Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Umm.... So, what's new in the life of heather...........
Nothing. wow, that's pathetic, not? Ok, so a little bit's new.
I went to the dentist today. Most people I've met don't like the dentist. I dont mind the dentist, I prefer them over going to the doctors actually. At least at the dentists you get novacain. That's what I got today, had to get a tooth filled. 1 of 3. grrr. They said if they would have put the sealant on in time, I wouldn't have gotten these cavities, but as it is they're about 6-8 months behind on putting the sealant on, because there is always such a long wait in between appointments that new cavities develop and they have to fix those before they can put the sealant on. grr. makes me mad.
Oh, we hooked our dvd player up!!!!!!!!! Boy was that a hassle. We had to get a RF Modulator because our tv doesn't have the one thing we needed, so we had to pay about $30 for that, then we got home and dad said we couldn't hook it up, because we still didn't have the one cord. He threw a huge fit, saying how it's all a conspiracy against consumers that you have to buy one thing one place, the cord for it at another, then the adapter somewhere else, etc. And when I say he threw a fit, I mean it. He was going to take the dvd player back. Then finally he said "Heather and mom go get the other cord" so when we got out to the car I explained to mom that I thought dad was wrong and wasn't looking at it right. No way would I have said that to dad, or I'd likely have gotten my head chewed off. lol. But about halfway to the mall mom and I were almost definetly sure we didn't need this cord, so we called dad from the cell phone and explained it. By that time he had calmed down and looked over the dvd player instructions (he was looking at the modulator instructions before), and he said yea, going by what we said and what the instructions say, he wasn't sure if we needed it either. So, he says "come on home and we'll try it". Lol. We did, and it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! I like the dvd player, it hasn't made that big of a difference in the 2 movies we've watched, but the sound is clearer, and the picture looks a little more 3D. I think it depends on what type of movie you watch. I want to rent one of those movies where you can play a game (I think Leelo and stitch have that). I don't know how we'd play the game without controllers for the dvd, but it'd be cool to see it at least. lol.
Know what I'm doing for new years? I'm going into the yahoo chat so I can be there when the ball drops, lol. I'll have MTV on, so maybe I'll get to see GC and some other bands play. Mom said Dick Clark's new years bash (which we usually flip back and forth from mtv to D.C.'s) sounded boring, and since she and dad are in bed already, I'm watching mtv. Mom will probably come back down later, around 11 or so. That way she can be awake with us for the 'ball drop'.
Speaking of the 'ball drop' .... It annoys me. It's toooo slow. It'd be better if at like, 11:59:59 it would all of a sudden drop down the tower/lines really fast and hit the bottom and then you see a flash of lights! It just seems like by the time the ball hits the bottom (where it says 2003) it should have been over with already. Or maybe I think too much about the ball drop, lol. Yup, probably it.
Monday, December 30, 2002
I've been working on a new template. Besides this Libra one. I don't know when I'll put it up, it's all ready except for the tagboard. Does anyone know how to make the link/text size smaller? The part that says "powered by..., name" etc? lol, that sounds like a really dumb question, since I do know how to change text/link size. just for some reason the tag-board size isn't working. grrr. I made a new blog, specifically to test out templates. That way I don't mess something up on this one, lol.
Ok, I know I promised a nice long rant, but my eyes/fingers hurt. Umm..I'll blog again later, before I go into the yahoo chat around 10-10:30. ok? :)
Ok, not much to say now, but I promise a nice long rant later. Or.. a semi long rant, don't know how much time I'll have. :)
Sunday, December 29, 2002
Saturday, December 28, 2002
Friday, December 27, 2002
Anyways, back to my original blog...
It's day 5 of my school vacation. and I think I'm actually starting to miss it. I mean, I could still do it, it's always there (one of the pro/cons of a 24/7 charter/cyber school) but it's just not the same when you can't go to a chat, or get direct advice from a teacher. I actually like my school. lol, I'm a geek, I know. But it's interesting, for the most part. I like being challenged. I think that's the main reason I want to be a lawyer (other than that I like to argue). As a lawyer I'll constantly get challanged, never the same case twice, whether I become a corporate, contract lawyer, or public defender. variety.
