and now... now I am impatiently waiting until 11pm, when the 4 hour mandatory first-use battery charge is FINALLY over with and I can play with it.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
my new baby!
and now... now I am impatiently waiting until 11pm, when the 4 hour mandatory first-use battery charge is FINALLY over with and I can play with it.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
my GPA
Saturday, December 18, 2004
a conversation between me and my sister (forgive the bastardized spelling)
Hoov: Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you were going back downstairs and I turned the lights out.
Me: mox nix
(I then, on my way out of bed, trip over the clutter on my floor)
Hoov: mox nix?
Me: yea, its dutch for matters not/no matter
Hoov: Oh, I thought you said nix nux
(nix nux means... kind of like airhead/klutz)
hahahaha very funny hoov. But actually, the funny part was, she seriously thought I said nix nux.
Saturday, December 11, 2004
I lucked out on finals also. I only have 2, non culmative finals. Philosophy and Psychology. Not so bad. And they'll be over with by Tuesday, one monday and one tuesday. So I'll be home by tuesday night. yay!
Actually, I don't know how excited I am to be going home. I mean, I do love going home, and being there. But I also like being here. My friends are here. I'm used to the chaos that is college dorm life. And when I go home it's just going to seem so... different. Calm. In a bad way. Not that I want something to happen that disrupts that, it's just a different type of living there than here. And I've gotten used to this type, and now I have to adjust. Again. And then in a month, come back. And adjust. Again.
But yes, well. I shall survive, right? There are definetly worse things in the world than having to adjust to two places that you enjoy.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
I just don't want to. I feel good. Besides the fact that my nose is all messed up, my throat's sore, and i have a cough. But that cold's been going around lately. One of the prices- besides the overpriced residence hall fee- of living in a dorm I guess.
Friday, December 03, 2004
just so you know...
Monday, November 29, 2004
outside of myself
I blame college. In highschool I was always writing, I would write just for the fun of writing. I wrote just to write. I loved to write essays. I loved expressing my opinions in writing, because I can certainly write better than I can talk.
Now... now I write because I have to. I'm having a rough time trying to have fun when my topics consist of things I'm not interested in... like my next American Cultures Essay. 6-8 pages on "comparing the ideal vision of society found in the Revolutionary era to that during the 1850s. What ideals remain the same and what shifts have taken place?" How do you get excited about that?? Unless you're a history major and know what you're talking about, it's rather difficult to write.
And I have less time to write fun things now. The tons of essays and writings I'm assigned are just too overwhelming that it takes everything I have in me to get through those, let alone write anything for me.
Hopefully over Christmas vacation (a month off!) I'll get back what I lost. I want it back. I need it back. It gave me peace.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
a melancholy post...
you know... if i updated more, i wouldn't have to title the posts 'an update'
The first major thing I did after arriving home was taking a nap. I don't know why, but somehow the change between going from school to home always makes me require a nap. Caitlin has a theory it's because of the change in mountain air. Possible. Regardless of what it is, it makes me need a nap. Just about every Friday I come home and take a nap, today's lasted longer than usual... 4 hours. Although, last Friday I did sleep for 14 hours+ straight. Oops. I guess I just need to recharge my batteries for when I'm at home.
Then... I went on the computer. And that's where I've been slowly waking up for the past 2 hours now.
Tomorrow I think my cousin is bringing her new puppy up for a visit. A 15-week old St. Bernard. aww. I bet it's really cute. Although I don't envy her when the puppy gets older, I wouldn't want to have to deal with all of that slobber! ;)
Saturday... I think we're going to my grandmother & grandfather's house. I got them birthday presents (their birthdays are like 10 days apart) so I can't wait to give the stuff to them.
umm.. Sunday I go back. Drat. But it'll be nice having a Tues-Sunday vacation. And I barely have any work to do over this break.
And now I'm going back to relaxing and doing nothing.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
new template!
(I'd post more except now I have to walk about 3 mins in this chilly weather to get to class. brrr)
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Did you miss me?
Do you know what I've realized? I NEED good music. It can't just be any type of music, it can't be the type my roomate (roomie #2) listens to, it has to be good music that I enjoy, that I can sing along with. It has to be MY type of music. I can't say I have a specific type, but I can say I know what my type is not. Hah that goes for music and guys. Anyway, when I listen to my music, and I sing along with it, I can literally feel my stress melting away. When I listen to some other types of music, it just adds to my stress level.
And so is how I've been living lately. In ever fluctuating patterns of stress and no stress. But that is the life of a college freshman, not?
I have a few papers due soon, a few things to read, but nothing more than any other week. Less than other weeks actually, since this Friday 2 (well 3) of my classes are cancelled. Yes, that's right, cancelled! I'm staying on campus this weekend, making tons of plans of things to be done between the 52 pages I'll have to have read for my AmCul class on Monday. I can't wait til the weekend, it should be fun.
Til later... adios.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
as per a request...
a sign on my door made by my lovely roomies for all to see
a sign behind my door, again made by my roomies
a bracelet from my roomie. i heart it, it's so pretty.
(^^^^those URLs aren't working right now. i'll fix them later)
my roses from my parents! i love them, they were so pretty. right now the petals (cause they were droopy) are sitting on my desk in a mix (inside a plastic bag). it's pretty. I took bunches of pictures of them, and even made one into my wallpaper/desktop. :)
Monday, October 18, 2004
Saturday, October 16, 2004
name this entry! contest. or not.
Yes, that's right, I have a month off for Christmas vacation and I'm looking forward to going back to work the most of all the other things I could do on that month off. As weird as it/I am, I actually liked working there. Maybe my perceptions are distorted since I've left, but I remember having fun in and amongst the boring, annoying, repeatedness. Someone do me a favor, and remind me of that on day 15 of my being back to work and I'm cursing why I ever decided to go back, ok? Because it will happen.
Another good thing about going back to work? Money. I've decided that as much as I hate it, I need it. And I hate that I need it. But my books cost $400 last semester, and they'll probably cost just as much, possibly more, next semester. So it will be nice to be able to save my money and pay for them myself, because I hate burdening my parents with my lack-of-money issues.
There's also something else about going back to work that I'm looking forward to, but I can't say it on here because my journal is no longer (or, I guess hasn't been for awhile) my private space to say what I wish without fear of someone reading it that shouldn't. So just know that I'm looking forward to work for a variety of reasons.
Now if only my car worked. I'm stuck at home, which I'm not minding too much, but I do not want to be stuck at home during Christmas vacation. I plan on meeting my friends from school, maybe driving down to Jersey to visit, work, etc etc, and I need a car for all of my plans thus far. So hopefully it gets figured out, and working soon.
It's even gotten to the point where I don't think I'd mind if I got a different car instead of my lovely beautiful Zippy. If Zip doesn't work, what's the point in keeping him? As much as I love him, I need a working vehicle. It's reached that point where we keep fixing him and fixing him, and something elusive keeps going wrong that we have to keep chasing. You get sick of chasing after awhile, and I'm almost ready to concede the race (and my poor dad, he's the one actually doing the chasing).
People keep telling me that they can see me being a great lawyer. That I was apparently meant to be a lawyer. While I believe this myself, and I appreciate the underlying complement that I've chosen the correct proffession, I can't help but think it is a slight insult.
