Thursday, December 29, 2005
Looking forward to...
And now I'm going to sleep to dream about my trip. haha I wish.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
What I did on my winter vacation/break...
Today I watched Passenger 57, which has a bad guy thats just too deadpan and freaky for me. I mean, of course the plot wasn't all that great, but its better than a lot of the movies I've seen lately. I also watched the latest War of the Worlds. It wasnt too bad. I had a hard time dealing with all of the special effects, because I mean come-on, I'm all for great effects but I think there's a limit to how many things can blow up/crack open/fall down/etc in a 30second span. But I knew that the special effects were going to be there going into the movie, so I expected it and aside for a few comments I just shutup and enjoyed them. And the movie wasnt as long as I expected (I was expecting 3hours, it was 2) but with the last half hour or so to go I was ready for it to be over. There's just a limit I have, I guess. And, without spoiling it for those who havent seen it, the ending wasn't to my satisfaction. However, watching those 2 movies (even if I do gripe about them) was definetly preferable to how I spent the rest of my day... cleaning.
Hmm, watch movies or clean (with my mom, who has to have things done a certain way to a certain standard)? Which would you pick? ;)
Monday, December 26, 2005
(as promised- here's yesterdays post)-- In a sappy sappy mood
Is it such a bad thing that I want some of this 'love' stuff for myself? I've never been in love. Well, I've had crushes and such, and I've loved people as friends and maybe a bit more, but nothing that was anywhere close to this ever elusive 'love' that everyone seems to be acquainting themselves with quite frequently.
I suppose it must be these movies that are making me so rather sappy. Sure, I'll blame the movies and ignore that I've felt like this for awhle now. Afterall, love right now would be awfully inconvenient. I've my whole life to live, why get boggled down now? And I'm not even sure I believe in love. It's probably something made up for movies and those dramatic type people (which believe it or not, even though you can't tell from this blog, I'm not all that dramatic of a person- I prefer things down-to-earth and calm), and is non-existent in reality.
I suppose I'll never figure it out really, unless/until it actually happens. Til then, I'm going to play the role of an ostrich and stick my head in the sand, its safer that way (and warmer too!).
I'm writing this in Notepad right now, because when I felt in the mood to actually write a post, I felt I needed to do it right away, even if our internet was being stupid and wouldn't let me online. Besides, this way I get to write it in a pretty font (monotype corvisa, 12pt) and then just copy paste it into the blogger box. *smiles*
And no, I did not forget that it's Christmas- or Kissmas as I like to call it because it can encompass everyone, not just those who believe in Christ. So Merry Christmas to the Christians, and Merry Kissmas to everyone (Christian or not). I hope everyone has a good rest-of-the-year, and if that's not possible, well, just remember- the year's almost over soon so look forward to that. I plan to celebrate bringing in the New Year by alternating between being online and counting-down the seconds with my family. Maybe even with a drink or two, if I'm so inclined. *wink*
I'll try to blog before the New Year rolls around, but I never know if I will... if someone wants me to, feel free to send me an email (link's on the side) and yell at me to write. Or leave a comment, since I check like a million times a day. I may be a tad OCD...
And on that note... Merry Kissmas and have a Happy Safe Fun Magically Delightful New Year's eve.
i blogged yesterday! honestly!
Monday, December 19, 2005
About time, eh?
This template is pretty suitable, since at the moment I am laying in bed working from my laptop and i'm freezing! I think my nose will just fall off from frostbite soon!
Anyway, any problems viewing/etc let me know and I'll try to get it worked out. Let me know what you think!
oh yea, hi rob! ;)
Friday, December 16, 2005
My email page isn't working right now... nor is my host page... I'm hoping it's just temporary or I may just go crazy...
I'm back from school now, for a month. Until Jan 15th. It's going to be weird. It is already. I'm not used to being home. My dad got drunk today, was grumbling and freaking out about pretty much anything, in a generally hyper and cranky way. It was so annoying. Do you know what it's like to breathe a sigh of relief when someone finally falls asleep... and then to not want to flush the toilet for fear it wakes them and you'll have to hear everything all over again? It's pretty stressful and it's what I'm dealing with now that I'm at home. And quite frankly, I'd rather not. And I miss just hanging out at school... I definetly don't miss the schoolwork though. Could survive perfectly fine without having to ever do another final exam...
Ok, enough of my babbling on. I have 4 people I'm talking to at the moment, and that's so rare that I'm going to take the time and enjoy it while it lasts :)
Saturday, December 10, 2005
woe woe woe feelings..
Friday, December 09, 2005
me? a librarian??