My mom's helping to write up our family tree/book. It's been done before (books being written about my relatives), I guess I have kinda an 'old' family. Old as in prestigious, or something. I could care less, because most of them are snobs, and have never done anything for and/or associated much with my family. Anyway, mom has to write up our names, and put our d.o.b. and such in. There's a catagory for 'other' and I said my mom should put in about our school. I mean, it's a pretty major revolution, it's changing how pennsylvania department of education delivers it's funding to school districts, there's been tons of lawsuits and revocation hearings against it, but so far it's survived. And I (and my bro and sis) was part of that from the beginning. That's something major. At least, it seems it to me. My mom agreed, and said that if I want her to she'll put it in the book. But I changed my mind. Why give these people something to ridicule or find fault in? Because they'd find it, they're just that type of people. I like my school, and that's all that matters. They don't have to know how proud I am of it overcoming it's obstacles. They never gave a whit about us before, and I'm afraid that (if they didn't find fault with it) they'd find some way to take credit for my school being great. Somehow. I'm not sure how, but they would. Sigh.
Anyway, on a more cheerful note, the fridayfive is back! Here's mine for this week...
1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
My biggest accomplishment? I don't know, that's really hard. I didn't do anything this year really worthwile. I made a blog! yea, that's it! My blog is my biggest accomplishment, lol. :)
2. What was your biggest disappointment?
My biggest disappointment.... realizing that someone is actually who you know them to be. Sounds strange, I know. My cousin. {See Dec. 25th's blog, last part of it} She disappointed me greatly, because I just had this feeling that she was going to go to this concert with someone else when she canceled on us, and it saddens me that I was right. Yea, I could be making more out of this than what is actually happening, I haven't talked to her yet (not sure that I even want to), but it still disappointed me.
3. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions?
No, because generally if I try, I don't keep them. If I do something worthwhile next year, great. If not, yea well.
4. Where will you be at midnight? Do you wish you could be somewhere else?
Midnight new years? lol. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume... I will probably be at home. Switching between MTV new year's bash, and the normal NBC or ABC NY Ball dropping. Maybe if my parents go I'll go with them to their friend's house, but I doubt it. Doubt that they'll go (cause they always just stay home and argue on new years, sort of a tradition), and doubt that if they did go, I'd go with. I'm not that close with these friends, so it wouldn't be fun at their party anyway. better off staying in the yahoo chat or something, lol.
5. Aside from (possibly) staying up late, do you have any other New Year's traditions?
My parents fight on new years. Or one goes to bed really early. That's sort of a tradition, lol. Sort of a way of clearing the air for the new year, I guess. Other than that... I usually try to take a sip of a new drink. Like wine or something. Just a sip (from someone's glass). I've never had more than a couple sips (besides the one time I drank half a bottle of hooch, very verygood), and I've never gotten drunk. One year I tried champagne, it was HORRIBLE. Cheap champagne, I guess. Very bad. Too alchol-y, not enough actual flavor. I tried some sort of berry wine the other year, that was good. Lol, mom didn't even notice that I was taking a couple sips from her glass. Haha. shhhh. I don't think she's getting anything this year though, so pepsi all around. lol.
Well, my fingers are getting a lil tired now.
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
Merry Kissmas!
Or Merry Christmas! If you rather. I like christmas because it reminds you that christ is the reason for christmas, but I like the sound of Kissmas too.
So far it's been great. *knock on wood* Yesterday was awesome, no fights, no nothing. We went to my grandparents, everyone had a nice, fun, peaceful time (and most my relatives were drunk, it was funny). I got lavendar & chamomille (sp?) body wash, moisturizer, and bubble bath, plus $10. I was happy.
Today I got every single thing on my list. not bad, eh? I even got the harvest moon game, because my cousin deicided he didn't want it anymore since he got a different one for ps2 that he likes better. So he said "merry christmas, keep the game" which was really nice of him. :)
The only downfall of the day so far is that when my grandmother (the one who is in AZ) called, she said how my cousin mandy went to the Aerosmith concert the other day with her dad. The same concert we were supposed to take her to/go with, that she was supposedly so excited to want to go with us. We were talking about it a little while ago, and my mom refused to pay...I forget what the $$ amountr was, but it was like twice the amount for these certain seats than the other ones. Mom said we could go, but only if we got the cheaper seats (because mom would have to pay for 3 people, my sis, me, and my mom). My cousin said ok, that's fine. She was the one who even said about the cheaper seats. Then she called and cancelled (after everyone got all excited about going), saying she had to work. Even though on IM she said not even work will keep her away from it. My mom has even talked to her mom on the phone since, and my aunt said how mandy was sad she couldn't go with us. So my aunt lied too. The concert was this past 19th (of dec.). Grandma calls today and we found out she went with her dad. Apparently she didn't want to go with us as much as she was saying (which is hard to believe, because she thinks my mom is MUCH cooler than her dad or mom- cause she is). Or if she did, she didn't want the cheaper seats. Either way, she told us she wasn't going. I kinda saw it coming. She's like that. I'm really P.O. though. REALLY. And my mom is really really really mad, even more so than me. Next time she comes on Instant messenger, boy is she going to get it!!! Lol, I'm that mad even after I put it through my christmas-forgiveness spirit. I just don't think I can forgive this one that easily, if at all. It was going to be my first concert. Yup, going to be tough to forgive.