Example: Today I had a session with a not-very-helpful/snobby bank teller about the inconveniance of my account PIN being reset frequently without my knowledge, in which I kindly explained my problems and asked her to please explain how the one suggestion she made would help my problem with my PIN (she suggested I order a new card since my ATM card might be scratched- even though I said I have the most problems with it over the internet and phone banking...).
My ATM transaction reciept tells me I have a BAD PIN. I told her that it says 'BAD PIN', and when she was on the phone with whoever she was trying to clear up my problem with, she said Invalid. I said no, it says BAD. She kind of laughed at my lack of vocabulary, perhaps thinking I didn't know what Invalid meant, and relayed to the person on the phone that "oh she says it said 'bad pin'" That is when I took out the reciept I recieved from the ATM, and while she was ignoring me on the phone I placed (ok, so I lightly slapped it down) on her desk and pointed to the words "error: BAD PIN". She had to correct herself. I found pleasure in that. I'm not normally nitpicky about things, but she was just acting so superior that I had to take her down a peg and prove that I'm not just some idiot kid.
Then, when deciding to just give them a chance to fix it before finalizing my decision of switching banks, I was told that she just needed me "to sign by the X before you go". Well, I've always thought it rather prudent to actually read something before I sign it, which I did. I took the pen she offered me, read through my account summary, remarked on the balance I had that I wasn't aware of, asked if this suggestion of hers was going to cost me anything, resumed reading the contract... and then I signed it. I didn't think it was so much that I was making a point that I wasn't naive enough to just trust her, it was more that I didn't want to be stuck in some contract to keep my account or something because of this.
My mom said, after this episode with the lovely bank teller, that I "certainly have the natural arrogance to be a lawyer". Compliment, or insult? I think I'll take it as a compliment, because I think she was actually impressed. The best part? I actually had fun sparring with the superior bank lady. I do actually think I will make a good lawyer. IF I can get through 7 more years of school.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
a new template!
Well, it would be back, had I not just totally forgot what my topic was I was going to talk about. Man.
Well, let me know what you think of the template, ok? And if you don't like it, let me know, and maybe I'll get my HALLOWEEN template up sooner. I can't wait for halloween! I love it (in case you didn't already know that!)!!!!
Monday, September 20, 2004
Thursday, September 16, 2004
it's that time again
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
to my baby (and perhaps everyone else in a sense):
And so, everyone join me please:
Happy 2nd Birthday Blog!
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
what have i been meaning to post all week, only my internet wouldn't allow it?
(not make a candlight dinner, wash the dishes, stuff like that. i mean like what 1 thing.)
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
so... what?
And so on continues the life of the college student...
I arrived around 11ish this morning, back from my weekend of being at hoooome (it has to be said like that, stressed, with an emphasis on the 'ooooome'). I liked being at home. For the most part anyway. I slept. A lot. 18 hours the first night. Hah. I love sleeping, did I ever mention that? Perhaps not, mayhaps I will in another post (someone remind me later). Anyway, continuing on, I arrived, piddled around doing nonsense things such as eating soup and then washing my soup bowl (and spoon), getting myself in some facade of order so that maybe tomorrow I won't be running around like a chicken with my head cut off (ouch) at 8am. I have to pack my, newly-acquired from home, bookbag with most of my stuff tonight, and then just hope I have everything in the morning. Make sense? "Sure, Heather. I mean, it completly wouldn't make sense to double check tonight while you still remember what you need tomorrow, rather than wait til the last minute and forget something important." Shuttup. (no, don't, comment!)
As you can see, I've seemed to pick up the habit of talking to myself. In my head. I'm not quite sure why, or where it came from. Perhaps it came from having so much stuff to do and feeling stressed if I don't figure out a way to talk myself through it? Perhaps. Or I'm insane (yea, that's probably it). Am I insane for hearing the voices or you for not? (yes, I've been saying that repeatedly.)
I used a lot of parenthesis. I'm sorry.
I have a 3-5 page paper due on the 27th that I didn't even start yet and am not sure how to start. I think I'm getting a tutor tomorrow. Seriously. An English major that needs a tutor to help her write papers. Is that irony of the school, or just dumbness on my part?
And so I rush off to double check my bookbag, tonight, like a good little girl.
Look back for updates, I'll try to be better.
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
The point of this is that things change. All of the time. In... well I'm not saying it again. So I am going to try to remember that if something or even someone has you down, mad/ upset/ scared/ crying, it WILL change. It will be fixed. You just have to wait for that instant.
Monday, August 30, 2004
it seems like such a long time since I've blogged...
Life's tough, wear a helmet. That should be changed to College is tough, wear a helmet. And if you sleep on the bottom bunk, I mean that literally. I've only hit my head on the edge while standing up once, but trust me once is enough to make me remember to duck.
"What's your favorite ice cream flavor?" " Do you miss your parents?" "Who is going to the ice cream social/foam party/music party/etcetera...?" There's a lot of questions asked, a lot answered. A ton of icebreaker things, such as games and.... learning how to salsa...
yes, that's right, I said I learned how to salsa. Now, kindly, pick your jaws up off the floor and I'll tell you how it's not what you think. Or maybe it is...
It was just a few simple steps, put together to form a couple little 'routines'. It was silly, but really fun once everyone (myself included, or perhaps foremost), loosened up and just laughed their way through it. This is the deal. There were about 100 kids in the group, give or take a few. I'm just going to make it 90 so it's easier for me to do the math. We were divided into groups of 3- 2 girls and a guy generally, with the tallest person (the guy almost always) being in the middle. We lined up so that if you were to draw a circle around the room, we were all standing the same way with the guy in the middle on the 'line' and 1 girl on the outside and one on the in. And so we salsa'd. Which basically means, we took 8 steps forward- hips and knees loose mind you- and 8 back, and then took spins under the middle guys arms. That whole routine, once everyone got the hang of it, took about 30 seconds each time and then after that us girls moved to the guy in front of us while the guys stay put. We made about a half circuit around the long circle, trading partners every time the whistle blew. And then we learned a new routine, where it's just 1 on 1, and involved putting our hands on eachothers shoulders/backs/hands. And then we did that for awhile, until every girl had moved danced with every partner once. It was crazy, but fun.
And there was a gameshow that I participated in, loudly amongst all the other kids and a wacky host/dj which was maybe the most fun I had. It was funny, the dj/host was sarcastic. It's one of those things I'm glad I experienced cause it was unlike me to do so.
I also went to a foam dance, but I didn't go in the foam. I went to the ice cream social with a group of girls including my roomates. Good ice cream, vanilla and caramel. yumm.
That's pretty much been my experience so far... I'd mention the scholarly stuff but... eh, I don't feel like it now. I'll blog again soon, before the new-ness wears off, count on it.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
So, I leave you with a bit of an update, I got my haircut. Styled more. Got about 5 inches cut off, which I didn't really want but it needed because it was mainly dead/split ends. It looks and feels a lot softer, lighter, and healthier, so it was a good thing to do. I also got my pictures taken today. I'm not sure why, it was a spur of the moment decision that went kind of like this:
mom: Heather, you should get your pictures taken before you leave friday.
me: Yea, I should. I wonder how late walmarts photo place is open.
*check schedule*
me: mom, I'm leaving.
