
Thursday, September 11, 2003

So, for a quick recap of what I did today... cleaned. And cleaned.

I cleaned the living room, and the kitchen. I swept the kitchen floor (with a broom) and then I vaccumed the living room and office rugs. The office rug was annoying because my dad got sawdust all over it, and it got like ground into the rug. So I had to really sweep that. grr. And I folded about 9 loads of wash (not exaggerating), and I washed 4 shirts by hand... (things I didn't want to go in the wash machine but probably could have). Oh, and I cleaned my room. It was a disaster area. A real toxic dump site. Dirty (and clean) wash everywhere, mixed with books. So I piled all my books onto my bed, and put all my (and my sister's) wash in the wash machine (took 4 loads lol). And I cleaned out the refridgerator (yuck!!!)

And now I have to get this down while I still have the thoughts in my head. Cause otherwise I'll lose track of what I was saying and this will just come out all jumbled. although knowing me, it's going to be jumbled anyway. And now, I open OpenOffice because this subject deserves proper capitalization. :p

And a big big big thanks to Ruger Roscoe for the topic idea!! :)

As I'm sure you all know, it's the 2nd anniversary of the World Trade Center collapsing. I didn't turn on any of the programs that were on tv for remembering the tragedy. September 11th is something I try to forget happened. I have to try to forget it happened in order not to live in fear. And in order to not cry. For everyone. I think I really grew up on Sept. 11th. I finally realized that my dad was right all those years. He always said that I will see a war in my lifetime. That he hopes to God he's wrong, but he knows he won't be because too many people hate the U.S.

I was talking to someone in a chatroom the other day and they said “everyone in the US is horrible people.” And I just said 'oh, really? I try not to make generalizations like that because I know that what you hear about on television or in magazines isn't a portrayal of everyone in a country. We're not all shallow, greedy people. There are good people in the U.S., you just don't hear about them as often as you hear about the bad.” And I believe that, I really do. As much as I don't like a lot of the things I hear other countries do, I never hate a whole country. I try not to hate, period. Cause what's hating going to get you? Bitter. Nobody ever feels better for hating someone/something. It eats at you.

Today is the 2 year anniversary of when my school opened. Lol. I guess a school that was scheduled to open on a day that was a national tragedy is almost bound to fail, isn't it? (and no we didn't have school on sept. 11th, once the towers fell our school opening was postponed)

Today also marks the 2 years we've been chasing after Osama and his goonies. Isn't it disgusting how we supposedly have all this technology and yet we can't find one guy? I never thought of people in the Middle East as being as loaded with technology as they apparently are. I mean, when I used to think of the Middle East I thought of desert and sand and a bunch of people in turbans (i know, horrible isn't it? Aladdin influence there I think). I never thought of there being people with money and power in the middle east. And what a rude wake up call I had.

Well, I could probably think of more to say on this, but I'm not sure how all that came across so as it is, and it's 11:15pm so I only have 45 more minutes to post it otherwise I'll have to edit everything to say “yesterday was the 2nd anniversary” lol.

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