Well, Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 23, 2002
Christmas eve we always go down to my grandmothers as a sort of family reunion thing. I love my grandmother, and a few other relatives, but the rest I can't stand. Snobs, all of them. They buy big expensive stupid things that they never use (house at the shore, boats, etc) and then complain about how they're broke. duh. idiots. lol, can you tell I don't like them? Plus they think their kids are brilliant, when there oldest is going to put them in debt when he could have went to a much better college, cheaper. Plus he's not all that smart to begin with, and he's not social at all. Not that I am, but I'll at least talk to someone if they talk to me, or if I go away to camp, and someone asks me to hang out with them I will. not him. grrr. yea, he annoys me.
Wow, sorry, I got way off of my original topic. I was going to discuss what I'm wearing tomorrow. My koRn concert-shirt and my jeans. And my boots. And maybe I'm putting florescent red stripes in my hair, haven't decided yet. I wouldn't normally go to such trouble for this, because my grandmother couldn't care less what I wear, but when I got a korn cd last chrismtas eve my cousin danielle said "yuck, that's boys music" meaning that girls shouldn't listen to such things. She loves the Gagstreet and Nstink. which aren't even music, so her opinion means little to me. But even so, I figure this year I'll go in goth-ish (but no black lipstick) in my korn shirt with the freaky kids (kinda like this shirt, but mine is black with orange/brown kids) and red striped hair.
The stripes would be kind of wasted though, because most of the above mentioned relatives aren't going to be there! yay! It'll just be a few of us, as the rest are going to some christmas play for some relative that I've never heard of. even my grandmother's glad, lol.
We got my grandmother a microphone/headphone set so we can actually voice chat over the computer. She wanted one, and since we're giving my grandfather Johnny Cash cds, we figure this way grandfather can just use the headphones so as not to drive my grandmother crazy with Johnny (he listens to in on the computer, they don't have a regular cd player).
Well, I have to go weigh my nickels. Ok, done, I have 17lbs of nickels. that's a lot of nickels. It's only a little bit over 3/4 full too.
lol, I still have my radio on upstairs from when I was wrapping presents, so I guess I ought to go. If I don't blog before then
Saturday, December 21, 2002
Ok, I had this whole big long post about a certain someone that kinda hurt my feelings (that sounds so pathetic..hurt my feelings) but I deleted it because I don't want everyone to know how truely pathetic I am. :) lol. It just felt good typing and venting, I had to get it out. Now I never have to think of what's-his-face again. yay.
I like my blog, gives me a place to vent and get it out. I could never really do paper journals. I've tried. I got one for christmas for....3 years I think. I've decorated them with my picture, and whatever doodads I could find, in the hopes of inspiring me to write. It didn't work. The only thing I use my paper journal for is if I'm really really really upset, I like to rip up the paper after I'm done writing it. So all the bad karma I wish on people doesn't come true I guess, lol. Somehow using the delete button just doesn't work as well as seeing the paper go into itsy bitsy shreds. It would be even better if I had a paper shredder (hint hint Mom).