I waited there for about 2 hours before I was squeezed into the girl's extremly busy schedule, but I didn't mind because she was doing me a favor- it was either she squeezed me in then or I wouldn't have been able to get it done there at all before Friday. She was such a sweetie, funny and really a nice person. She stayed later, she was supposed to close at 7pm, and she didn't even get to take me until 7:05 and then there was another walk-up customer after me she said she'd take. As she said "I don't care, I get paid for the extra time." So, I'd like to say thanks to Dana for making the whole painful photo taking process actually fun. I laughed, a lot. I would definetly go to her again, it's too bad all of my photography experiences aren't like that.
Ok, enough of my babbling, have a great week or so, I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get the internet hooked up on campus, but once I do I'll let you know how I'm adjusting to being a college student. Wish me luck!
Friday, August 20, 2004
aching muscles
Saturday is normally a day of preparing for Sunday. Many people do not realize just how much work goes into maintaining such a large stand as my dad has. They think he gets up Sunday around 7ish, and his boxes magically unpack and price themselves. People don't realize that my dad works over 50 hours in a normal week, buying, loading, delivering, unpacking, rearranging, etc. It's a lot of physical work. Saturdays he goes to the market around 2pm, and he sleeps over so as to have more time to set up his stand, works til about 11pm when he goes to sleep, and wakes up at 4 to answer the demands of his early morning customers. He gets to go home when the last customer leaves, usually around 5pm. He goes home, sometimes eats dinner, and finally catches up on his rest. It's a lot of work.
I think I lost my point there somewheres. Lets start again. Saturday is normally a day spent preparing for Sunday. Never has that been more true than this past Saturday...
Because of the days of mandatory rest, we had not been down to his stand to check on it since the nasty rainfalls. It turns out that his stand is a complete mess. There are things that just floated to other places, tables overturned because of the rain, the creek flooded in places over a foot deep, there are literally holes in the ground over 1 1/2 foot deep, and 8 feet wide. The gravel that is usually spread out relativly evenly by thousands of feet over the week is now in piles 8inches deep in some spots, and completely bare in others. The one rug had a huge bump underneath it of gravel, and yet the rug stayed in place. It looked like on those cartoons where the kids just sweep everything under the rug instead of disposing of it.
We had a lot of work to do. And my dad wasn't allowed to do any of it.
I spent 5 hour there Saturday, 4 of them were spent strictly raking up the gravel, and shoveling it into ditches. I got my workout that day, arms and thighs were worked, pushing the gravel around.
There is, however, something to be said for how satisfying it is to see an area go from a complete mess, to a nicely raked, smooth path. It's immensly gratifying to know you had a major role in the end result. And I was proud of my sore muscles, every single one of them. They were earned, and I was proud of how hard I worked to earn them.
I've been on vacation the past few days, swimming and sleeping in a hotel with an indoor pool and uncomfortable beds. And while some of my sore muscles were from the amount of walking around I did at an amusement park, the majority of my sores were from the painful bed, and I was not near as happy to have those sore muscles as I was the past Saturday.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
more stuff
But on the bright side, I felt like it was (a slightly better than usual, and without all the guilt that is inspired by) Christmas as I sat there on the floor surrounded by my purchases. I think the only thing I have left to get is a fan-mat thingy so my dell doesn't get really hot on my lap, and some dish washing clothes already pre-treated with dish soap, or just plain old normal dish soap so I can use my cute new dish/wash towels. Gosh. I'm so spoiled. And I know it.
I said that at walmart today when I was paying for my things. As I'm putting everything up at the checkout counter, I mention to my sister that I'm spoiled because I'm getting so much. But you know what? I've earned it. I'm using my own money, I'm not begging it off of mom and dad, it's money I've saved from working so I could buy myself stuff. And, not to sound weird, but I've had a rough life. Really. Things I don't even write about here, cause it's too personal. Things I don't tell my best friend because it's family stuff. Especially lately, life's been less than amazing. So, what's the harm if shopping- finding the perfect black/white plates to match my beautiful maroon glasses- helps me forget things for awhile? I'm not hurting anyone, and I'm not even hurting my credit since I payed all cash. So there.
*ponders* I don't know who I was saying all of that to. Possibly the part of my brain that needs justification for spending money on myself?
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
even random questions deserve thoughtful responses...
Sunday, August 01, 2004
the laptop? I have it, I'm posting from it right now actually. I adore it. My uncle installed WinXPpro for me, and that fixed a few of the problems I had. Now, if only I could get used to picking up my thumbs when I type so they don't drag the mouse/pointer away. I'm sick of my words winding up in a different text box. But if that's the price I have to pay for having my laptop...
my cold? I still have it. It appeared to go away for a few days, only to hit me worse than before yesterday morning. Scratchy throat, messed up nose, headache, feeling like I'm underwater, the works. Ugh.
I only have 5 more working days left! I work tomorrow 1-7pm, and I also work Monday/Tues/Weds, and Friday. And Saturday, what was to be my last day, I have off. I'm happy about that of course, maybe I might start feeling like I actually had a summer this year, but then again... I am going to miss it. As weird as it sounds, I actually like being a cashier. I like meeting all types of people, from the snobby that won't say a single word to you no matter how pleasant you're being, to the elderly that are just grateful to have an ear to chat to. I really do enjoy it. Of course, it'll be nice not having to report to work on those days that I just don't want to get out of bed. Ahh, the freedom of summer.
College starts on the 27th. I quit my job on the 6th. That gives me roughly 20 days to squeeze in a summer. Any ideas?
(feel free to comment on the previous posts, I've missed feedback since my template was broken)
Friday, July 16, 2004
It sounded good to me! So, I bought it on ebay :) I'm very very very happy. I keep walking around with a silly grin on my face. Until I think about how much money it cost ($500) and how I'm going to pay my parents back... sigh. Stupid money. But enough of that... dude! I'm getting a dell! (yes, that saying is annoying, even to me, but somehow it's all you can think of when you actually get one. Stupid marketing ploys.)
Thursday, July 15, 2004
ahhh chooo cough scratch
I officially quit on August 7th. My mom, wonderful mentor and role-model that she is, is trying to convince me to quit on the 4th, so we can watch the beginning of the super amazing X-Games ( together- which is what we traditionally do. I just can't see missing out on 3 days pay for a sporting event-- even if it is my absolute favorite sporting event, and with this year being the tenth anniversary (X-Games roman numeral X years... X-Games X baby!) it promises to be better than ever... I'd better be careful, or I'll talk myself into quitting on the 4th!
After a frantic search for my disk, I've hooked my webcam up again. So for all those who like to watch it (ha, all.. 1? 2? of you..), IM me.
I can't wait until I quit my job. Quitting brings on rest, XGAMES!!!, and summer. A whole... 2 weeks of summer before school starts. yay :)
Sunday, July 11, 2004
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Umm, yea. Update your links please.
A big thanks to amanda for all her FTP help (aka talking me through all my stupid mistakes) :)
Monday, July 05, 2004
it's a beautiful thing.
Technically I was supposed to save my money for a laptop. Ooops. Yea well, I have until Aug. 27th for that, that's the day I have to move into college. Besides, my dad is being extra ordinarily nice, and not making me pay any of my bills (haha mom hates that), which is only car insurance and my cell phone, so that gives me more money to save. Hang on Dell laptop, I'll buy you soon! (I think I'm going with Dell, unless anyone can give me a better option..? Let me know, I'm open to suggstions.)
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Monday, June 28, 2004
etc etc
Oh, I have a 'deep' thinking blog coming up. I can feel it in me bones. I just have to think it out first. Be on the lookout, it might come tomorrow, as I have off and might actually have free time... possibly.
