
Thursday, November 20, 2003

ya know, I spent the whole day at work thinking about how I should have blogged before I went to work. oy. and i blame may. and her mom. lol kidding. Well, it is your fault in a way but i'm not blaming anyone cause it's not like you did something wrong. lol.. oy i'm starting over.

May (and may's mom lol) I probably shouldn't have said I need medication. Although sometimes I really do think it would help me. Not all medication is bad for a person (I'm talking anti-depressants not cold pills lol), it just depends on the person and what they're taking. Sometimes it's an imbalance of brain chemicals, when the person actually needs medication to even up the brain chemicals so they're not going really really high up, and really really low down for no reason. Take my dad (please! lol) for example... he has ADD and he's bi-polar (depressed during certain times of year). He used to be on medication for it, until it had some unwanted..errr..sexual side effects and said no freakin way is he taking it anymore lol. But it did help him so that he wasn't looking to jump into the path of a bus all the time, or drinking like crazy, or retreating into himself sooo much that I felt like I didn't have a dad.... it helped him be my normal dad again. The guy I love. It's not that the medication changed who he was/is, it just helps him not be such a mess of a person.

And you're right, it is perfectly normal to have ups and downs, i'm not denying that at all. and i shouldn't have said i need medication, because i don't really need it, so i'm sorry for joking about it. But my point is (however muddled it sounds up there, it's late and i'm tired lol) medication isn't all bad. For some people, it's needed if only for a little bit of time, and only certain ones. It's not something to be taken lightly (as in... those teens that take it because it's 'fun' to take 'chill pills').

So yea, that's what I was thinking about during work, lol. That'll teach me to NOT read my comments right before I have to leave for work. lol

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