Well, it's only 11:43pm, but mom's yelling for me to go to bed, I think I might have to go to work tomorrow. dad said he wants help, early in the morning. yuck. these are the times that I wish I drank coffee. I guess soda and a shower will have to work in helping me wake up. wish me luck, cause I'm going to need it. I'm not really a people person, or an early morning person. I'm not as bad as my mom though. She's pure evil in the morning. haha. She hates being reffered to as dave's wife. "Oh, you're dave's wife" she hears all the time. lol, you can practically see the steam coming from her ears. I on the other hand don't mind being known as 'dave's daughter'. Unless he's being an idiot, then I say 'yes, as much as I'd like to deny it'. But either way I don't really mind. It keeps the creepy men that sometimes are at his work from looking at me too closely. Lol. It's funny, my dad will introduce us, saying "And this is my Daughter" really clearly, as sort of a hands and eyes-off sort of thing. Which is good, because if my dad introduces us to begin with it usually means they're old and creepy anyway. lol. if they're not old/creepy/gross, it's just, yea, that's my daughter heather. no emphasis on daughter. lol.
I just want to clarify something. My mom's insulted. lol. She said between my blog, and my sister's, everyone is going to think she's an evil witch. She isn't. She's actually a really cool, great, loving, caring mom. A little pushy, yells more than I'd prefer, but she's my best friend anyway. I just wanted to clear that up so you don't think she's really evil. only in the mornings is she evil. Give her coffee, and she's fine. lol. I should let her read this, maybe if I kiss-butt enough I'll get my paper shredder. lol, doubtful. very doubtful. she doesn't like the idea of me having endless supplies of confetti.
Ok, it's now 11:51pm, and I said I was going to bed a few minutes ago. I'd better go.
Friday, December 20, 2002
Ok, So I'd better go to bed now, before my mom hears the click click click of my keyboard and yells. sigh. She always has to wake me up in the morning (if she wants me awake before 9), so I'll be glad when I get my alarm clock, so then I can just set it for 8, and be showered/dressed/ready for the day by 9. yea, well, that's the plan anyway. My clock is one with an actual face (not digital) but it has a backlight so I'll be able to see it at night. I'm really happy that I didn't get a digital one, for some odd reason. This one just seems better because of the face and the light. I dunno.
Thursday, December 19, 2002
We did a LOT of shopping. Over 5 hours worth. From before 10am, till a little after 3.
I got my Good Charlotte cd, and I got Tony Hawk 4. I'm happy. I didn't get my walkman, but I got an alarm clock instead, which I needed. It doesn't take much to wake me up, but my mom forgets, so I figured I'd better get an alarm clock. I had one, but I let my dad borrow it and he broke it somehow. Not that I really cared, cause it was an old ugly one. This new one's cute. Oh, and I got my money back for my editted eminem cd, and then at KMart we got the unedited version.
Ok, I'm really really really tired now, so I'm going to go.
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Has anyone ever read any books by Nathanial Hawthorne or Washington Irving? My American Lit. teacher said we're going to be reading books by those authors, but I don't know what books. I've never read anything by either of them, but I know I saw the movie sleepy hollow, which is a washington irving tale I believe..(could be wrong). I didn't like sleepy hollow. And I was never really into trying to read 'the scarlet letter', which is a book by hawthrone. She said we'll be reading a book by Hawthorne, Irving, and a few others, and if possible we'll get to Poe. I remember reading Poe when I was younger (the 'translated' version I'm sure, I'm told Poe in its actual writing is hard/harder to read, and since I was only like 8years at the time...). The one with the pounding heart under the floor boards? Something like that. It never scared me, it kinda bored and depressed me all at the same time. Sounds like a cheery year for American Lit, huh? lol. She said we might read Poe, if we get to it. She already has planned for us to read at least 3 books, do assignments on those, before Poe. It's over 1/4 of the way through the school year, so I doubt we'll get to it. Not that 3 books is a lot to read, but my teachers take FOREVER to put up assignments. So far this year in english class I've had a month without any teacher at all, and a grand total of 5 assignments. It's a good thing I have plenty of other classes to keep me occupied.
Tomorrow we're going shopping. Christmas shopping :) I think we're hitting like....5 stores. A dollar store, wal*mart, cvs, a used video game/cd pawn shop store place, and maybe kmart or something like it. Shop till we drop. I love it :)
I made a list! Of stuff I want. It's amazing. I was so happy to think of things. We might be exchanging my 8 Mile cd, cause it's from walmart and edited, and I prefer un-edited tapes. We might keep it, not sure. depends. This is all my stuff I thought of:
- Good Charlotte 'Young & the Hopeless' cd (because I like the lifestyles of the rich and famous song... plus others probably)
- Walkman CD player- $17 at walmart in cool colors. My last one was stupid, it skipped and finally broke, so I want another one. I'm going to use it to walk on our treadmill, cause I really should walk on the stupid thing, and it'll be so much easier with good music in my ears. :)
- Harvest Moon Back To Nature
- Tony Hawk Pro-Skater 4- for playstation
I think there was something else, but I can't think of it, and if I only get a few things on my list that'll be enough. I don't need my art kit organizer/box anymore, I used this one book that I have that has a hollow inside. Well, it's like a cheap book, made of cardboard, it doesn't really look like a book at all, but the point is it's a strong sturdy box that I have decorated now saying art kit and with all my art junk in it. It all fit, I was so happy.