Thursday, June 24, 2004
all reved up and man it's loud
Cars. They're like men, can't live with them, but they're oh so handy to have around.
Sunday, June 13, 2004
from a moment of loneliness
I'm tired.
I'm restless.
I want to dance.
I hate dancing.
I want to laugh.
Be 'merry'.
I'm not in the mood.
for the moment.
I want to play.
I want to have fun.
I want an intellectual conversation.
but most of all
I want you to care.
My thoughts as I was thinking up a yahoo instant messenger status. it would have been much longer, but the status only lets you use so many spaces. perhaps its better this way. it's strange how your thoughts can get away from you at times, and instead of going in one direction, go down a completely unexpected path.
I've done did it, ya'll
$100 from my grandmother :)
$40 from my aunt&uncle
and from my mom/dad/sis/brother:
Happy Bunny stuff: toilet paper (yea, happy bunny toilet paper! hahaha), 2 decks of cards, a pen/notebook and a little address/phone book.
AND, the best of all,
My parents got me a digital camera! It's the one from my work, that somehow my sis and mom snuck in while I was at work, on registers and got for me. I have very sneaky coworkers apparently. hmph.
In other news, I completely blew my diet thingy these past 2 days. I DLed the new yahoo messenger, that looks pretty interesting. I'm waiting to talk to people on the said messenger, but there isn't anyone on. C'mon people!
I just finished watching EuroTrip. It was funny, if you like crude/rude teen type movies, which, I admit, I do.
Sunday, May 30, 2004
i'm sorry...
I feel like all I ever do on here is update. Why should I update? You don't really care what my life has been like, or what I'm doing, etc etc. You come here for entertainment. And that's how it's supposed to be, so don't go saying that I'm wrong.
So, until I get back to my normal writings, this blog is on vacation. Who knows, it may only take a week. I may get inspired by the fact that I have been accepted to the Honors Program @ my college and get into a writing frenzy. OR I could get a bunch of comments on this post and therefore feel like I'm actually having readers that read my blog, thus making it worthwhile to post (not you Leesa or Roscoe, you people comment. I mean cyber lurkers)... So, go ahead, inspire me.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
my life as of late in 5 sentences...
Met up with some people I've missed.
Caught up on almost all schoolwork while looking forward to graduation on the 12th of june.
Spent way too much time on the computer yet see no signs of slowing down.
Am dreading working 12noon til 10pm tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
ok, so figure ME out...
Not to change the subject past my wonderful driving tendancies, but..
I'm honestly excited about going to college. I mean, yes, I will miss my home because that's what it is, home. And I'm leaving it. Even when I return for a weekend every so often, or for the summer, it won't be the same. I'll have to get caught up before I understand the inside jokes. And even then, since I wasn't there, they won't be the same. Life won't be the same...
but I'm coming to realize, that's ok. Life is supposed to change. Children are supposed to grow up. Live their own lives, change, grow apart from their families... I think I've accepted that, and while I'm sad that I'll have to go through it, I'm looking forward to (cliche warning) starting a new chapter in my book of life.
I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I'm weird, I love to learn. (English major... I'd better love to learn) And I'm going to be in an environment that encourages learning. And I'm finally going to be interacting with people my own age (ok, and maybe like 3 years older if they're a Senior). Don't get me wrong, not socializing as much as I could have, as a 'normal' child, has been entirely my choice. But I'm ready to branch out, test the waters, and college just seems like the perfect place for it. What college grad doesn't have stories about when they did this with so-and-so and it turned out soooo hilarious? I want that. I want to have fun and learn.
And, as part of the having fun idea... I'm THISCLOSE to being accepted to the Honors Program at my college. THISCLOSE. I just have to send in a writing sample. I swear, if I had any nails to bite, I'd bite them. I'm that nervous. Which writing should I send in? Should I go with the mock court trial that I wrote for my World Lit class? It's more involved, calling up witnesses, testimonials, etc. Or should I go with my infamous tomatoe plant post (I've dubbed it 'childhood innocence). I think I've narrowed it down to those 2... Comment and let me know what you think, please! Or if you want to see them both, IM me/comment and I'll email you them... I could REALLY use some opinions here. Honest ones. Honestly, why would I want fake ones? :)
My english teacher is a real doll, I love talking with her. She thinks I'm this great writer... we had a voice chat and she kept referring to me as Heather, the writer. I'm not! At least not yet. I don't think I'm half as good as I want to be, or people seem to think. Although I think that way with everything (my personality, looks, etc) so maybe it's just a character flaw? Anyway, about my senior project, she "LOVED IT!!!!" (direct quote). She wants to show it to the whole class! Excuse me while I cover my face and die of mortification. That would just be embarassing. Frankly, I don't like my project that much at all. Teachers. Who can figure them out. :) So while I'm happy she liked it... I'm hoping she forgets about the idea of showing it to others!
Ok, did I bore everyone enough yet? That's what happens when I feel guilty for not updating with anything substancial in a long time, I just tend to babble (hence blog title). So... if you want to know something, COMMENT!!!! I'm an open book. Unless you're a pervert, than this book is closed and bolted. Stay away creepos.
Friday, May 14, 2004
Monday, May 10, 2004
I love when assignments get me thinking...
Q#5 on Solitude (from Walden)
My favorite quote from this reading was
“Society is commonly too cheap. We meet at very short intervals, not having had time to acquire any new value for each other. We meet at meals three times a day, and give each other a new taste of that old musty cheese that we are. We have had to agree on a certain set of rules, called etiquette and politeness, to make this frequent meeting tolerable and that we need not come to open war. We meet at the post-office, and at the sociable, and about the fireside every night; we live thick and are in each other's way, and stumble over one another, and I think that we thus lose some respect for one another. Certainly less frequency would suffice for all important and hearty communications. Consider the girls in a factory--never alone, hardly in their dreams. It would be better if there were but one inhabitant to a square mile, as where I live.”
I thought that adequately explained how I feel a lot of the times. I do like people, but generally I’d rather they didn’t get too close. Don’t crowd me. Don’t be false with me, and don’t try to be honest with me because society doesn’t permit it. Unless you’re the best of friends with someone, which it is hard to become in a short period of time that we meet new people (such as at parties), the politeness, the engrained etiquette and the hiding of one’s true feelings and opinions is almost unconsciously done. We avoid saying things so we don’t hurt feelings, so “that we need not come to open war”. Yes, I enjoy being around people sometimes, but I will not usually ask how you are because the general “I’m okay, how are you?” is not honest, and is a waste of breath. You don’t really care how I am, except in a general ‘I want everyone to be happy and no harm to come to them’ type of way that most people feel for each other, as I do for you.
Now back to the essay/story… This really struck a chord in me, and while I wasn’t quite aware that I felt this strongly about the things I said until I started typing them and the words flowed, I’m glad I read it so I could get it off my chest.
I don’t hate or even dislike people. I just hate the falseness that society sometimes demands.