Update: Sorry, I lost the credits for the template i was working on somehow, and so now i have to either find them again (which i've been trying to do) or get a new template and work on that. *sigh*
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
So yes, new template soon... by the end of this weekend definetly, if not sooner.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
you'd think it was turkey-day
being almost killed sliding in the snow/ice down a hill in a van driven by a guy that doesnt know how to drive in the snow...
getting filled and then some going out to eat with my roomates+1
buying my parents xmas present (and it's really perfect too!)
going shopping and spending only a little over $20
and in about an hour i'm going to go eat brunch... and then do homework? Or sleep...
lazy weekend :)
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I've been drinking less caffeine for the past 2+ weeks now. I can't say I've cut it out completely, it's still in chocolate and such that I eat... but I'm not drinking caffeinated beverages anymore and that cuts out a LOT of caffeine because I'm drinking water now instead of soda for the most part.. So i feel better, all around. Well, that's if you ignore the constant dull pounding headache I've had from lack-of-caffeine withdrawl... it's an addiction you know. But I shall overcome. I'm stronger than a silly caffeine buzz.
Ok, so school is almost over for this semester! Yay! Just the rest of this week, one more full week, and finals. My finals aren't too awfully bad, just:
Tues: Bio at 1pm, Law at 6pm
Weds: Religion paper due 1pm, Ethics at 6pm
Thurs: Imaginative Writing at 1pm.
So by about 3pm Thursday I'll be on my way home for a month! Might be working back at that department store... might not. It depends how finances are... both mine and at home. But all that is to be figured out later, right now I'm relaxing before reading 40 pages of religion before going to sleep! :)
Thursday, November 10, 2005
hello old friend
yahoo: alien4004
aim: aliengurl4004
email is my name (heather) @ my blog (
Monday, October 31, 2005
no, of course I didn't forget
I did almost forget to blog it though. So while I still have time (officially)...
Sunday, October 30, 2005
did you know?
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
it's storytime!
Sex 101
Uh-oh, I’m in trouble. You know you’re in for it when your parents say they want to schedule a meeting between soccer practice and homework. Usually that time is reserved for catching up on the day, watching TV, or just eating dinner. Not tonight apparently. This meeting has been scheduled for a week now, and as each day gets closer, I dread it more and more. Maybe they caught me, finally. Maybe they’ve seen me sneaking a peek in my sister’s diary? Or, maybe they saw me trying to figure out the parental code to the blocked TV channels? Why couldn’t they just yell at me right away? To schedule a meeting seems harsh and unjust. Just get it over with already.
Later that day, after soccer practice and before homework, I’m sat down for the meeting. Mom and dad together on the couch armed with a stack of books and me on the chair, facing them like a soldier in front of the firing squad. There’s silence.
I couldn’t stand the silence any longer. “Oh! Could we please just get this over with?? What’s my punishment? What’s my crime? Just give it to me already, this scheduling and waiting around business is about to drive me nuts. And besides, I didn’t do it and it wasn’t my fault!”
My exclamations bring a startled look from my parents. Wait, that means they weren’t going to yell at me? What’s this about then?
Mom begins. “No, Alex. You’re not in trouble. You didn’t do anything wrong, at least not that we know of… yet. It’s just that Dad and I have been thinking you’re getting to that age where you’re starting to notice girls…”
And that’s when it clicks for me. In my head, I’m screaming, praying. No. No no no. This is not the sex talk. Please, don’t let it be the sex talk. Anything but the sex talk. Yell at me. Scream at me. Lock me in my room for the next 6 months. I don’t mind, really. Just don’t give me the sex talk.
“…and I know we’ve never actually talked about…uh...erm… you know, sex.” she says, whispering the last word, barely able to get it out.
Dad takes over for mom, who’s now blushing so bright red you’d think she’d traded her head for a tomato with a face. “So Alex, we just want you to know that if you have any questions, you can talk to your mom,’ an elbow nudge from mom ‘uh, I mean us, if you have any um questions about fucking.” He sits back, looking very pleased with himself for being so forthright.
After a horrified look and another nudge from mom, he corrects himself “uh, I mean, if you have any questions about SEX. Any questions at all, just come to us and we’ll be happy to give you a book showing you whatever you want to know.”
Dad looks at mom, who in turn looks at me. Now they’re both looking at me, and we’re all wishing this moment has never happened.
I couldn’t say anything. Is it possible for a floor to just open up and swallow us, chairs and all? At least if it did we wouldn’t have to relive this horribly embarrassing conversation. But no, the floor stays shut.
My parents decide to end this embarrassing episode and make a quick exit, but not before they put the books down next to me on the couch. ‘Keep them as long as you need them to find out what you want to know.’ I’m told.
Gee, thanks.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
the lesser of 2 evils
The first option is to see a counciler/therapist. They have programs at my school that I can just make appointments to see/talk to a counciler about anything that might be stressing me out and it's completely confidential and (I think) cost-free. The issue I have with that is I don't know if I can do it. I think I'll have a hard problem talking specifics about what is bothering me with a stranger, or even someone that I see around campus. I HATE to think that someone will be thinking I can't deal with this or feeling sorry for me or whatever.
