so my titles are obsolete, because I didn't put them in this template's coding. I forgot. oops. lol.
I'm feeling much better for some strange reason. I"m not quite sure why. Maybe because I'm mainly caught up on schoolwork? Or because I kind of like having to be a cashier? it's fun to be a cashier, you get to talk to tons of weird people. lol.
I had a blog, i had a blog, i had it, and then i lost it. darnit.
well for those of you interested, my nanowrimo novel is going horribly. lol. I'm not even at the 2k mark. blah. I'm only like 28,000 words behind, right? ;)
Yep, things are looking up. Although nothing's really changed. oy. I think I need medication to balance out my moods. lol. seriously, I go really way up happy, and really far down sad. Although I've only gotten really really almost suicidal like 3 times in past... 2 years? So that's good. Whenever I get like that I pour my heart and tears (literally) into a letter, put it in an envelope, seal the envelope, and then on the front of it write the date and a subject of what it's about. And then I stick in my dresser drawer, and never open it. I'm not quite sure why I do that. I was thinking one day I'd give them to the people (ok, person) they're about, but what purpose would that serve? It'd just make things worse, and probably end up in disaster. Maybe I should burn all the papers. Ohhhh in a ceremony! Anyone want to come to a letter burning ceremony at my house?
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