Thursday, April 29, 2004
It's amazing how fast this year seems to have went by. It feels like just yesterday I was tip-toeing upstairs after midnight, so as not to wake my little sister, to wake my mom and tell her that dad wasn't home yet and that the police were on the phone. That has to be one of the most scariest things a person can go through. You wouldn't believe the thoughts that rush through you. You wonder what happened? is he dead? did someone die? was he in an accident? did he get a DUI? is he ok? please God let him be ok. Let us be ok. That's what's going through your head, over and over and over in the space of a second. Time seems to stretch, never has a 30 minute drive seemed so long. Or so short. Time just turns into an enemy, pulling you in whatever direction it wants. Teasing you. Making moments of torture into hours, while seconds of happiness are only seconds. Time is unfair. Even when you realize you don't control time, you aren't prepared for that one second when everything can change. And it does. My whole family's lives were flipped around when the accident happened. We're still recovering. And I'm just grateful that we are all still here to recover. Because it was so gut-wrenching, heart stoppingly close.
You grow stronger with time too. Things that happened 10, or even 5, years ago may not seem as harsh. Wounds have turned into scars. The scars still hurt, but time dulls the pain.
And I know, in time, good things will happen (and yes, they are happening) and the bad memories will fade. They will still linger, but I'll have to think harder to recall them. It's just when you look back, the memories assult you. Time seems to fade, and all of a sudden it's a year ago and I'm back where I was.
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
I am starting to think that maybe it's the assignments themselves. When I'm challenged to write something, such as my senior project paper, I put effort into it and it turns out well written (in my teacher's opinion). But when it comes to doing other schoolwork that I don't have to get so involved in? I don't. I just put in minimal effort.
I put in the minimal effort... so I guess it's my fault then? It seems that way. But think about it this way, if you're bored at something, and completely uninspired to do it, what other effort can you put into it? If you're not interested, you certainly can't involve your whole heart/effort in the project. It's just impossible.
My task is figuring out what's wrong with me. And how to get back on track. Did you know I got 2 'C's and 1 'A' this past quarter? (I only have 3 graded classes). That's not exactly good. It's not horribly bad either but... well, if I had gotten this report card 2 years ago I would have locked myself up in my room crying my eyes out. Not this year. This year I open it, look at my grades, and say "mom you're not going to be happy." That's all. I wasn't surprised at my poor grades. And that, well, it *socks.
*socks is my family's new word for 'sucks'. i.e.-- you sock.
Monday, April 26, 2004
from the lovely roscoe
2. What's the weirdest thing you'e ever said to anyone?
I can't answer 'ever'... but the weirdest thing I've said today (nominated by mom) was:
mom: I'm not taking any of my cars there anymore
Me: and certainly not any that start with 'Z' and ends in "ippy"!! (my car is named Zippy)
3. Have you ever had a burping contest with anyone?
Yup. With my cousin mandy, my siblings... But I've always lost cause I'm a wuss of a burper. I'm getting better (or worse?) though. I can actually burp pretty loudly now, it used to be that I'd burp and say excuse me and people would ask why I said that since they didn't hear me burp at all. But yes, I've had burping contests. I've just always lost. lol
Sunday, April 25, 2004
another from lanni...
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less.
Ask me anything you want (not promising I'll answer, but you can always ask).
Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything...
Saturday, April 24, 2004
long time no post
"I was wondering why the frisbee kept getting bigger. Then it hit me."
It looks/feels like SUMMER outside! FINALLY! :D Usually it turns out that when I have a day off, it rains or does other crappy weather. But not today! Although... I did miss some of it, cause I slept till 11:56. Hey, I was tired.
I went yard-saling yesterday. Well, sort of. Instead of going to a whole bunch like we normally do, because it was only Friday, we only went to one which is like an annual fleamarket/yard sale. All I got was 2 cassette tapes (poison's greatest 86-96, and alanis morissette-jagged little pill). So I spent a whole dollar. Wow. Hehe.
I'm debating... I could take about $26 and get 4 towels for college (my work has HUGE ones, 40x70inches)(and yea, FOUR. my mom thinks I'll need that many. I am doubtful). Or I could be a good lil girl and save that money.
Did I ever mention I hate money? I mean, if it comes to having some or not, I'd rather have some. I just mean in general I hate money. I hate that some people are looked up to just cause they have so much, others looked down upon cause they have so little. Movie stars making hordes of it, while us 'normal' people get little in comparison. It just stinks.
Saturday, April 17, 2004
And seeing the overwhelming amount of comments I got on my audio post (hah!) I decided not to go with a subscription. What's the point, if nobody wants to hear/comment? It's ok, I'll save my $9 every 3 months. lol.
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
hello people....
Monday, April 12, 2004
i am hyper... yes i am...
< rant >
Please. Girls (and guys, but it's been mainly girls that I noticed that annoy me), if you're going to have a boyfriend, please for the sake of my eyes, keep your mitts off him in front of me. It just grosses me out. I don't think I'm cut out for relationships. Don't get me wrong, I think it's cute when you can tell a couple like eachother. However, the girl sitting on his lap when there's plenty of space available at a family gathering and making everyone in the room look at her is just annoying. And having a plate (that says BOTH of your names on it) on one of your cars? *GAG*
Don't get me wrong. I'm happy she has a boyfriend that she likes, and that she likes him enough (and feels comfortable enough) to bring him to a family event (something I would NEVER subject just a bf too- no sense scaring him so early on lol). I just wish I didn't have to be witness to how much you like him.
Happy Easter everyone..
and woohoo I can finally change this template :)
Thursday, April 08, 2004
strawberry jam, strawberry/bannana split pie, strawberry shortcake, strawberry cheese cake, strawberries and sugar, strawberries and cool whip...
As you may or may not have read, my family has a bit of a fruit obsession. No, wait, that's not correct. We do love fruit, but we tend to get it in mass quantities during the spring/summer months. So, today we drove down to pick up my dad at a flea market, and we decide to walk through the flea market and see what we could find to buy. After an extensive search for good-looking daffodils (which i gave up on), my mom passes by a fruit stand. At the end of the day. And in case you've never been to a flea market (you weirdo! go!), I'll let you in on a 'secret', they have their best deals at the end of the day usually. Yes, the quality isn't as good, but depending on what it is it doesn't matter. Anyway, my mom ended up getting 2 FLATS (about 9 contains of strawberries per flat so 18 packs!) of strawberries for $2 a flat. The only thing is, some of the strawberries are a bit rotten, that's why they were so cheap. But mom just goes through them and ditches the rotten ones. Anyway, so I'm carrying these strawberries, and I get a pink stain on the front of my jeans. Lovely. In spite of that, I really could eat some strawberries right now.... however, it's 1:30 in the morning, and i think mom might have a heart attack if i ate the strawberries she just cut up for baking lol. :)
My Zippy (car) is fixed!!!! I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Today I drove around, blaring the radio and singing as loud as I wanted- I was the only person in the car. So if you saw me driving today and thought me a loon, well, I am and so you're correct.
I like to sing in the car. It's freeing almost. Especially when there's nobody else in the car with me. I like to just sing, and not really care what I sound like. Which is good, because I'm sure I sound terrible... but it doesn't matter when you're alone.
Sunday, April 04, 2004
this title field gets annoying...
Don't bother with my new novel/Ms Abigail Morten if you're reading it- although I don't think anyone was... I can't blame you, I got bored with it and I was the one writing! Anyway, so for my FINAL Senior Project I'm doing a children's book. I have the story written (completely) already, I just have to illustrate it. And I must say, as long as I don't do a horrible job on the illustrations, it should be a half decent book.
So I just thought I'd give an update. I'm not in the mood to be all emotional right now. I just got out of my lavendar sented bubble bath, and I don't feel like being 'deep'. I'm relaxed now, and I intend to stay that way.