I think I'm getting my mom a tweezers. shhhhh! Yea, a tweezers, as stupid as it sounds. She loves to pluck her eyebrows (she once overplucked them, then shaved them off. then she drew them on with an eyebrow pencil, it was funny.) It's like an addiction for her, and I'm always stealing her tweezers for some reason or another (and more often then not they get lost in the vast junky place that is my room, never to be found again...), so I'm going to get her a really sharp, 'proffesional' tweezers that I won't borrow.
Welp, it's almost midnight, and I have to get up before 9am tomorrow so I can go with my mom and sister to hoover's dentist appointment, and on from that...Shopping!!!!!
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
I feel like I should have something to say. But I don't. I was just IMing with 2 people a minute ago, and they both deserted me. Sigh. Lol, I'm kidding, paul had to go eat lunch, and my grandmother probably got kicked off of AOL because she doesn't leave without saying goodbye to me first. From 2 to 0 in .01 seconds. But it's ok, I'm going to play a game on the playstation now. Harvest Moon, back to nature. I like it. It does get boring, but it's also kinda fun to see how much you can do with your farm. It's on loan from my cousin, so we have to give it back sometime. Mom said maybe she'll get it for us for christmas. I'd hate to have spent all this time on it then not be able to finish.
Anyway, tomorrow I have a school chat (class: american literature A) at 10am, so I have to be showered by then (because it wakes me up, not because I think my teacher can see through my monitor). Plus, we have plumbers coming to fix something on our heaters, so he's turning off the water AND the heater, so I have to be ok by the time they come. Sometime late-morning/early afternoon. We were going to go to Aldi's after my chat, but that just threw our whole schedule off. grrrr. I like schedules.
well, my turn on the playstation. bye :)
Monday, December 16, 2002
I'm so awfully happy. For a multitude (how's that for a word) of reasons.
We got our tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like a 6 footer. Which is bigger then what my parents wanted, they only wanted a 3or4 foot. But this was the smallest they had, or so my dad said. We didn't go with, only dad went. I'd be disappointed, but he only went to the store and bought the tree, he didn't go to like a tree farm or anything interesting. We can't decorate it yet, which is terribly disappointing, we have to wait for my dad to bring home a brace sort of thing for it from his work. I can see it now, we decorate it, and it falls over. Spilling water, and the glass balls my mom is so happy to use (because we're older, and we won't break them, or so she thinks). Our luck, it would fall on the heater, which it is semi-close to. It's not close enough to catch fire though, and it's above the heaters, sitting on a box so we can see it because the tree is sorta behind our couch.
phew, enough about the tree.
My mom's friend Meter (merita) came over today. Her and my mom are best friends, but she lives about 45mins away so we don't see her too often. She stayed for.....SEVEN HOURS. From 1pm-8pm. Now, we love her dearly, and she had a lot to talk about, but 7 hours with any one person is a little much for my family. Plus, we waited to eat until after she left, even though we made it while she was here. So, say we made the food around 7, we didn't eat it till 8. But it was ok. I showed her some christmas pictures, then I got out my photo album (she didn't know us when I was a baby, only from about my 3rd grade+). It's nice to reaffirm your belief that you were the cutest baby ever. Besides her kids. But I saw their pictures, I was much cuter. haha.
Yea, anyway, enough of my yabbering. I did have an actual blog planned, but then I changed my mind. I found a horribly-bad poem generator, I tried to post it yesterday but it didn't work, so I'll try that tomorrow. Goodnight everyone :)
Sunday, December 15, 2002
Friday, December 13, 2002
my day wasn't exactly happy. at all. I woke up, went to work outside in the freezing weather (we had a heater and it kept us warm but...). In case you don't know, my dad has a flea market business, and he leaves all his stuff out all the time (he has a security guard that watches out for his stuff). Stuff gets filled with rainwater, snow, willow tree leaves (his stand is underneath a willow tree), you name it he has it in his stuff. So that's what we did today, dumped whatever out of ALLLLLLLL the stuff. sigh. My boots got soaked, my nike coat got soaked (not that it matters, my dad got it for like $2 at an auction, no way would I pay $100+ for a coat), I was, in general, soaked. And cold. And I'm just getting over being sick, so my nose was running and I was Miserable.