The second option is to find something to do to de-stress. I used to draw/sketch, it relaxed me and I wasn't half bad at it. I picked up my sketchpad the other day and just couldn't though, so I don't know if that'll work again. The mood wasn't there, the inspiration and the 'talent' isn't there. Maybe it's something I need to work at? Even just writing in general, let alone on here, has stopped or slowed down. Isn't it ironic that I'm taking an imaginative writing course when the least thing I feel like I can do or even want to do is write?
Woaers me, I know. And I feel pathetic for even blogging about it, cause even I don't know how to help me and I don't want this to be one of those 'depressed teen (20ish) girl blogs' that exist in the millions... I'm not depressed (usually), I'm just stressed and I can't get it out anywhere or any way. I'm lost.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Monday, October 10, 2005
POTC anyone?
sillycurygurl86: :'(
aliengurl4004: i'm not gonna kill you
sillycurygurl86: they all say that.
aliengurl4004: guess you'll just have to say parlay
sillycurygurl86: p-p-p-p-p... arlay
aliengurl4004: parkay? you got a thing for butter?
sillycurygurl86: i said parlay!
aliengurl4004: oops, damn glass eye can't see letters
sillycurygurl86: haha
Thursday, September 15, 2005
My blog is 3!
Yep, that's right, can you believe it?!!!?? My blog is
(it almost seems like my blog should be older for some reason...)
Monday, September 12, 2005
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Last night at 9pm Thornbird was playing. It was amazing, probably one of the most fun things I'd been to in a long time, if not ever. The music was rock and LOUD and good, so good in fact that I bought the CD. The band was even nice enough to all sign everything that was sold, so I had my CD signed.
The CD itself, besides sounding great, is really cool. It's titled 'denim', because they wanted to do something different then major record companys are doing (they're self-produced/etc) so they sell the CDs in denim pockets with the button from jeans and all. It's really cool. And inside is not only the CD, but a thornbird sticker, and a booklet with photos in.
During the band's intermission we were waiting for Melissa to get out of the bathroom when all of a sudden Pat the drummer from the band came tearing around the corner and almost knocked cory over on the way to the bathroom. And then after he came out of the bathroom he was really cool and we were all talking and he told us to listen to the one song while flipping through the photo book to get a really cool effect.
Oh, and we had a tour of their bus/van. It's kind of cramped, I can't imagine spending as much time in there as they do, but I guess that's the type of stuff you're willing to do when you really love playing music and performing.
You can really tell they love playing music. The concert was a ton of fun with lots of interaction between the band and us (the audiance). I definetly recommend Thornbird if you want to see a great show, I know I had tons of fun.
Their site is really cool also, has pictures and music and message boards that the band actually replies to in adition to the store where you can buy their stuff. Oh and it's really interesting how high-tech seeming it is, it's just a cool layout and site in general:
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Stupid bees.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Monday, August 22, 2005
back from my self imposed involuntary vacation...
I move back to school on Sunday. First day of class isn't til Monday of course, but we move in Sunday. I vary from looking forward to it immensely, to not at all. It will be fun, I just wish we didn't have to do the school 'work' part of it. I think i'd like to just hang out in the suite all day with no work... *sigh* but 'tis life, and I shall survive. Hopefully.
Either way, its happening, nothing to do but look forward to it, eh?
Monday, August 15, 2005
my (dorm) room layout
The pink line at the top is the door. Hopefully you can understand the rest with the symbol stuff I added. The only thing i didn't put stuff explaining (the empty box) is the mini-fridge. Oh, and there's a window at about the middle of my bed. And yes, i know, some of the boxes are disproportionate. It's just for a general idea. :p
Thursday, August 04, 2005
sometimes 4
sometimes 3
You hurt me, you made me ashamed to be a woman, scared to be myself, you put me in danger, and you destroyed my trust of not just you but men in general. That's way more than 3 strikes, and I never want to see you again. I never want to talk to you. I want you gone from my life. From my thoughts. I want this pain that you've caused to be gone. I want you to go away.
That's what I'd say if I were stronger. But I'm not, so I probably will end up not saying anything at all and pretending that I'm fine.
sometimes 2
Like today in the shower. I have all of these thoughts spinning around and around in my head and I can't get a grip. And for one blessed moment I stopped thinking about it instantly. The physical pain distracted me from my emotional pain. And it didn't feel good to get cut, I'm not into physical pain. I'm really not. I'm a pain wimp and I would never inflict it intentionally. It just felt good to have something actually PULL me out of my thoughts before I started to wonder how good it would feel and if it were actually possible to drown myself in the bathtub...
I hate this. I hate how he made me think this way. I hate that I still talk about it. I hate that I still cry about it every night and usually once a day. And I hate that life is going to go on, I'll still see him and dad'll still work with him like nothing happened. Except it did. And I hate it.
Monday, August 01, 2005
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Trust can be gone in an instant.
Family friends no longer trusted.
Instincts criticized.
Intuition trusted.
Leaving situations
before they become dangerous.
trust is gone.
it's happened twice.
I cant trust enough to let it happen again.