In fact, I'm so relaxed, I'm going to sleep. Have a good night/day everyone (depending on when you read this)...
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Saturday, March 27, 2004
You ever see that old cartoon "Gargoyles"? I remember it from when my brother and I were little... It's on now, repeats of course. I would change it, but I lost the remote and I'm too lazy to look for it. So I put on music instead. lol.
I have to work tomorrow. 11-5pm. And I work Mon. And Tuesday. that makes 5 days in a row. yuck. I have off Wednesday though... and thursday. and then I work 5-10pm Friday and off saturday. So that's not too bad.
The last time I was in one of these bored/listless moods, my grandmother got a HUGE email from me. lol. I'm blogging in an attempt to not torture my grandmother with accounts of my life. lol. Even though I'm sure she loves it. But do you know how dissatisfying it is to write a 1000 word email and get like 3 sentence replies? grrrr. i love her anyway. lol.
I got into another college. 2 out of 3. I haven't heard from the 3rd yet. But even so... I did better than my cousins--- the ones who's parents always brag. hehe. that feels good. And it shouldn't, I feel like karma's going to come bite me on the arse for even noticing i did better. well too bad karma. :P I deserve to brag everyonce in awhile, when every stupid holiday I have to listen to them. "Oh Heather you didn't practice driving much yet? Danielle's been practicing for months.." "Our new boat...." "Gary Lee's going to (blah blah) pre-college to prepare him" well :P to you people, I'm doing better. I'm happy at least. More than you could say, so I feel bad for you. Money isn't everything.
lol yea I was just talking to someone who will never read this....
Oh, I've been meaning to do this for awhile... everyone go join the broken boot saloon because it's the best forum I've ever been a member of.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
from lanni's site...
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that are true about you.
3. Anything you don't bold is false.
4. Italics are half true or sometimes true. (added by me)
01. When I was younger I made some bad decisions.
02. I don't watch much TV these days.
03. I love psychodelic mushrooms.
04. I love sleeping.
05. I have loads of books.
06. I once slept in a toilet.
07. I love playing video games.
08. I adore marijuana.
09. I watch porn movies. (hahaha)
10. I watch them with my father.
11. I like sharks.
12. I love spiders.
13. I was born without hair and I still have no hair.
14. I like George Bush.
15. People are cool.
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
17. I have jacuzzi and a Porsche.
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. I carry my knife everywhere with myself.
20. I'm really really smart.
21. I've never broken someone's bones.
22. I have a secret.
23. I hate snow.
24. I drink only milk.
25. Punk rock rules.
26. I hate Bill Gates!
27. I love Chinese food.
28. I would hate to be famous.
29. I am not a morning person.
30. I wear glasses.
31. I don't need glasses.
32. I have potential.
33. I like cheese.
34. My legs are two different sizes.
35. I have a twin.
36. I wear a padded bra. Otherwise I don't have boobs.
37. I can ramble on about absolutely nothing.
38. I'm left-handed.
39. I hate llamas, but I'm one of them.
40. I don't like horror movies.
41. I suck at climbing, but I love it anyway.
42. People hate me usually.
43. I like pop music.
44. I hardly ever go to bed before midnight.
45. I hate parking fines.
46. I know the National Anthem of my country by heart...
47. I know more than two languages.
48. I spend too much time on my computer.
49. I often want to throw my computer out the window.
50. I live on the first floor.
51. I don't like chocolate.
52. I'd like to be more original.
53. I've lied before.
54. Cocks are my favorite birds. (lol!)
55. I want to conquer the world.
56. I wonder what happens when you die.
57. I've read all books about Harry Potter.
58. Eat your dog!
59. I love to exercise.
60. I hate science with a passion.
61. I like to write.
62. I like changes.
63. I hate going to class.
64. I am afraid to die.
65. I hate dish washing.
66. My hair is long, brown, and curly.
67. My nails are nine inches long.
68. One of my favorite colors is black. (actually, it's my only favorite color)
69. I like to sleep on the floor.
70. I am hopeless at cooking.
71. I sucked my thumb when I was little.
72. I should be doing something else rather than writing this.
73. I am online a lot, but not on AOL.
74. I hate government.
75. I don't have a girlfriend. (hahaha)
76. I'm too nice for my own good.
77. I love to read, I read as much as I can. Though I never have time.
78. I don't trust newspapers.
79. I sometimes like arguing.
80. I live in a lagoon.
81. I clean my room once a month. (haha)
82. I'm scared of american fast food.
83. I am prying open my third eye.
84. I love Mozambique.
85. I don't trust any religion.
86. I used to play with barbies.
87. I wanted to be a super hero when I was little.
88. I like listening to wind chimes.
89. I'm very disorganized.
90. My hair is long and straight.
91. I learn a lot.
92. I don't like spicy food.
93. I keep a diary. (doesn't this count?)
94. I can't do cartwheels.
95. I am very lazy.
96. I'm sarcastic.
97. I think my hair is annoying.
98. I'm very emotional.
99. I love being "ab-normal".
100. My left eye is violet and my right eye is a light blue
oh yea, I got a scholarship today. $34,000 for 4 years. wooohoooie!
Monday, March 22, 2004
just another daaaaayyy...
I wish today were one of those days where I could just write whatever deep thoughts came to my head. Sadly, I have none right now. Hmm, I say 'sadly' too much, no? Anyway, school is not fun. Work is not fun. Not having my teeth (they broke) is not fun.
However, some things are fun. Instant Messaging with people. Emails (and not the angry ones from teachers either!). music.
Ahh, music. I'm adoring it right now. The only down side is the crap batteries my mom bought can only last for about 3 songs at a time in my walkman. grr. But still, one song is enough to soothe frazzled nerves, or get the blood pumping. It transports me. If I want to feel happy, I put on my 80s dance (lol, yea, really. PULSE) CD, and dance around like an idiot to that while screaming the silly choruses. If I want the music to match a bad mood, I put in some slow sad music. So music works either way with me. It will make me happy or mellow me out.
Anyone else like music? I have actually only ever met one person that has said they hate all music....
Saturday, March 20, 2004
presenting... happy bunny!!!!!
So, what do you think? Let me know with any problems, etc etc. (yes, that includes you, May!)
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
yadda yadda. bladda bladda. or something like that.
i'm sick of blogging about my days off. that has to get boring for you people, maybe as boring as it gets for me to type it. So, on that note, no more mentions of my days off. for this week anyway ;)
I've gotten a few positive responses on an explanation of an incident/person/ghost in the book Beloved. I'm rather pleased with my answer myself. I actually said that the one character wasn't actually a real human after all, that she was instead a "manifestation of Sethe’s guilt over killing the baby", and that each character in the book that had seen Beloved (the ghost/baby) wasn't actually seeing her, they each had their own reasons to create Beloved in their heads. of course that all sounds a lot more put-together and thought out in my actual assignment. This is just me remembering what I put for the assignment. You know what? Reading that book I kept thinking how horrible it was, and how we shouldn't have been made to read it (because of the gross images induced, sex, rape, cuss words, slavery, etc). But now that I've read it, and have had to run it through in my mind so many times because of the essay/trial that I had to write, I think I liked the book. It's certainly not anything that I would have ever chosen to read, but I'm almost glad I did read it just because it made me think. It made me excited to think of possibilities for the characters actions.
