
Wednesday, October 15, 2003 update...

Pics will be up very soon. Or rather, a link to pics will be up very soon. At the moment the pics are downloading onto a CD on mom's computer, and I'm going to switch the disc over to this one and upload them to a site as soon as it's done DLing.

here they are.
Don't expect anything fancy as far as the picture album design goes, I think I'm just going to use an photo album template. hehe.

So... I guess this is the part where I tell you about my trip, eh? I don't know where to start.

I spent most the days trying to get up the energy to go swimming in my grandmother's park's heated pool. I know, I was lazy. but I enjoyed being lazy so :p

A few of the days we went to this one HUGE mall they had out there. It had 150 stores, and I bet we went in all of them. If not all, a good 120 of them. Mandy spent like $500 just there the one day, I spent about $20. I'm cheap. lol

We went up to Sedona. We did the one Pink Jeep Tour. That was a ton of fun. That was the best part of the trip, actually. It was soooo fun. You get driven around on a bright pink jeep, and you go over all these rugged 4x4 trails and you get to see all this beautiful scenery. My cousin and I sat in the seat that got the most bumps, and we enjoyed every second of it. We were screaming and laughing.... mucho fun.

We went to the Grand Canyon. I liked it and all, but I must say, it's a hole in the ground. I liked the IMax video about the Grand Canyon more than I actually liked visiting it. It's not that it's not amazing how big it is, it's very very huge, but after I saw it it's just like... ok, it's a hole. I think if I would have seen it at dusk or early morning it would have been better, but as it was it was like 4pm and all the colors looked rather pale. : /

We also visited Tortilla Flats, which has this really cool place where the walls are literally covered in dollar bills. You write your name on a dollar bill and they find some place on the wall or decorations or roof rafters to stick it and then it's there forever... or until it burns down again like it did 10 years ago. :[

Oh yes, we also visited this really cool ghost town. It was neat, it was just found one day... completely abandoned. And it was a coal mining town, so you could see the mines and such. We could have taken a tour of the mine but we didn't because it was hot and getting late.

And I think that's it as far as places we went. I really really loved the weather, 90 degrees (farenheit) with little/no humidity and sunny. ahhhh. I spent a lot of my time either in, or laying out by the pool.

And then when it was time to come home, it was a 5 1/2 hour plane ride. yuck. You don't know how numb your bum get until you've been sitting on a plane for 5 1/2 hours. We even had a stopover in Indianappolis on our way to Balitmore and we got to get up and change seats... that helped a bit but still... my poor bum. lol.

School started today. well, I started it before but today I really buckled down and did it. I think I'll do ok, I'm hoping to be caught up with 6 weeks of missed work by the end of this week. Mom says I'm pushing myself too hard though, so maybe I'll slack off that plan a bit. I dunno now.

A new template will be up as soon as I can find my Winzip disc. Halloween template :) (sorry Chris, I don't want the plane anymore. you want it? lol)

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