I wont.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
because i said so
me: chickens.
mom: chicken?
me: nooo, chickenS
mom: chickens?
me: YES. chickens. why is that so hard to understand?
mom: what'd the chickens have to do with her sleeping?
me: I don't know, I wasn't there.
mom: I thought you'd know, thought you were Queen Chicken.
me: Don't be ridiculous. There's no such thing as a Queen Chicken.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005
that was then
I wish I could go back to then. Claim ignorance as an excuse for hiding. For not thinking things through. I wish I could go back to just not realizing the effects different things have on my life, family, the world. I didn't always think so much. And life was so much easier then.
I don't know why it still bothers me that I think. I should be able to handle this 'growing up' business. Most people do. They deal with their problems and move on. And I'm not like this in 'real life'. Sure, I get upset and I get happy. I feel normal most of the time. It's just that when it comes to writing in here while I'm alone, laying on my bed in the dark, I feel like I have no choice but to be honest here and show how I'm really feeling. And inside I feel pretty crappy. I think I should see a shrink. And no, that's not going to happen, cause I would feel way too guilty telling things, 'family secrets' I guess they are, and would never be able to. And they'd just blame my dad, like when my brother went to see a shrink, when I think the problem lays in me and not any other source. I SHOULD be able to get over all of this. It's in the past.
It is in the past. Dad is working his butt off, he's at work more than he's home. And he's doing it for us. He comes home tired, achy, and all to start again at some insane hour the next morning, so we can pay our bills. Except right now things are slow and he's even working harder than ever. And the bills still aren't getting paid. And we're not 100% sure what's going to happen with him going to jail or not (because of the alleged DUI from 3 years ago). And tension is high.
I just want things to be normal. I want my dad to be able to rest without drinking. I want my mom's health to be ok. I want to be able to not think. I want to go to college and not feel guilty that I like it there. Why is that too much to ask?
Monday, July 11, 2005
Sunday, July 03, 2005
itch itch itch
I'll let you know who wins this battle.
dream room
Perfect for naps.
What's your dream room like?
(yes, I did a topic like this before)
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
as my adorable autistic cousin said to my brother...
She was so cute, and so well behaved during the ceremony. She's only 5 or 6? And she's not usually so well behaved, but my parents are big believers that if you tell the child what to expect, they'll live up to your expectations. So we told her we we're going someplace to watch Zac and we have to be quiet except we can clap when we see Zac. And she was really really good, and we were all pleasently surprised. Her mom says that she is horrible to take out anywhere, and blames it all on her autism. Little does she know, it's her parenting 'skills' (or lack of them) and not my cousin.
My cousin was adorable, Zac graduated and had a good time and made everyone so proud, and I got to spend the day with my grandparents/family instead of at work. All in all, not a bad day.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Things to look forward to:
-my brother's high school graduation
-figuring out this financial aid thing for school
-going shopping for work clothes
-paycheck tomorrow! (which I will probably spend on clothes)
-getting to see my grandparents because they're going to graduation with us
-driving to (near) Philly for brother's graduation- mom's actually going to let ME drive there! She'll be a very avid backseat driver, I'm sure.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
life is just so
And I don't want to blog about it, because this blog is turning into a horrible whiney thing. And while you may say you don't care that this is actually about me just whining all the time, why would you really want to read that? And so I'm not doing it anymore unless I really need to. After this.
And I can't talk to anyone about it, because there's not one specific thing and to just vent to someone would either be me talking their ear off or not knowing where to start. And I know they say talking helps sometimes, but it won't actually fix the problems, they're not emotional things or things that have a solution, they're actual problems that can't be solved, that nothing short of changing events of a few years ago and/or a magic wand could fix. And since I don't see either of those solutions happening, what's the point in whining about it?
And so I just spend my days pretending nothing's wrong.
Yea sure, I'm ok.
Why wouldn't I be?
I'm fine...
As long as I can pretend...
As long as I don't think...
I don't want to...
I can't...
Don't make me...
It hurts too much.
Monday, June 20, 2005
oh yea...
'Just let me know...'
And my legs! Well, my thighs specifically. The locks for the cases are close to the floor, so all day I'm like squatting down to lock/unlock the cases and my legs are really getting a workout out of it! Yesterday and all day today my legs hurt whenever I had to move.
Oh, and my brother and sister are sick. The flu or whatever it is that is going around. And when I went in for medicine the checkout girl said "aww who's sick?" and I said my brother and sister and then she said "oh so you'll be in here tomorrow getting medicine for yourself" haha. It'll probably come true, so it's not funny. I don't need to get sick now, I have a job! I had a month+ when I could have gotten sick and it would have been convenient. Sheesh. I'm taking Vitamin C drops so hopefully that helps ward off the germs. Yuck.
