
Thursday, April 24, 2003

Ok ok, I admit it. I'm weak. I am a weak person. And a very jittery person. I was there in my computer chair, litterally bouncing up and down at the thought of putting up this template. In case you didn't know, I adore snap/green/string beans. Raw, not cooked cause that ruins everything. Today, even though I have a whole ziplock bag full of candy and 2 more bags filled with chocolate in my fridge (one white chocolate the other chocolate/peanut butter) I (along with hoov) ate a whole pound of snapbeans. Granted, some of them were gross/rotten and couldn't be eaten, but we ate most of them. And now I have a template about them! Woohoo! lol. You should have seen my mom's face when I told her I made a template with snapbeans. She almost fell off her bed (she was going to sleep at the time). But yea, I'm a weak willed person. I was sitting at my computer, trying to think of things other than that I have a brand-spankin-new snapbean template to put up, but noooooo. Of course I can't get my mind off of it, and no matter how many times I tell myself that I just put up the blue castle template a couple days ago it doesn't matter, I can only think of the snapbeans. I found myself drawn to that innocent-looking-yet-must-have-evil-powers Notepad document where I saved the coding, and then I found myself logging into blogger. sigh.

Ok, another topic.

Why when I say I'll help someone with school do they automatically take it to mean that I'll do their work for them? Someone asked me for help a couple days ago (he's not in my school, and even if he was I wouldn't say cause I don't want to name names) and then when i ask what he needs help with he gives me like 10 assignments to do! Sometimes I wish I could just go knock on people's foreheads and ask if anyone's home. But, I fear I'd get no answer, and then I'd just be talking to myself. When I'm feeling generous enough to take time away from my busy school schedule/assignments to help someone else, it is such a letdown to find out they don't want help, they want answers. Well, I figure if I have to suffer through it then so should that other person. Besides, it was in a subject I'm not all that great at, so chances are my answers would be wrong anyway. grrrrrrrrrr. And then, this is the part I really hate, they try to make me feel guilty for not giving them the answers. "I'm going to fail!" "ty for all your help (sarcastic)" "They're due soon and I don't have time!" Well, that's NOT MY FAULT. I got the assignments done, why couldn't you? It's not like you didn't know the assignments were due, you had them weeks in advanced.

Honestly, I don't mind if you ask me for help. HELP. I don't want to do your paper for you, I have enough of my own work to do. And you know what? I don't really even mind too much if you ask me to do the paper, as long as you understand that when I say no, I mean no (and I always will say it). Don't try to make me feel guilty because you couldn't do something.

Ahhh, much better. I had to rant, sorry. Even though I wasn't talking to/about any one person, it felt good yelling at them.

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