, otherwise it's a waste of my time and I start a different book. If only I could do that with schoolbooks.
Has anyone seen the movie The Scarlet Letter, or read the book? I've watched the movie on tv, and now for english I have to read the book. So far, the plots seem to be a little different. The movie seems more.... involved. It has more of a plot, that developed faster. I think this might be one of the rare times I like the movie better than the book. But to be fair, I'm only like 30 pages into the book, so maybe it'll be better, I'm not quite sure yet. I hope so.
Friday, April 25, 2003
My feet hurt. I'm sure you all wanted to know that, didn't you? But it's nothing gross, they're not like huge oozing puss pods or anything. lol. The muscles in my feet just hurt. I blame my mom. No, not cause of genetics. She brought me a wooden foot massager thing today. Cause I love getting my feet massaged. No, I don't have a foot fetish, I think feet in general are gross. But a foot massage...ahhh. So she brought me one of those wooden thingys that have rollers you roll your feet over. So whenever I'm at my computer I've been rolling my feet over it. And now they hurt. Maybe it works too well, lol.
Ok, enough about my feet (cute blue-toenail feet that they are, I'm sure you've heard enough about them).
My cousin Mandy is a wacko. Funny though. The alien she's reffering to is me, cause I used to only go by alien when I was online. Now it's heather, but it doesn't matter if it's alien or Heather.
hoover is blogging again! And she's actually keeping up with it, and posting sort of funny stories that she makes up. Oh, and my brother now has a blog too. I would say his name, but he doesn't want to put it on the web, so if you know me then you know I only have one brother, and that's him.
Friday Five:
1. What was the last TV show you watched?
Well, Friends is on right now. The last show I actually sat down in front of the tv (instead of listening to it from my desk) and watched was Fastlane. The best show ever. But it was the Season Finale tonight :(
2. What was the last thing you complained about?
Ummm...... Wobbie being mean and saying I said he couldn't tag anymore even though I didn't. lol. And my PSAT scores. I was complaining about them, well not complaining but was depressed, but not now.
3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?
4. What was the last thing you threw away?
Uhh...... I'm not sure.
5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited? before that I was playing on the tagboard on my site. This one. And before that I went to hoover's site.
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Ok, another topic.
Why when I say I'll help someone with school do they automatically take it to mean that I'll do their work for them? Someone asked me for help a couple days ago (he's not in my school, and even if he was I wouldn't say cause I don't want to name names) and then when i ask what he needs help with he gives me like 10 assignments to do! Sometimes I wish I could just go knock on people's foreheads and ask if anyone's home. But, I fear I'd get no answer, and then I'd just be talking to myself. When I'm feeling generous enough to take time away from my busy school schedule/assignments to help someone else, it is such a letdown to find out they don't want help, they want answers. Well, I figure if I have to suffer through it then so should that other person. Besides, it was in a subject I'm not all that great at, so chances are my answers would be wrong anyway. grrrrrrrrrr. And then, this is the part I really hate, they try to make me feel guilty for not giving them the answers. "I'm going to fail!" "ty for all your help (sarcastic)" "They're due soon and I don't have time!" Well, that's NOT MY FAULT. I got the assignments done, why couldn't you? It's not like you didn't know the assignments were due, you had them weeks in advanced.
Honestly, I don't mind if you ask me for help. HELP. I don't want to do your paper for you, I have enough of my own work to do. And you know what? I don't really even mind too much if you ask me to do the paper, as long as you understand that when I say no, I mean no (and I always will say it). Don't try to make me feel guilty because you couldn't do something.
Ahhh, much better. I had to rant, sorry. Even though I wasn't talking to/about any one person, it felt good yelling at them.
The whole vegetable and color scheme is mine, my idea/thought/coding, but the actual layout comes from Maystar. It's this one but with a vegetable. I think it's the first time I'm using one of her designs. (oh yea, the tagboard color is another hint. ugly. but a hint)
Well, Jamie Kennedy Experiment is on, so I'm off to watch that.
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
Wow, was that all about my keyboard??? Indeed it was. Uhhh, I have nothing to blame for my weirdness except the 2 ibuprofen I took over 6 hours ago, so.... I blame those.