Monday, June 13, 2005
I got it
And then I had my schedule drawn up, and that's about it. For those curious, I work mainly mornings/afternoons this week, and I asked that be switched around to nights next week since I like working nightshift more (it's more fun and relaxed- shh!). She said that since nobody likes working nights she thought she was being nice by giving me days, and here I want nights. So she said no problem next week it'll be switched around so I work nights (we'll see about that, she tends to say one thing and then not do it). My schedule this week:
Tues: 11-5 on register
Weds: 10-2 in Jewelry
Thurs: day off
Fri: 1-10 Jewelry
Sat: 9-5 Jewelry
25 hours total working + 1 hour lunch break every day I'm there 8+ hours (but I don't get paid for lunch)
So my week is going to be filled with trying to remember how to run register again (I'm getting an overview tomorrow, I'll only be on register then and I'll be near the service desk in case I need help since Im not getting training again on it) and also learning how to handle the jewelry counter. Jewelry might be difficult, because I'll be working with someone that LOVES gossip and is the complete opposite of me in every way, and also cause they tend to be fussy at the jewelry counter when deciding what goes where and etc. with displays and packing up. But who knows, it might be fun.
and so, it starts again
Friday, June 10, 2005
People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading. - Logan Pearsall Smith
That's why I read 'stupid trashy' romance novels. They're quick easy reads, mindless, funny, and they indulge my romantic side. They make me smile. There's been a lot of times where I'll be upset and just start reading, and someone will walk in the room to find me smiling over something corny the 'hero' (or whoever) just said. They make me happy, as books are supposed to.
I've been reading since before kindergarden, with a few breaks here and there when I forgot how much I enjoy making time for it. I'm happy to say, that I will be making time for it every day now, no matter how busy I am with school/job/life. It's so worth it.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
I hate when that happens.
Oh, and on a non-hating note, thanks for all the support through my annoying depressed posts, especially thankyou to Ian who left me such a lovely comment :) (and funny too, how did I get there twice??)
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Dear 'friend'...
I just feel so empty.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Because it was driving me crazy that I couldn't figure it out...
Oh, and for some reason I couldn't get haloscan comments to work, so we'll just have to go with blogger's comments for now. If you don't have a blogger account, you can still comment, just click on the 'other' button and fill in name/site. Don't use the anonymous as it will drive me crazy, and I'm already crazy enough.
Ok, this girl is going to sleep. Gnight, and enjoy!
Friday, May 27, 2005
umm yea
I ended up only getting my 4 wisdom teeth pulled, the 5th 'tooth' turned out to not be a tooth at all, but part of another tooth. Which my original dentist said, but my 2nd dentist said it was another tooth, so I was at the mercy of the 2nd dentist since the original dentist left. So... anyway, only had 4 pulled. But trust me, it was more than enough for me! The pain killers they gave me (vicodin) made me extra sleepy and nauseated, so I spent a good 4 days just laying in bed and only waking up when necessary. I can't say I minded spending all that time in bed, as I adore sleep, but I could have done without the nauseating feeling everytime I breathed. But I'm better now, and stitches come out tomorrow. joy. :)
And yes, I promise I am working on finding a new template. I just can't find any I like. I think tonight I'm just going to throw one on here for temporary. Better than having a winter scarf template...
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Thursday, May 12, 2005
(sorry, had to delete pic- email if you really want to see and I'll give you a link)
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
coming soon, to a blog near you
1) A new template- Spring-like, but I'm thinking something with a lot of white, so maybe it'll look more winterish. But better than this one.
2) An end-of the school year wrap up
3) I'm only going to post when I want to. That whole 2x a week thing just didn't work for long enough. I need to WANT to post, and also, having a blogger that loads faster than the pace of a snail would be useful.
Monday, April 25, 2005
today's whiney post via email!
So today I had Circle of Friends tutoring. I actually prepared for it for once.
I had a little time to kill in between my paper conference and tutoring at
4:00, so I decided I should look up some worksheets or something for the girls
to do, since lately I feel like that 'class' (ie tutoring session) is a waste
of time for the girls since they never want to do anything and we usually just
give in. But today was going to be different. Today we were actually going to
do something, whether they liked it or not.
And we did.
I made up worksheets; 1 worksheet with about 8 sentences on nouns, 1 on verbs with 5 sentences, and 1 on adjectives with 5 sentences. These are all things we had been going over, and I thought the girls had them pretty down-pat, this was just to be a review where they underline the noun/verb/adjective. Well, Amy* was able to do it pretty quickly, with only a little help. Susan* however took some time, and sometimes I think she just randomly guessed until I said how about we look at this again... and helped her more. But it's not that she can't do it, I know she can, she did the other sentences perfectly well. It's just every once in awhile she'd get lazy and not want to do it. At one point, after finishing the worksheet, Susan shoved the papers over to me and said "you do it". I laughed and said no way I'm not doing your work... but it was kind of frustrating since we don't really require much by them any other time and then when we actually wanted them to do something they moan and groan about it the entire time.