Then, after that, we went to the car wash and cleaned my car. It's totally stupid, but you have no idea the joy it gives me to see my car clean. I HATE it when my car gets dirty/muddy, which is anytime my dad drives it. He just used it most of last week, so it was REALLY muddy from puddles and whatnot.
We went to the video store. Rented:
Leelo & Stitch
Ice Age
Murder By Numbers
I really wanted to see all of these, so I was/am happy. Leelo & stitch wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, but still funny/cute. Ice age I thought was hilarious. We didn't watch Murder by numbers yet.
We topped off movie watching with my parents fighting, then dad stomping up to bed.
Not exactly a great friday the 13th- except for the movie watching, that was fun. Yea well, there's always next fri 13th.
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
:) Ok, I'm done trying to convince you to sign now. Comment, and tell me what you think? Sex ed and not sex abstinence taught in schools? I think abstinence should be taught in schools, but it should not be the sole focus of the sex ed class. Agree? Disagree?
Monday, December 09, 2002
Do you know what you're getting for christmas? I know what I'm getting. Minus a few little surprises that my mom wraps without telling me. I prefer it that way. I don't like to waste money, so if my mom's going to get me something I want to know I'll use it, like it, and/or it's the right something that I wanted. picky I guess. So I go shopping with my mom just about every year. Since I was like......8. I also help pick out my bro and sis's stuff. This year they got to see part of what they're getting too. So far, I'm getting a cd. One. The 8 Mile Soundtrack. I can't think of anything else I want. No, I'm not spoiled, just.. I don't know. I am getting a cd player for my car, but since my parent's want to make sure it's installed right and all, they want to get it done at an actual place. like a stereo place where you buy the stereo they install. Which annoys me, because it'll be like triple the money. But they apparently don't care. So, they're not even counting that as a christmas gift, because it won't be something I can unwrap. I suggested getting me my driver's permit again (it expired, lol) but mom said dad had already promised me that, so that is not a christmas present. She also was adding it up, and provided she spends as much on me as she did the other kids ($100) I have about $73 left. What do I want that will cost $73??? The stereo from walmart (it was like $50) and the permit ($30) would have added up to that. but does it count? nooooooo.
ok, I realize this post maybe made me come off as spoiled. and maybe I am. but I don't think so. Because I don't say "I want that" and get it automatically. I'm not material? Yea, maybe that's it. I'm just not interested in what I see. my options don't interest me, I guess. Plus, the whole gift-giving scinereo makes me feel guilty.
I do have one thing I want. A box for my art supplies. I have a whole bunch of art supplies, pencils, vine charcoal, charcoal pencils, paint, paper, 2 kinds of erasers, and some other stuff. It would be so awesome to have a briefcase-like case to put that stuff in. I like to be organized. Right now it's all stashed in a tin (like the kind pretzel bags or chips come in). A tin with hearts on it. blah.
But, like I had originally intended to say before my fingers started typing without my brain's permission, I LIKE getting to see my stuff early. I hate christmas surprises. surprises in general. spontineity, yes. surprises, no. I'm a very impatient person.
I've known about santa since I was 4 (maybe 5). My cousin told me. So up to the age of 4-5, I have pictures of me sitting on the mall santa's lap looking at him adoringly. After age 4-5, I have pictures of me looking at this guy looking like I'm wondering why I have to sit on some strange guy's lap.
Oh, a little off subject, but I have this amazingly adorable (I think anyway, lol) picture of me when I was little. My aunt and my mom had both chipped in and paid a guy to come visit us dressed in an easter bunny costume. My mom didn't really want to, she didn't think we'd believe him, but my aunt eventually wore her down and she agreed. I was like...4. something like that. This 'bunny' is wearing the stupidest looking easter bunny costume ever. he doesn't even have gloves on, you can see his actual hand. Anyway, my mom snapped the picture at the moment when the bunny came over to see me and my brother. you should see the look on my face. lol, it's so typically ME that it's amazing. I scanned it below, I don't know how good you can see me, but you can at least see how the bunny looks. My mom says I went to her and said "Mom. That 'bunny' has human hands." lol.
