Happy Thanksgiving!
I'd write what I was thankful for, but it would take awhile and basically I'm thankful for everything. Verdana font, my blog, my family (of course), my house, etc etc. So instead of listing all that stuff, which you could guess anyway, I'm going to tell you about my day thus far and how it will (probably) progress.
I woke this morning at 4am because my back was horribly stiff. Apparently I fell asleep while watching tv from my bed. My head was at the spot where my feet usually are, and I was propped up on my comforter and my blanket. I still had all of my clothes on (all of which explains the stiff/icky feeling I had that woke me). So I put on my nightie, get ready for bed, and go back to sleep- this time with my head at the correct side of the bed. I woke a few dozen times during the morning, but I always fell right back asleep with little disturbance done. I finally woke up around 10. That means I slept at least 14 hours. hehe. That was great. Very refreshing to finally sleep. Apparently I needed it.
And this morning so far I've left some offlines to the person who IMd me while I was asleep last night, read some blogs, tried to figure out what sort of sci-fi movie my brother is watching (at least I'm assuming it's sci fi, it's on the sci fi network), ate some pumpkin roll for breakfast (yummm), drank a glass of water, and listened to my parents bickering. Apparently dad scheduled a clean out for 8am tomorrow, and then they're going to an auction after that so mom is stressing over when she is going to sleep because, as she says, she "gets her best sleep in the morning". But they stopped bickering now, and I think mom's resigned to one more day without her best sleep. I've been listening to Hoover speak to her computer (more specifically MS Word's Speak capability), about Dorothy and Wizard of Oz, which has driven me crazy. And now I'm listening to the sci-fi channel's commercials and the radio that my mom has on in the kitchen, simutaniously (spell checker wanted to change that word to smuttiness...ummm no). It's a rather noisy household this morning. I can smell the turkey baking, and everytime I think of how mom didn't buy potatoes so we're not getting homemade mashed potatoes I think of how non-traditional of a thanksgiving this is. We're having instant mashed potatoes. Now don't get me wrong, I love mashed poatatoes regardless, but I want homemade. *sniff sniff*
But all in all, so far it's been a good thanksgiving, and much like every other day except for the turkeys (we're having 2 I think) and the massive lunch we are going to have later that will put back on those 10lbs I lost. grr. it'll be worth it though ;)
Happy thanksgiving everyone!
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