Oh, I remembered what it was I was going to blog about. Blogs. A blog, about blogs. A blog on my blog, about other blogs. hehe. Anyway, back to the blogs. Not mine, other peoples. Think about this, how hard would it be to get through the day without blogging, or reading at least one other person's blog? For me, extremely hard. It was hard just typing the question. Easter Sunday all I could think about was getting home and going on my computer to see what all the people (that I've become mini-obsessed with) are thinking today, and what they thought yesterday- which was saturday- in the time from when I went to bed to when I woke up. I didn't get to check my blogs, since it was a very rushed morning, and not knowing what was going on was driving me crazy. My grandmother has a computer, but I didn't think it would be very polite of me to ask to use it when we were having Easter dinner and all my relatives that I only see like 3 times a year were over and I was supposed to be enjoying their company. So, I made small talk instead, and just thought up scenarios that certain people must have blogged about while I was away, and how they might have posted a really good blog, but then something happened to their server, or they just didn't like how the blog came out, so they deleted it before I got a chance to read it and I missed out on that really good blog.
It's becoming an addiction. Yes, that's it. It's a better word to describe it than obsession, because obsession makes me think of some strange person that is addicted to every word and becomes 'obsessed' with the blogger person, and they stalk them and live on their every word and have to meet them in person and....go nuts. I'm not like that. I'm the opposite of that, I think. I like to read blogs, yes. I love to hear other opinions, and other viewpoints. And just love to hear about what other people did that day, or even thought. I love to see people using their imagination and coming up with fantastically well written blogs, that are quite opposite of mine.
It's the diversity and the uniqueness (was differentness, till wobbie pointed out diversity and uniqueness as a substitute for differentness which i'm still not sure is a word) that I love. I don't become obsessed/addicted with any one blog, rather, I become addicted to reading all of them, as fast as my computer can load them. And contrary to what the high-speed cable commercials make you think, it's not always that fast. And so I wait, waiting for the page to load so I can read what people have thought, what they think, hope, dream, cry about, laugh about, etc. It's just interesting to me. And so, to answer my question that has somehow gotten a little lost in this post, how would a day be without reading/posting a blog? It'd be bearable, as my Easter was, but if I were to stop reading them all together for like, say, a week, I'd go crazy.
Although, maybe I am crazy already and that's why I like to read everyone's blog? I dunno. But I enjoy it, so if it is crazy than so be it. FYI, all the blogs I read are in my links section. Every single one of them, I read, at least once a day. They're good reading. And they really help to procrastinate stuff I should be doing, such as schoolwork. :)
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
I've been watching a lot of tv. On the N. Noggin. Old shows, that I used to watch all the time when I was younger. In "the good olde days" Shows like Nick Arcade, Double Dare, Legends from the Hidden Temple, etc. All the shows that are only on the N. They're on all day too. My mom actually groans when she hears the "dum dum da da da da da da" of the Nick Arcade show. But I like it, it's old. And I always wonder how they did the last ending game on the show. hmm.
New template :) Reminds me of a castle. I like it. I dunno how long it'll last though, I don't like how smushed everything is. But it'll do, for now.
Sunday, April 20, 2003
8:37am- I wake up, barely, to "I need a shower!" "Me too!" "Don't use all the hot water, I need one too!" "Heather, what about you?" I mumble "need.. one...later...after everyone...going back to sl.." sleep.
8:57am- Again, my sister/family wake me up. This time I give in, and slowly start sitting up.
9:15am- I shower. Water runs slightly cold due to me being last in taking a shower, but at least it woke me up.
9:25am- I'm standing around, barely dressed, and my sister begs me to find her something to wear to my grandparents.
9:45am- Still looking and figuring out something for my sister to wear.
9:55am- I give sister 2 outfit choices, neither of which either of us like very much, but I was sick of picking out her stuff when I wasn't even dressed yet.
approx. 10am- I shave my legs with the stupid electric razor that I hate, because there was no hot water in the shower, so I couldn't shave them with a normal razor. grrr.
10:10am- I help empty out the trunk of the car, I help make sure nobody forgot anything and that we're all almost ready to go.
11:15am- We leave for my grandparents. Dad, my bro, and Gidget in Dad's truck, and us girls in mom's car.
11:30am- We pass by a clock on one of those banks, see the time (11:30) and think how we still have at least 1 hour 15mins to go before we get there. At least. And that's not including the stops we have to make along the way, such as picking out flowers at a nursery close to my grandparents and picking up my cousin. We were supposed to be there at 12:30 or 1 o'clock. We're thinking we might make it on time.