I was marvelling the other day at how jaded I was even at such a young age. Mom disagrees and calls me a realist. which I guess I am, but I have a goofy/dreamy side too, so maybe not. I think I'm just jaded. like that aerosmith song (but I don't like that song, so not exactly like it).
What do you think of the whole Santa thing? I don't think I'll teach the myth to my kids. Like, I'll teach them not to tell other kids that he isn't real, but I'll let them know right from the beginning. I just remember feeling hurt when I found out. Hurt that I was lied to, and essentially made a fool of. I guess it's not really like that, I mean, it's cute when you believe in santa, right? but I always felt so bad that I hadn't figured it out. foolish. And I don't want to lie to my kids. unless it's to protect them or whatever. but not if I don't have to. who knows, maybe I'll change my mind. but I don't think so.
This was intended to be a short little blog, to say about hoover's blog, and that I forgot I had to put a link to blogger up, and that it's over there underneath the tag board now. But it grew. and grew. and now I'm taking away the fertalizer. me.
Sunday, December 08, 2002
I took a shower (not that I don't everyday, but this one seemed to help with my cold more than the rest). maybe it was the peppermint body wash/soap stuff I used. I'm not normally a pepperminty person, but I thought I might as well try it. It's supposed to invigorate you. Well, I don't know if it did that, but it made me stop feeling so sluggish, so maybe it really does work.... or maybe it's the thought of it working. or, maybe it's the Tylenol Cold capsuls I took not too long ago. lol, yep, that's probably it.
After my shower I dressed all nice. Not that I'm going anywhere, but I have an assignment to write an article on stress, and I've been putting it off. I thought maybe if I'd dress all nice, put my hair up, and sit at my computer, it would make me be in the mood to type an article. No go. sigh. It just doesn't seem like that good of a topic. It doesn't 'inspire' me to write. This is the assignment:
Use information from the Web sites to write an article about stress for a teen magazine. Be sure to discuss both positive and negative stress as well as healthy ways to deal with stress. Once you have explored these links and answered the questions, you are ready to write your magazine article. Your article should:
incorporate information from the Web sites in a clear and organized manner.
use language and tone appropriate for the topic and a teen audience.
explain the causes and effects of stress on teens.
identify examples of both positive and negative stress.
provide information about avoiding and/or managing stressful situations.
The part where it says to "use language and tone appropiate for the topic and a teen audience" makes me feel like they want me to 'dumb-down' my article. Use simpler words and such. I find it insulting. Maybe that's why I'm having trouble writing it. I think I'll just ignore that part of the assignment, and just write it as an article, but like I'm talking directly to someone, not just listing facts and whatnot. blah. the whole thing stresses me out. Maybe after I'm done writing it I should read it to figure out how to de-stress myself. lol. complaining about it helps, believe it or not. It's probably annoying the heck out of everyone else who reads my blogs (to find me constantly complaining about an assignment) but it actually helps me so :p After I vent about the stupidity of it I usually just give up and do the assignment.
I noticed the other day I used the word 'stupid' a lot. That angered me a little. Cause I mean, of course I know better words than stupid. My mom actually hates the word stupid, so I spent a good portion of my days (when I was younger) coming up with different words for stupid. I'd better start digging around for those words, I'd hate for anyone to think I have a limited vocabulary. Cause I don't. I actually have a pretty big vocabulary, I just don't use it too often. Maybe I don't want to overuse it? I don't know. But I'm getting the word of the day emails from m-w.com now, so maybe I can actually make myself use the words that I know I know. Just in case you're wondering, today's word is: ab ovo. It means "from the beginning." Kinda strange, but I like the pronnunciation. ab ovo. It sounds like you're speaking a martian language.
On another note, I'm happy. It doesn't take much to make me happy lately. Today what made me happy is that my dad doesn't need a ride home from work, so I don't have to go with my mom to pick him up, i.e., I don't have to go out in the FREEZING COLD. Oh, and another thing is that my mom is making lasagna. Not necissarily lasagna, cause she ran out of actual lasagna noodles, so it's lasagna with shell noodles. But it still has the same meant-sauce-cottage cheese-noodle premis, so hopefully it'll taste good. I don't like cottage cheese, except in lasagna. Just thought I'd state that, in case people would think I did, which I don't. Yuck. I can only eat it because the sight of it is hidden in the sauce/noodle mix.
