Time for a blog. It feels like it's been forever since I've blogged, but in reality it's only been 3 days. A lot has happened in those 3 days though, so time seems to have a mind of it's own, speeding up and slowing down at it's own will.
My dad was in a truck accident on friday night/saturday morning. 12:30am saturday morning. I won't go into details, it just explains why I've been absent as of late. He's still alive, which is a miracle considering what the truck looked like. He just got back a half hour ago from the ER and they say he has a concussion. Which we already knew because he's been woozy and dry heaving for the past 3 days. Has it only been 3 days??? wow. It seems like it should have been longer. I've been helping out at work, doing what I can.
On a completely different note, I got a whole bag of books :) Books that I haven't read before, that is. A perk of having a dad in the re-selling business, he occasionally gets boxes of books and I can take my pick. So, I did, and wound up with a big bagfull :) They're currently spread out all over my floor by my bed where I dumped them because I didn't like how loud the plastic bag sounded when I was digging through it at night. Can't risk waking my mom at 1am, she wouldn't be too happy. So now they're all over my floor, and if she knew that she probably wouldn't be too happy with that either. I just can't win. I could put them on my bookshelf, but it's already full and it's on the other side of my bedroom as my bed, so if I got bored with one book during the night I'd have to get up and walk over to my bookshelf, stand there until I find something new that I haven't read, and then climb back into bed and try to get comfy again. It's much more organized with them on the floor. This way all I have to do is remember to tread over them when I get out of bed in the morning.
Does anyone else just open a book and start reading from like the middle? Or, be like 15 chapters into the book then skip ahead to read the last chapter to make sure it turns out how you want it to? I do both of those things, and it drives my mom crazy. But I can't see reading the whole beginning of a book when it'll just be repeated later. And besides, in my case, it's a romance story anyway, you don't need as much background info as the authors put in. And sometimes I read the last chapter because I'm dying of curiosity, or because I need to make sure that the book ends the way I think it should, otherwise it's a waste of my time and I start a different book. If only I could do that with schoolbooks.
Has anyone seen the movie The Scarlet Letter, or read the book? I've watched the movie on tv, and now for english I have to read the book. So far, the plots seem to be a little different. The movie seems more.... involved. It has more of a plot, that developed faster. I think this might be one of the rare times I like the movie better than the book. But to be fair, I'm only like 30 pages into the book, so maybe it'll be better, I'm not quite sure yet. I hope so.
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