I can be very particular about what I eat. You wouldn't know it by looking at me, but I really am rather choosy about what I will or will not put in my mouth (don't be a pervert). When I was little, I had an aversion to green peppers and onions (which I suspect is are common yuck-foods for kids). Now, I don't mind them as long as they're not too overpowering. I also hated meatloaf, but I still hate that today so that hasn't changed much. Also I hated and still hate beets, sauerkraut, horseradish, pickles on hamburgers, and pretty much all chinese food (just the smell of any of those things makes me queasy).
Hates aside, I have been getting better. I've gotten over my hatred of sausage. I no longer refuse to eat chicken if it's not de-boned and/or de-skinned. Although I still think it's gross to eat it with bones/skin, I can (and do) eat it. I can even choke down fruit/veggies if theres only slight bruises on them, as opposed to the perfect quality test they used to undergo before I'd eat them.
That said, I haven't been eating as well as I should. On the plus side, I am eating a lot of fruit (as in..4+ oranges a day, along with another fruit like strawberries today), but since I'm not home I'm not eating a lot of veggies. My mom and dad are veggie obsessed, it's not supper unless there's a meat, veggie (or 2 or 3 if my dad has his way), and usually a starch (mashed potatos).
Here at school the vegetables are the weird kind (read: non-canned variety) and I can't bring myself to eat them because they just look so... odd. The green beans? Not the french cut style (yes, this is one area I am fussy, if I eat greenbeans they must be french style unless they're in ham & stringbean stew) that I'm used to, ohno, these are some weird long baked things with crunchy stuff sprinkled on. Cause you know, green with brown on top looks very appetizing (not!). Also, they serve squash on a regular basis. Squash! I've never eaten squash, and I never intend to. Another thing they serve that I won't eat? Mushrooms. We have mushrooms on a regular basis here at school- they serve it about 3 nights on something (chicken usually) every 3 weeks (the food schedule is made up of 3 weeks, repeated through the semester). Eew. Just the texture is enough to make me want to gag. Sometimes, on a supreme pizza, I spend a good amount of time picking it all off only to miss a piece and accidently put it in my mouth... I can't express how much I hate mushroom pizza.
Anyway, needless to point out again but I will, I'm not eating all that healthily here at school. Today I had a sandwich for lunch and another one for dinner. I think I'm just sick of cafeteria food... I'm starting to prefer eating a PB&J to going to the cafeteria.
Good thing I only have 18 more days of being on campus, then it's home for the summer! I'm really looking forward to some good fruits & veggies this summer. I'm practically drooling just thinking about it.