12:45pm- Mom spots a flower stand along side of the one road and decides to pull over. Since mom was 'leading' the car/truck parade, mom had to turn around and Dad had already pulled into the flower stand parking lot. We get to the parking lot, and discover that No, dad hadn't pulled into the stand because he thought mom might like the flowers, he pulled in because his tire blew. The tire wasn't flat, it was shredded. We were about 20 minutes from my grandparents, and about 10 minutes away from the store where we had agreed to meet my aunt to pick up my cousin. My dad asked the Flower Stand owners if it was ok to leave his truck there until he went and got a tire for it, and luckily, they said sure no problem. Right at that moment, my grandmother calls my dad's cell phone to see where we are (first time she ever called the cell too, it was strange). We weren't late, but they were waiting lunch on us, so they wanted to see where we were. My dad explains the situation, arranges for my Grandfather to meet us and pick up my cousin at the store, since there wouldn't be enough room for him now that we all had to squeeze into the car.
1:15pm- We arrive at my grandparents, where my dad is immediatly surrounded by 2 of my Uncles and taken out to an old Van (one that no longer runs) to get one of it's tires for his truck. My uncle then drives my dad out to his truck to change the tire. That was very nice of my uncles, and very unexpected because most of the time my uncles are, well, let's just say, not the most friendly/nice people in the world.
2:00pm- We all eat, hunt eggs, and just hang around talking and catching up.
2:45pm- We leave my grandparents, and head over to my Aunt's to drop off my cousin (he fit this time, since we had the car and the truck again).
7pm- We leave my Aunt's, very tired, hungry (but we didn't want to eat her food because although the effort's there, she's not a good cook) and not exactly in good moods. And it's a 2 hour drive home.
8:30pm- We stop off at my dad's work for him to do some things.
9:15pm- We're home sweet home.
After arriving home- I go onto one of my yahoo groups, open an attatchment, and my virus protector warns me of a 'worm' in the file. I heal the file, exit, etc etc. The next 10 minutes are spent frantically virus-checking my system to make sure I don't have anything on it. I do, but my anti-virus healed it and I am now Virus/worm free. whew.
It's been a looooooooooooooong day. Fun though, for the most part. Would have been much better had the tire not blown out, but all in all, a good, tiring, day.
Happy Easter, for the last time this year. :)
Saturday, April 19, 2003
Tomorrow I'm going to my grandparents for Easter. It's the same thing every year, although this year is the very first that I won't be participating in the Egg Hunt. I feel like 17 is just too old, at least when most of the other participants are under 10. If it were like an adult egg hunt, that would be fun. But I'll leave it for the kids, let them have the pennies and dimes that are in the eggs :) I'll just stay my normal, broke, self.
I'm actually expecting to have a good time. I don't normally expect to have a good time at family gatherings, because I normally don't. There's always at least 2 relatives there that I despise, and that kind of throws a damper on the whole gathering. But this year, only my one Aunt/Uncle/cousin are coming, besides my other Uncle and cousin that live with my grandparents. I don't really like the one Uncle (the first one), but it's certainly a lot better than having my mom's half-brothers and their offspring there. We made HUGE easter baskets filled with goodies for 3 of my cousins, and my little Heather. They're stuffed full. Anymore candy and they'd overflow. Like I said, it should be fun. My grandmother's cooking, ham and mashed potatoes, and my mom warned me against the potatoes. She said "wallpaper paste." Hmm. So, I think I'll just eat mom's pasta salad. Dad made mom make Pasta Salad, in case he doesn't like anything my grandmother makes, lol. It's the thought that counts when it comes to her cooking. I love her dearly, but her mashed potatoes are always lumpy.
Well, I don't have much else to say, Happy Easter everyone!
Friday, April 18, 2003
I'm not completely better, but good enough. lol. For now anyway. I still have hives, but only on my thighs and on my face when I wake up in the morning. Enough that I wish I didn't have them, not enough to stay away from schoolwork.
I was thinking how I call this my 'babble' blog. I don't really babble, do I? Well, unless you consider talking aimlessly babbling. But I don't even babble about anything in particular. I need topics.
I did have a whole long babble planned, about my day, but then I ran out of hyperness and couldnt finish it and ended up deleting it. It's better that way, trust me.
Anyway, it's back to semi regular blogging for me. And a new template soon, I think. I just have to find one I want to use. Might take a little bit. I'd better get some schoolwork done first too, my teachers have all been great with my hives and all, no sense taking advantage. sigh.
