Monday Moaning
1.) Is your family close?
Depends on who you are talking about. My immediate/household family, yes, extremely. If you mean like all of my aunts/uncles/cousins and the other hundreds of relatives (seriously, each of my parents has like at least 50 cousins/uncles etc), then no not at all. We only get together with them when absolutly necessary, and even then we try to get out of it because they're very snobby people. The only relatives we're close to is my grandparents (both parent's parents), and a few of my aunts and uncles.
2.) Describe the kind of family you want for yourself.
I love my family that i have now. The ones that live with me anyway. We're quirky and nutz, and we like to have fun and argue and get into big debates, you know, the fun stuff. So, I like us how we are. I could change a few things, but for the most part I'm happy. I don't really want to be close to the relatives we could be closer to, because they're not our best friends for a reason. Plus, we get along with out our millions of relatives, so everything's fine there.
3.) What do you consider to be a family?
I consider a family to be those that are blood related or adopted. I don't consider my mom's best friend family, I just consider her a friend of my mom's or the family. I think people can be like family, but they can't really be family unless they are family. If that makes any sense...?
4.) Do you believe in loving and tolerating a person for no other reason than that they are family?
It depends. I won't ever hate anyone. I won't. It's just not what I believe in. That also doesn't mean I have to put up with the junk they try to do either. So no, I don't believe just because they're family it makes them automatically immune from me being mad at them. I don't automatically love someone just because they're family either, I think love is not something you necessarily have to earn, but it's not automatic either. I don't just find out your my cousin and automatically love you. I love people not their positions in my life.
5.) What - if anything - would cause you to cut a family member out of your life?
I don't believe I could ever cut a family member completely out of my life, if we were ever that close to begin with. True, I don't associate with some of my family members now, but that's because I was never that close to them to begin with. My aunt and my grandparents aren't getting along at all for the past couple of years, my grandfather has even gone so far as to say as far as he's concerned she's dead to him. I could never ever do that. I think it's horrible, rotten, mean, and everyother negative adjective I could think of.
6.) Does your family have any skeletons in the closet? If yes, haul them out and tell us all about them
Ugh. Trust me, my family has too many, you don't want to hear them all. It's not even worth telling, they're all different varying degrees of shocking, so... Don't get me wrong, I'm not embarassed about any of them, it's just not something I feel comfortable sharing with the whole wide internet, lol. And besides, you wouldn't really want to hear them anyway.
Daily Double
1. What was the most embarrassing dream you ever had?
Hmm. I don't think I've ever had an embarrassing dream. At least none that I remember. Sorry.
2. If you could live in any past time period, which would it be?
Ok well my first instinct is to say the Renaissance period, simply because I love the dresses the ladies had to wear. But then, upon reflection, I'm not so sure. I mean, yea I like the dresses, but I think that's only because I don't have to wear them. I have a feeling if I did have to wear them the novelty would wear off quickly. So, I don't know what time period I would live in. They all have their positives and negatives.
5ive Minute Stories
Five minute stories are unfinished by nature. The general idea is that one person chooses a word and everyone writes for five minutes about whatever comes to mind. The knowledge that the stories leave the writer with no obligation to complete them should allow for greater creativity.
This week's word is: flavour
Ok, I was going to do this, really. But then I've decided it's too hard. Lol. I'm taking the easy way out, and not doing it. But the link is there for anyone else who wants to try, I thought it was a cool idea.
And since I'm not doing the 5ive minute stories, here's some more Monday Moaning
1.) Do you have an accent? What kind?
Well I don't think I do. I've been told I do though. Some guy I voice chatted with (in australia) told me I do, haha. And someone else told me I do, but I guess it's just cause I'm from the Northeastern part of the U.S.? I don't know. Compared to everyone else where I live, I don't have an accent. And if I do, it's certainly not as pronnounced as like the British or Australian accents, maybe more like a (much) softer New York accent. With a little bit dutch/german thrown in cause I tend to speak weirdly sometimes, lol.
2.) What accents (if any) do you find sexy?
Ahhh. All of them? ;) No, my absolute favorite accent is the Australian. And then the English/British. And then like southern/cowboy guys accents. *sigh* And then maybe the Irish, but not in a sexy way, I just think it's cool.
3.) What accents annoy the heck out of you?
The ones I can't understand. Lately it's been the middle eastern/Egypt accents that tend to annoy me, just because they're hard for me to understand (not because I'm prejudice, because I don't believe I am).
4.) Do you judge people by their accent?
I don't automatically think anyone is stupid/smarter because of their accent. Nor do I think of them as trashy or rich because of their accents. So no, I guess I don't.
5.) Do you ever adopt a random accent just for the fun of it? (If not, you should - it's fun!)
Yep! One time my cousin and I went to Baltimore and stayed in a hotel and we spent the whole day talking in this one weird accent that my cousin made up (or so we thought...) and when we were on the elevator the one time (we were riding the elevator up and down all day for hours at a time, it was great fun) these 2 women stepped on and were speaking in our accent! We had never seen them before, so we knew they weren't copying us and we weren't copying them, it was just a coincidence, but it was hilarious. Here we thought we made up this accent and it turned out to be a real one, just one we've never heard before. Oh, and yea, I do southern type accents all the time (sometimes unintentionally when I'm singing/talking). It's fun.
6.) Do you find it difficult to read dialect in print?
I used to, but my English teacher made me read Julius Caesar last year, so now I think I've got the hang of it. For the most part anyway. There's still the occasional sentance that throws me, but I'm getting better since some of my books have like Scottish dialect in it, so I got used to reading it more and am getting better.
Well this concludes my cheating of a blog. I do have actual stuff to blog, but I didn't feel like it, so you got this :p
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