Speaking of being excited, I just got an amazing publication/magazine in the mail. From the college that accepted me. It came in an envelope, along with a handwritten note saying how they thought I might enjoy a copy of the magazine since my major will most likely be Pre-law/English. And let me say, it is an amazing collection of stories, artwork, and poems. It actually made me want to go to the college, just so I could meet these amazing minds that are there. The people who have the ability to string together stories/poems/artwork that makes you cry just reading/looking at it. You feel the anguish, happiness, all of that. All that they intend you to feel when reading their work, you do. And then some. It's just so amazing. If I had never recieved any other information on this college whatsoever besides this magazine, this magazine would have made me apply to this college. Just based on the magazine. And this is the one I got accepted to! I am truly amazed, and full of self-doubt. I mean, how could I not be when I got accepted to a college that has such amazing talents? What am I going to be expected to write? I cringe at the thought.
However, I'm ready for the challenge. I haven't felt challenged intellectually lately. I'm not saying that my schoolwork is too easy, it isn't by any means. However, memorizing the differences between ionic and covalent compounds, geomoetry theorms, etc, is not near as stimulating to my brain as holding an actual conversation discussing and debating works of art or literature. There's just no comparison for me.
And the garage just called with my car, it will be fixed somewhat, and it cost me $130 or something like that. Good thing I waited to get my credit card, eh? I have a $250 limit on the card, and I spent $5 on clothing... So I only had $245 to get my car fixed. lol. It does still need a radiator, but that would have made the total cost about $500, and my dad said he can just fix it with some radiator-leak blocker gunk that he has. Or he'll put the new one in. Which will be a lot cheaper than the garage doing it. So yay! And there was some other belt that I needed-- a techner belt?-- but it's only used when you use the air conditioning... Sooo... I no longer use my air conditioner in my car. lol. I never used it anyway. I love an open window. Apparently my techner? belt is broken, and that's what is making my car so god-awful (yet hilariously IMHO) loud. So, if they just take that broken belt off, I won't have the noise anymore. I could have gotten the belt fixed, but that would have been about another $100, and since my car will be perfectly fine (minus no AC) without it, we (dad and I) decided to just say heck with the belt. No sense wasting money I don't have on something I don't need and wouldn't use anyway.
Friday, March 05, 2004
slightly above...
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
i'm happy, for those that say you can't get emotions over the computer. ;)
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
today was a bummer
Side note: That :-) face is a biproduct of my chemistry teacher's influence. she puts the - in when she does faces. I usually just put :), but eh i guess she's converted me. lol
so yea, I don't use my days off correctly. Yesterday was almost perfection, I wish all my days could be like yesterday. very relaxing. watched a movie, lazed around a bit, attended a chem chat that I actually got what we were talking about...
today: lazed around till noon, then went to post office, then came back and did school like crazy (world lit), laundry.... and now I have 2 hours till my chem assignment is due, and i have forgotten how to solve 2 of the equations, which is the very thing that i thought I 'got' yesterday. grrrr.
wish me luck. or don't, considering that by the time you read this it'll be over with. lol
Sunday, February 29, 2004
P.O.T.C. and other S.T.U.F.F.
and i did something else that made me happy. talked to someone i should say. :)
and after working a 6 hour day I am extremly happy to report that tomorrow marks the first day of three days off. yay!
The second after I post this I'm going to check if my link shows on the blogger page of updated blogs. I wonder. I'll let you know in an update in a minute... *update* nope, doesn't show. good :)
Thursday, February 26, 2004
for those who want to know...
I linked chris over there ---> so go to his site!
Sunday, February 22, 2004
I don't work today. it's beee-au-ti-fully sunny outside. and my friend is back online.
so for now at least, i'm pretending that all is right with the world. now, nobody tell me otherwise, let me be ignorant, please.
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
so you want an update?
...i came online with the intention to just check my email for the much-anticipated college question response, and instead signed onto Y!IM and then checked my email, and then my blog, and then some other blogs...and then decided to post an update... that was 15mins ago. oops. bad heather *smack*
hey ris do you have a website? A yahoo/aol account? I'd like to talk to ya outside of the comments on my blog... i don't even know if you're male/female/ old/young /etc! it feels weird to not know. lol so let me know, please.
and now i'm enjoying the last bit of my day off before work tomorrow (at noon! ick!), and then after that i have another day off, then 3 days of 5 hour shifts... ick. I had 25 hours this week instead of 20.... which i said about already, i know. And yesterday I was supposed to only have 4, but we were super uber busy and so the manager asked me to stay an extra hour so I did.... so that's 26 (i miscalculated last post) this week... ick ick ick.
back to chemistry... erm, i mean, starting chemistry. and then my essay. yea. but I did fill out 3 college applications today! Got them all ready to go, I only have to wait to get one question answered for one of them. But the rest are ready to go. That's $100 down the drain. grrr. stupid expensive applications.
Saturday, February 14, 2004
soooo tired
and so yes, i'm tired, and i'm seriously bummed over my schedule for next week. :'(
and for those curious, my grades for last quarter were: *drumroll*
anthropology= A
Career Planning= A
Chemistry= B
Geometry= D (yikes! but i expected it. actually I expected an F lol)
Psychology= A
World Literature= A
And Roscoe why on earth do I crack you up so much? :p and hey! you didn't do your assignment-- you only commented on one post. A big fat F goes on your report card! :p
Friday, February 13, 2004
your assignment is to....
note to self: stock pens on nightstand
so I'm in bed, and I keep turning over the essay in my head. and that's when it occurs to me.... have the main character on the stand telling about it! duh! so I happen to spot my notebook laying on the dresser, and after searching for 10mins for a pen I find one, and write and write and write...... 300 words! woohoo. not done but getting there. woohoo.
have a nice day...
but you know what's better? when the people don't say anything in return. granted, some of the older people may not have heard me, but i know for a fact others did. And they don't say anything. But I prefer that to a fake have a nice day. At least those people are honest.
Moral of the story: heather doesn't wish everyone a good day, so when she wishes one to you you should be nice and actually mean it when you wish her one back! grr.
you don't always get what you want...
Thursday, February 05, 2004
hehe. it's absolutely adorable. and it doesn't even look all that amazing/adorable until it lights up. as soon as you touch a button.... white lights stream from the side of it and from the keys (if you go to the larger pic, you can see the numbers, well when you press them white light comes out not just normal solid buttons/numbers).... i love it :) and it only cost like $20 after instant rebates
on a side note, my mom got this one. in my opinion, it's not near as cute as mine.
note: none of these phones were purchased through, i just used it for reference.