And wow, were the insults flying today! The girls were in hyperactive mode,
insulting each other and talking loud and quickly and... just wow. They were
more hyper today than I've ever seen them, but I think a lot of that had to do
with today being the last class. According to Amy, the tutoring session next
week might be cancelled for a special field trip they might be going on, so
that makes today their last class with us since we don't tutor during Finals
week. I guess that explains the hyperness. It is a bit frustrating though.
They didnt' even want to go over to the library to read magazines or anything.
We had to practically beg and plead with them to go, calling it a field trip
and that it wasn't really "baby stuff" like they said. So we walked there, and
then rented laptops for them to surf the web on, however the internet wouldn't
work so then we had to deal with more moaning about that...
It's just one of those days I guess. Since the weather is all icky and
disgusting. Snow this morning, hail, and it looks very stormy outside now so I
bet we're in for a lot of rain soon. Oh joy. It's cold outside. Today our
attendence question in my American Cultures class was determined to be
optimistic... "what is the best thing about snow in the end of April?"... My
answer? It'll melt soon. I hate snow, as does almost everyone else in that
I'm just in a gloomy kind of mood right now I guess. I need a nap.
*names have been changed on account of the off-chance that they'll find
this blog
Friday, April 22, 2005
A type of nightmare?
I dreamt that it was 12:15 in the afternoon on Friday (today) and that I had just woken up to realize I was late for class. In my dream i'm scurrying around thinking I can make the second half of class when I realize that class goes from 10-12, and so I've already missed even the second half of class. I'm thinking that I'm in major trouble, because you're not allowed to miss 2 classes in a row without getting in trouble and I missed class on Wednesday. So as I'm panicking in my dream, I wake up and almost panic in real life. And then I looked at my alarm clock and I realized it was only 8:30(am) and I'm ok. But my heart is still racing from it. And I realized that I had shut my alarm off at some point during the morning, so if I hadn't woken up when I did my dream/nightmare would probably have come true.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Sunday, April 17, 2005
better late than never?
She spent the weekend here with me, at college. As I informed her, she's now ahead of a lot of other kids her age. How many 15 year olds that you know get to spend the weekend at a college? I think she had fun... this school does tend to be known as a "suitcase school" though, most of the students go home for the weekends. So it tends to get a little boring sometimes, but I think overall she had fun. We watched movies, went to walmart, took the shuttle there, gave her a little tour of my classroom building, and ate in the cafeteria. We were going to see a band tonight, but they apparently broke up and cancelled the gig or something. Who knows. So instead we sat out in the amphitheater until we got tired of sitting on cold slate slab seats. Then we came inside and watched Dogma. Fun fun. Tomorrow at noon we're going to brunch, and sometime after that hoov is going home :(
She wants to come up next weekend, but I think I'm going home instead. There's always next year, when I'll be living in a suite...
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
and my problem is...
It's kind of upsetting to think that I have no hobbies. Yea well, that's what summer is for, right?
Saturday, April 09, 2005
today i discovered...
We watched it today. My mom, my sis, and me. Somehow, we ended up having this conversation:
sis: Ethan Hawke. What's he from??
me: He has his own show.
sis: No he doesn't!
me: Ok, so he doesn't. But if he did, I'd watch it.
mom: (laughing) Even if it was on the porn channel?
me: ... um... mom, is that really a question you want an answer to??
mom: no, not really.
(at this point I'm laughing hysterically)
me: sheesh you guys are going to make me hyperventilate!
mom: I'll get you a brown bag & put Ethan's name on it.
Ethan Hawke in Reality Bites. mmmmmmmmmm. yummy.
Friday, April 08, 2005
I am looking forward to working this summer. On one hand I'd love to be the type of kid that doesn't need the money, that actually can just lay around getting a tan by the pool all summer. But I've never been that type of kid. I need the money for next year, heck even this year I could use it, and I just don't think I could stand mooching off my parents when I could be working. And I enjoy it. Sure, I complain about it sometimes (a lot of times), but it DOES have its good points too. It can be fun.
I loved being a cashier. I loved the interaction with people. I loved asking if the person had ever tried ___ that they were buying, and if so did it work? I loved having repeating customers. I loved how I was called "dear" and "sweetie" by these sweet old customers, and how it wasn't sexist at all, they just thought I was a cheerful happy person and that I was a "sweetie" or a "dear". I loved how you could have 5 cranky customers in a row, and then the next one is a super nice customer that just makes you forget about the previous cranky ones. I loved how understanding customers can be when there's technical difficulties with the register, and they have to wait. You would think the majority would throw a hissy fit, but, in my experience at least, if you smile and say you're trying to get it taken care of as fast as possible, the customers understand and will just laugh or BS with you while they're waiting.
Of course customers can be cranky and things can go wrong and you can have horrible days where you just want to cry. And you can also have days where you leave smiling because of great coworkers and happy fun customers. And those are the days I try to remember when I'm having a rough day. So, do me a favor, and if I complain about being a cashier or about a rough day in the future, remind me of the happy days, ok?
