
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I had a lot of fun

at the bar. We left campus relatively early (10:30) and only stayed 3 hours, but it was plenty time enough to have a lot of fun and for 2 of the girls in my group to get drunk. That in itself was worth going for, they're the type of girls that are extremely happy and very amusing to watch when they're drunk. Everything's an adventure with them, especially when they're giddy from alcohol.

I didn't get drunk, I only had 1 GIANT Long Island Iced Tea and 1 (and a 1/2) Rum & Coke with lime. I don't know if it was the alcohol or the music, it was probably a combination of both, but I had a lot of fun and even loosened up enough to dance and sing. What's the harm in singing when its so loud that nobody can hear you? What's the harm in dancing when everyone at the bar is too drunk to remember you... or too drunk to be able to lift their own feet let alone do anything that looks like dancing.

The place was super-crowded, I spent half the night being bumped into. For a girl that doesn't like to be touched, I sure had a lot of people touching me that night (not that kind of touching, get your mind out of the gutter)! Usually I'd be uptight and freaked out by all the bumping-into that was going on, but I just adapted and went with the flow. Afterall, it's not like the people were bumping into anyone on purpose, there was just so many people there that they had to bump into someone to move in any direction.

And speaking of crowded... what is it with only having 2 ladies toilets on the main floor? There was easily 250 girls and TWO toilets. It was insane. I mean, there was only 1 toilet for the guys, but come on, guys don't use the bathroom near as much as women. And once I started drinking... sheesh! I used the bathroom twice in 3 hours and it took longer waiting in line than it did in the stall.

Bathrooms and bumping aside, it was a great night. I had a lot of fun and I'm glad I didn't call up my friend and chicken out at the last minute like I so desperately wanted to earlier in the day. I'm going again, I'm just not sure when. But I will bring a camera next time and take lots more pictures.