
Tuesday, July 15, 2003

well tomorrow I (we, meaning us kids) are going to do something with my grandmother. We're not even sure of what we're doing yet, or even what time she's coming tomorrow morning. My dad called her to find out details, but after finding out the details while he was on the phone, he somehow forgot most of his conversation when he got off of it. frustrating. But anyway, all I know is that it's going to be a day (or half day) with my grandmother :) It should be fun. She's the one who goes out to Arizona for like 9+ months of the year, and then comes back to PA during the summer months. We've only seen her 2 times since she's gotten back a month ago, and both times were at family gatherings where we could never just talk to her without a zillion cousins running around. Not that I don't love my cousins, but sheesh, give her some breathing room every once in awhile. Anyway, tomorrow we're probably going to go see a movie, or rent one, and then come back to our house and play some games (rummy/dominos, something of the like). Or maybe just the movie. Or maybe just the games. Like I said, we're not quite sure what we're doing yet. I'm just glad to finally get to spend some time with her :)

I have to get a new template soon, this one's too peachy.

I can't see every first letter I type on a new line. I adjusted my screen width (it shrinks sometimes to like half the screen, and only lets me adjust it back to normal sometimes) and now I made it just a bit too big. Yea well, I'd rather have it too big than too small. That half screen was annoying.

I wanted to get MS Word for my computer, my mom has it for hers and a lot of my teachers say we can send files to them using Word instead of Notepad/Wordpad, and since Word at least has spell checker it'd be better if I got it. Plus maybe it'd be better when I do the NaNoWriMo thing, to have something other than Wordpad/notepad. It's not much on, but I think instead I might try Open Office. The site says it's a free download and some searching I did says it's better than Word, but I'm not sure. Anyone out there ever try it? I'm almost afraid of breaking my computer, since if I break this one I definetly won't be getting a replacement from my school since the school's leasing contract with Compaq is up. So, yea, any opinions on Open Office would be appreciated.

I know I said I'd be doing NaNoWriMo this year, but I'm not sure if I will. It takes a lot of guts, because my parents/siblings/people will want to read it, and I hate having people judge my papers/stories. Plus it's a lot of work, I think the longest paper I've ever written was when I did my 10,000 word Marilyn Monroe report. Granted this isn't a report but a story, but still.... Plus I'll be in my Senior year. So I'll be busy. Hopefully I'll have a job by then too. Or a license. Either/or. lol. Plus in August something might happen (though I pray not). I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Did I ever mention I'm an impatient person?

Ok so there you go, a reasonably long blog. Probably even longer looking in the little peachy column. Did you get through it all? Kudos if you did. :p if you didn't (although I dont' blame you, I wouldn't read all my babbles either, lol).

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