Saturday, March 26, 2005
I love the things I can count on
1) Every Monday/Weds/Friday I will wake up dreading my 10am American
cultures class. Every time, without fail.
2) Even though I plan out my Tues/Thursdays to wake up early, get a shower,
do homework, and have plenty of time to get ready for my 12:30-4:45 day, I will
end up sleeping until at least 9, going online, talking on IM, or otherwise
lazing about until it reaches 11:30 and I then decide to rush around like a
madwoman taking a shower and eating brunch.
3) Every Monday/Weds/Friday I walk to my dreaded American Cultures class
with one of my best friends and my roommate, who could also be considered an
amazing friend. They listen to me complain about how much I do NOT want to go to
class, and insist I must. And so I do.
4) I will inevitably be bored out of my mind during my philosophy and
literature course, even if the topics are of the utmost interest to me, simply
because of the way my professor talks. It just annoys me, how he speaks quickly
and softly, so I end up tuning him out until he asks a question to me--- which
happens fairly often, since I'm one of 5 total students in the class. I then
wake up enough to answer, and drift back into my boredom-induced coma.
5) At the end of the day, I will read all of my homework for the night, write papers, etc, by 10pm. Because at 10pm I go online to talk with those I love to talk to, those that de-stress me and care about me beyond an academic environment. And it helps, it really does. It helps me focus, it makes me get my work done that might otherwise be pushed into a 2am quick-read, just so I can chat. And I like it.
6) Lunch at 12:45, Dinner at 5:45/6pm.
7) I will, inevitably, encounter drama with someone. A boyfriend problem,
stress over the horrid amount of schoolwork, etc etc. It all will be encountered
during the course of any normal day. And this drama fails to be a drama for me,
because I see it as more of a predictable series of events. Girl likes boy. Boy
does something. Girl freaks out. 1-2-3. Always. At least, always in the life of
my dorm-mates. Drama becomes less dramatic if you can find the pattern
And I think that's why I like predictability. I'm not a dramatic person, although I can fake it sometimes. But that's only when I'm being silly. Generally, the less drama, the better. And as I've said, drama becomes less dramatic if you can find the pattern, the predictability in the actions. And I think people's lives are so dramatic, that it helps to have a routine. A pattern. Something solid that you know will happen. Unless of course something interferes, like Easter break from school. But even so, eventually, I will revert back to my pattern. And it will help me be less stressed. College is stressful, so find the pattern of predictability, the few things you know you can count on, the things that you like doing, and it'll help. At least, it has with me.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
i was more tired than i thought...
I, of course, apologized. I really hadn't meant to fall asleep on him. And he said it was ok, even though he called me a shithead for making him think it was a problem with yahoo (because yahoo tends to eat messages, and he didn't know that it wasnt yahoo eating them again, but that instead I was sleeping).
Some days, you should just go to bed early.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
For the life of me...
And yet...
What did I do today on my paper? One would think that if I were so stressed out about this paper, I would be working on it nonstop, no? NO. I didn't work on it much at all today. I tried, really, I did. And nothing. I wrote some stuff, but it was just off-the-top of my head work and nothing that I'm even halfway sure is accurate. And then I spent the rest of my day just loafing around, and then I went out to dinner with the lovely miss caitlin. It was fun, definetly.
I really do need to work on my paper all day tomorrow. In Amcul tomorrow we have to do a thesis/introductionary paragrah and drafts. It's going to be so horrible. Two hours of writing, about stuff I'm not completely sure about. And then when I'm done with that class, I have to come back to the dorm and write more. And then I have a lit club meeting. And then write some more. It has to be an amazing rough draft so I don't have tons of work to do on Spring Break. Hah. I'll have tons to do anyway, I'm sure. I was hoping to go to the mall tomorrow with friends, but I doubt it's going to happen.
And that was my day.
Monday, February 21, 2005
i blame my lack of posting
Monday, February 14, 2005
Me?? I'm fine. I spend my day telling everyone that. Mom asks. Oh, I'm ok. "You sound better than you did yesterday" (bad mood starts) Yea. Thanks ever so much for bringing it up. I know you were just making an observation, and no I'm not mad at you. No, its not something I want to talk about. With anyone. Because it can't be fixed. Because I don't know what's wrong. How can I fix something when I don't know what it is??
I just wish I could hibernate. Crawl in a hole somewhere and hide. From whatever it is that's eating at me. Eating at me and ripping me apart. Because I hate feeling like this. Cheerful Heather one moment, fake cheerful Heather who's actually wanting to hide the next moment. It's tiring. And I wish it would just go away. I wish I could just go away.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
life is a rollercoaster
Tomorrow at 4pm I get to meet with the 4 women that I'm going to be tutoring in writing for an hour every Monday. The women have Downes syndrom I think, that's what someone told me. I'm really excited about meeting them tomorrow and tutoring the next Monday, nervous and excited. I think Cory is going with me, and she's tutored before so she'll be there to help me if I get overwhelmed. I'm really excited though.
