
Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Ok, cover your ears please.


ok, you can uncover them now. Thanks.

That ^ was due to me being fed up on how people blame music for their actions. It's pathetic. Have you no brain people? Can you not figure out that when someone says you should kill someone, no matter how much you may listen/like the band, it's your fault if you actually kill someone? You killed them. I hate that people now-a-days don't think for themselves. They're so quick to pass the blame. If your child is being violent, it's not the music. In my opinion, music is a way to relax. Even loud violent music just makes you scream along with it, and hopefully get it out. An outlet, if you will. If you think hurting someone would be a good thing to do because a band talked about how they hurt so-and-so, well then isn't there something wrong with you in the first place? If you're that much of a sheep that you follow what someone 'cool' tells you to do, then don't you have a problem? And why blame music? You could just as easy get as many ideas off of the news. Should we not have news shows too? Should everyone just live in a little plastic bubble, never escaping to view what reality is? To quote (may not be word for word but dang close) Eminem "I've heard music can alter moods and talk to you. but can it load a gun for you and c0ck it too?" (put c0ck so I don't get a bunch of sickos here searching for it). my point being, if you're a parent and you're worried about your children doing horrible things because they heard about it from their favorite rapper, well then you mustn't have taught them right. They should know right from wrong. At least know killing or hurting is wrong. And if all it takes is a rapper's lyric to make them forget what you told them, well then you need to be a better parent.
Just my opinion, of course. Feel free to comment (I love comments!) whether you agree or disagree I'd love the chance to talk about it. Oh, you can IM me too if you want. Or email. I don't care so long as you talk. lol. :)

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