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
:''''( and :)
i think i'm getting a cell phone tomorrow. i have to get one, because when i'm at work until 10pm there's no payphones so if my car breaks down or something i'm... well, in heaps o' trouble. Plus something in my car's engine is tapping (i forget what at the moment), which means the motor is going to go, which means i'd better have a phone handy to call for help when i need it. plus it's just a good safety precaution for me to have a phone. and it'll be useful, for going on errands and calling home and whatnot. i don't need a huge amount of minutes, my parents had a plan with 250 and unlimited night/weekend and they never used up all their minutes, and i doubt i'll even use close to that so... the minimum should be good. I tried to get a cell phone the other night but because i have absolutly no credit established (i just turned 18 for goodness sake, course i don't have credit!) they wouldn't give me a phone unless I put down an $800 deposit (which they would then hold for a year)!!! Yea right! So, my mom is going to get a family plan and give me one of the phones for that. So then I'll have the cell phone, and just pay the difference between what her old normal plan cost and what the new add-a-line-family-plan costs. So, i'm getting a cell phone :)
i really miss my wobbie :( he has suddenly disappeared. it's been a week. but i still miss my wobbie :( i'm all sad now. :( wobbie if you're reading this and just not talking to me for some unknown to me reason... you're a big meanie! (i can say that, knowing that's not the case. hehe)
Friday, January 30, 2004
i had fun
oh, and if you email me, make sure you put who it is in the subject line (if i wouldn't know your name) because i've been getting a lot of spam mails with just 'hi how are you' or whatever as the subject, so i've been deleting them. So if you email me make sure you say "hi this is _____" or i'll delete it. ok i'm done. :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
i'm done!!! well, sorta.
and I wrote an outline for my novel.... I'm starting over, using a different process. that vampire one wasn't going anywhere, and sounded crappy. so i'm starting over, and i'm actually excited about my ideas for this one! (but i'm keeping them secret, because otherwise i'll talk myself out of them). i'm happy!
wheeeeeee. :)
Saturday, January 24, 2004
I am a 32 yr old sexy male who desires a woman with a sexy mouth like yours...I find very appealing the fact that you wear a flipper...nothing is sexier than a woman with a partial denture to take out, put in and play with...oh and the kissing that is awesome! can you send me some pictures of inside your mouth, with and without your flipper?!?Craig
My reply? eeeeeew NO.
that's just disgusting. eeeewwww. yuck. eeeeeeewwwww. For future reference to anyone who wants the same, your answer will also be a big NO. eeeew. I'm hoping it's just some weirdo kid that decided it would be funny. eew.
my dent...
Lisa, thanks. If you want a blog, just go to and click on new user or whatever and it'll guide you through the setup of your blog. Let me know over IM/email if you need help :)
Friday, January 23, 2004
twas the best of times, twas the worst of times
and then...
and then one person comes along in a horrible mood, and it destroyed my happiness. popped like a balloon in the hands of a bully. not that my friend is a bully, although tonight i feel like it. the friend isn't intentionally being a bully, but tonight they bullied me out of my good mood, so therefore tonight they were one. their bad mood sucked me in, chewed me up, and spit me out with little regard of how they were affecting me.
i'm a generally happy person. and with all the stuff that goes on in my life (that nobody that reads this knows about, except maybe to some extent 1 person), my being able to be a generally good natured happy person says that i am a strong person. but where is that strength when i'm faced with a friend in a horrible mood? Where is that inner strength that says their problems are not your problems. it disappears, and turns instead into a rush of empathy and a clone of their emotions. i feel angry at the injustice they're angry at, sad at what's wrong in their life. And worse yet, i feel resentful because they dragged me down. i was in a good mood before, dammit.
this isn't to say i don't want to know about my friends problems. of course i do, that's what being a friend is about. being there for others. and their moods don't always drag me down. i like being a friend, and being their for them and seeing them through the bad times to the good. it's just... tonight i was selfish, and didn't want to let go of my happiness. and instead i might have just let go of a friendship. and now i feel like letting go altogether. going up to my bed, pounding my feet, crying, screaming at the injustice of it all. but i won't. it's not fair. it's not fair that my good mood turned sour. it's not fair. i was in a good mood before, dammit.
Monday, January 19, 2004
long time no blog
my piercings (lol, that sounds so much more extreme than if i just said my ear piercings) no longer hurt much, only if I happen to catch my work nametag in it (twice!) or I catch my hair, or my fingers slam into it... but point is, it doesn't hurt and or feel irritated anymore just because I jammed metal posts through my earlobes.
Today I poured water on my brother. I do that, occasionally. Not just to my brother though. Usually when someone keeps irritating me on purpose, and I have a pitcher of water in my hand... well, they get wet. Just a warning for all you people *wink* This was the conversation that happened after I poured like 2 tablespoons of water on him, and like 3 on the floor:
brother: Mom did you see what she did?
mom: what'd she do now? (side note: I am not always the guilty one!)
brother: She poured water on me! And look it's all over the floor!!! (he then points to the 3 tablespoons on the floor)
mom: Heather -- (insert middle name) if you got water on my freshly waxed floor you'd better clean it up!
I start laughing. a lot.
mom: Heather! Get a mop! That water is going to eat through the wax!
I start laughing harder, while getting a dish towel to clean up the spill.
brother: in a dismayed tone: now my nipple is cold.
ha. that'll teach him.
Thursday, January 15, 2004
I got my ears pierced today. no big deal really. my ears feel a bit irritated/itchy, but other than that it's ok. I'm just hoping they don't get infected because I'm not using the right type of earrings... the last 2 times I got them pierced (only 1 hole per ear, i let them grow shut) they wound up getting infected... so this time if they start to get slightly infected I'm going to take them out and put that special kind of earrings in (sorry I forget what they are at the moment).
is this just my opinion or..?
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
*comes back from corner*
We got snow today. I don't know how much. But as much as I detest snow, and I really really really hate it, it looks pretty. Not all snow, just this one snowfall. I don't know about everywhere else, but as I was waiting for my mom to pick me up from work today, I looked out across the parking lot and the snow was glittery. It looked like that snow/confetti you see in bags around christmas time. the fake stuff. Or it looked like someone spent all their time taking apart one of those christmas tree garlands and sprinkling the peices everywhere. it's really pretty.
and then you go out and drive in it, and it's a dangerous icy dirty type of snow that i despise. sigh.
Monday, January 12, 2004
any better?
And May, really, don't worry about my present, I actually forget about it until you keep bringing it up, lol (not to say that i don't want it, i love presents! lol). I believe that you want to get it to me, and it's the thought that counts. and you really didn't have to get me anything, so the fact that you even thought to get me something means a lot, no matter when i get it :)
well, it's simple... and hopefully not too simple
my archives make the page scroll over. that's annoying. if i knew how to fix it, i would. but since i don't i wont. or can't. or both.
oh yea, and be sure to read alllll the posts on this page. because i added titles to them, where there weren't any before. so actually, you only have to read the titles. and you don't even have to do that, i'd just appreciate it since i went to soooo awfully much work (lol uhhuh. sure i did)
Saturday, January 10, 2004
reach out and touch... a truck?!?
Friday afternoon (well, it was dark outside) I had to take a movie back to the movie store, and so I took hoov with me, because she always insists on going with me, whenever i drive somewhere, for some strange reason. So the road that the video place is on is a pretty major road, and so to turn into the video place there is a turning lane. I was driving down that road and just starting to go in the turning lane, until I had to go over a bit because I realized a truck was in my lane... except the tractor trailor was going the wrong way. It's hard to explain. The truck had crossed the yellow line, he was coming from the opposite direction as I was, and he was in my turning lane. Well, when he whizzed by us (didn't even notice he was in the wrong lane) I bet I could have reached out and touched the truck, it was that close. I even made sure afterwards he hadn't hit my mirror because it was so close. So after it happened I started laughing because for some reason I found it a bit funny, seeing as how right before I left I said to my parents "see you in a bit. unless we die getting there. in which case I'll haunt you so either way see you soon". Odd, eh? Hoov was/is still shaken up about it, she claims she can close her eyes and "still see the lights of the truck!" lol. what a dramatist.