And Brian Deegan won the gold at XGAMES for best trick!!!!!!!!! I love him and his awesomeness at moto-x.
Friday, January 28, 2005
I have class at 10 tomorrow. I have to wake up at 8:45 if I'm going to take a shower. I might just be gross and say no to my shower and sleep til 9:30. That gives me 15mins to brush my teeth, dress, and gather my books/thoughts. We're going to work more on our 4 page paper (due on Feb 3rd) tomorrow, which I haven't started. I hate working on it in class. It's so much pressure. It's like they say this this and this and it confuses me from my original idea, and then they say "ok now you have 10 mins to write an intro paragraph with thesis (or something like it) and then we'll read them out loud." Yikes. I sincerely hate this class.
My roomie is at the club tonight. There's a local club that has under 21 night on Thursdays so it's a big event that a lot of kids here go to. Tonight was her first time going, and it was so cute how excited/nervous she was. She's not back yet, but she said she probably wouldn't be back til around 2. I hope she's having fun, she deserves a night away from studying!!
I have 2 temporary roomates. Something happened with their heater so we invited them to spend the night in our room. So right now we have 2 twin size air mattresses on the floor, and that literally takes up all the space on the floor between the bunk beds and the dresser besides like maybe 1 foot for us to get into our bunk beds. It's ok though, I'd feel really bad knowing we had the room but saying no sleep in your nasty smelling room. Besides, it's good to feel like a sardine every once in awhile. ;)
Sunday, January 23, 2005
i'm annoyed
Oh, and I, the lovely coordinated person that I am, fell today. While going UP the stairs. I have 2 bruises on my leg and a skinned palm. I'm ok, I just think it's funny that I fell going UP stairs. Don't most people fall while going down them? Leave it to me to catch my boot on the edge of the stairs and fall going up. At least nobody saw except my friend Cory. Could have happened during the fire drill... that would have been MUCH worse. I would have gotten trampled!
Monday, January 17, 2005
i survived!
I bought all of my books!! That was my big accomplishment today. $210, which is about 100-150$ cheaper than last semester. Yay. I called my mom twice, had class, watched a movie, ate... yea that's about my day, in no particular order.
The movie I saw was the Butterfly Effect. I liked it. I particularly liked the alternate ending which, while I won't talk about because it might spoil it for those that haven't seen, was a very good ending for those that love philosophy. Like myself. :)
New template soon, I just have to find one and then find the time to put it up. I'm having trouble finding templates I like. I know I know I should just code one myself from scratch, but I'm 1)lazy 2)not that talented 3)dont' know enough and 4)last time I tried after HOURS it turned out looking like something I wouldn't put on my worst enemy's site. lol
Ok, now the fun part.. answering the comments! Thanks!
Leesa, if you think THAT's clean, you should see the room after my mom makes me clean it to her satisfaction. She's crazy with her level of clean!
Jill... it's a bank :) hehe. Almost filled with ONLY nickels. I used to collect them (..about 2 years ago lol) and they were supposed to be college book money, but so far my dad has just said if I ever need the money I'm supposed to give my parents the nickels and they'll give me the money for them. Why he wants $150 worth of nickels i have no idea...
Sabrina... As for posting more pics, while I'd love to, unfortunetly my mom's digital camera took a little bath, and so she's using mine because she needs one for ebay, while I don't NEED need one like she does. Until she gets the money for a new one. It's not a big deal, as like I said I don't really need one. I can just take pics when I go home if I want.
Thanks for all the comments girls, i love coming to my blog and seeing something besides my rambling :)
Saturday, January 15, 2005
how i spent most of my day...
then I did this:
and ended up with this:
and if I ever let my side of the room get that messy again, someone yell at me.
Monday, January 10, 2005
another one of THOSE questions...
The new one is "What is the sexiest thing about a guy?" I found out a few answers recently, and I'm not telling any of them.
This is one of those questions just to get you thinking and if you want you can comment your answers. Any guys that read, you can answer about girls (if you want). Just keep the language anti-gross please (subject to deletion of comment by my discretion)
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
When does one decide that it's easier to not ask, to stay on the outside, rather than get drawn in and have to deal with everything?
Is it just a coping method of trying to avoid unnecessary drama?
Isn't all drama unncessary?
Why would one willingly get involved with a situation they know will create drama?
Why wouldn't one just sit on the sidelines?
Wouldn't you rather watch the drama unfold than be part of it?
Don't you think that sometimes even if you try not to be involved, if you try to keep to your own little world, the drama just has a way of finding you?
Why not?
Why ask why?
Why not ask why?
Why have a post consisting entirely of nothing but questions that have been rolling around in some deep recess of my mind, not emerging even to myself until I started typing?
Then again... why not have a post like this if it's what I want?
If it's how I feel like expressing the things I don't want to?
Is this my own little drama?
I guess so...
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Happy New Year!!
to all of my wonderful readers. And those that aren't so wonderful too (aka, those lurkers that don't comment). ;)