Monday, April 14, 2003
Friday, April 11, 2003
Thursday, April 10, 2003
I've added new links :) These new ones are blogs I read almost every day, and they're great. I'm not going to describe every single one, but I just want to warn everyone that some of them might have 'bad' words or talk about 'R' or 'PG-13' topics. It's not a problem for me, I find the conversations hilarious, but I thought I'd just throw the warning out there so if you visit you know what you're in for. This is your one and only warning. lol.
I'm sick. I have a cough, a headache (most of the time), a sore throat, a stuffed/runny nose, hollow sounding chest, weird voice... I'm sick of being sick! Sheesh. I think I got sick more times this year than all other years combined. I wonder if my immune system is just low, or what? who knows. All I know is, I'm sick of it!
I'm getting the parital now. My dad talked to the dentist (and the convo. didn't go as bad as I thought it would) and we decided to just go with a partial, even though it'll be a pain in the butt to remove it and all, it'll be better than shaving down my other teeth, which is what we would have had to do for the bridge. I'm ok with that decision.
I have tons of school to do. Anyone really good in Science, Spanish, or Art? No, I'm only kidding. I wouldn't cheat. It's against my morals. sigh. Sometimes having morals is annoying. lol.
Hmm... I'll post more tomorrow, I hope.
Friday, April 04, 2003
1. How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life?
This one makes 10.
2. Which was your favorite and why?
Not this house, or the one before it, or the one before that, but the next one. It was a farmhouse, and it was big and had a huge yard, and was just... wonderful. It even had a river we'd swim in, a HUGE garden, my dad built us our own huge playhouse...was just fun.
3. Do you find moving house more exciting or stressful? Why?
both. Stressful with all the moving and packing and all, but exciting cause the only time we move is to a bigger place. Well, the only time recently anyway.
4. What's more important, location or price?
Price. My family has like no money. So that's important. That doesn't mean we'd live in some crappy town though, so it's more like getting the most for your money, I guess, that's most important.
5. What features does your dream house have (pool, spa bath, big yard, etc.)?
All of the above :)
Thursday, April 03, 2003
April's going to be a busy busy month for me. I have the PSSAs (pa state scholastic assesment...test? something stupid like that) to take on Monday and Tuesday, from 9am-4pm Monday and 9am-2pm Tuesday. And the place is at least an hour and a half away, which means I have to be up by at the very least 7am. Probably more like 6:30 though, since that'll give me an hour to shower/dress/eat. YUCK. I'm going to be dead on my feet, I just know it.
Aside from the PSSAs, I have my cousin's birthday party on the 13th, and she wants me to sleep over from the 13th-16th, which I don't think I'll be able to do since I also have a schoolwork deadline for April 17th. That means all schoolwork for this quarter (which for me means 23spanish assignments, 3 science, and 12 arts) has to be done by the 17th. Maybe a day earlier, it depends on the teacher. So that means I"ll have to work my butt off. Which means that taking approx. 4 days off is almost impossible. I just don't see it happening.
Hmm.... what else....
We got digital cable :) Which doesn't mean too much to me, besides that we now have Noggin and Mtv2 and like 4 VH1s. Yesterday I watched 2 episodes of Daria :) Yay!
I went to the store, got a whole bunch of Easter stuff :) Not for us, for my cousins and my little Heather.
My mommy bought me the Sophie B Hawkins 'Whaler' CD. I just got it today, and so far I've only listened to "As I lay me" because it's my favorite.
Does anyone else skip around when they're playing CDs? Like go from track 8-1-12-5 etc? To your favorites and then that's it? That's what I do, my mom hates it, lol. She always puts the CD in and plays it from the beginning to end, no skips. Drives me crazy, since I usually only like a few songs on each CD. She got some CD from the 80s, like a mix of 80s songs, and she plays every single one. I was out on the porch, and she had it in her computer so I could hear it easily, and so I came inside and told her "If you were meant to play every single song in order, they wouldn't have made it a CD! That's what cassettes are for, you're supposed to skip tracks when you're playing a CD!" lol. She just laughed and went on playing her songs in order. Grrr.
My neighbor Bill was in the hospital with phenomina (spelling???). He's home now, he was in like 2 or 3 nights. He's doing ok, he still looks a little pale and he's supposed to be taking it easy now. One good thing came out of him going to the hospital, he's on the Meals On Wheels program now. Where they deliver healthy meals to senior citizens. That's a good thing, because Bill hardly eats and when he does he just eats like Kentucky Fried Chicken, which isn't exactly healthy, lol.
That's all for now. New template soon, I think :)