I can't eat anything that looks gross. Like cottage cheese. or yogurt. Which is bad, because my parent's swear by yogurt. Have a mouth sore? Eat yogurt. Stomach ache? eat yogurt. I cannot stand yogurt. And I mean, my hatred of it goes to the depth that I won't say if my mouth/stomach hurts, just because then they'll make me eat yogurt. I was supposed to be eating yogurt with this cold actually, but I was afraid just the smell would make me sick. Because the sight of it sure does. I"m the only one in my family that hate's yogurt this much. In my immediate family, I mean. My cousins hate yogurt as much as i do. My dog even eats yogurt. Yup, it's true. My dad was eating some, and the dog was sitting patiently at his feet waiting for him to give her the container after he was finished. Which dad did, so there's Gidget with her huge snout/nose covered by the yogurt container. It was funny. and gross.
My mom has been spending the past few days decorating for christmas, and she has this ceramic pond thing, with little figurines of kids skating and playing hockey, making a huge snowball, etc. My mom always makes this big deal out of arranging this thing to her liking, placing each kid where it belongs. Every year I go and mess it up. I put the 'thin ice' sign right next to all the kids on the ice, put the kid rolling the snowball on the hill, so he looks like he'll drop his snowball right on the hockey player beneath him. It's great fun, arranging these things. It's even more fun to see how long it takes my mom to notice. Usually not long, cause I start laughing too much. Anyway, my mom was vaccuming yesterday, and made Gidget get up from her blanket so she could sweep. Gidget walked right over to this pond, picked up a kid from it, and dropped it on the floor (it didn't break, it's harder ceramic stuff). It was soooo funny. It seemed like she did it deliberatly because my mom made her move. Maybe she did. lol.
Wow, what a blog, huh? I think I just about emptied myself of all things I could possibly talk about. Did you read it all? I wouldn't blame you if you didn't, I tend to babble. lol.
Saturday, December 07, 2002
Which is stupid, so I'll be looking for a new template. soon. just not right now.
Friday, December 06, 2002
what musician(s) do you think has/have had the most influence on music as a whole in the past 5 years? of course under the assumption that britney spears, boybands, and other such artists are just mindless droning pop, and weren't really music to begin with, therefore not counting as musicians. :P
Ok, this is a hard question, and I might be a little bias cause i happen to like his music, but I'm going to say Eminem. Because, I don't remember rap being so mainstream before he came out. I mean, yea, you have bands like Run DMC and all, but I don't think they've reached quite the audiance Em has. I may be wrong, of course, rap may have been 'big' before Eminem came out, and I just don't remember it. But it seems that since Eminem has come out, every person and their dog is suddenly a rapper, and is suddenly getting more airtime on the radios and MTV.
Ok, my opinion could be changed. But as of now, at 11:31pm on Friday Dec. 6, 2002, my opinion is that Eminem has had the most influence as a whole on the music industry in the past 5 years.
What do you think?
Ok, so I went to BlogSkins.com and got this template. It's a little.....pink. but I'm going to try to think of it as purple. Anyway, I can't get that little " Â " (up next to the date) to go away. Any ideas?? It's driving me buggy.
*****Posted at 8:00******
I fixed it! I got the stupid A to go away! yay! ok. phew. you have no idea how buggy that was driving me.
Wednesday, December 04, 2002
We got 2 carts of stuff at the store. Aldi's. Most of the stuff in the one cart was cereal and other big boxes. But still, when we got to the counter/cashier, there was a guy behind us waiting, and he seemed perfectly content to wait. We would have let him ahead of us, but we had already started unloading our carts, and this guy had about a half cart himself, so it wouldn't have worked. The lady in the aisle next to us let him go ahead of her, saying "Since it'll be an HOUR until they're done." Now, this is way wrong. Not only is it rude to say that in the first place, but it's wrong because it is wrong. We've been going to Aldi's forever, and we've been packing/unpacking stuff for most my life, so needless to say, we know how to pack groceries. We were done with both of our carts before the lady was even done with her one! hahahahahahaha! I was laughing. Then I told my mom what that lady had said (she didn't heard her say it) and when we were putting our groceries into my car the lady was coming out of the store, so my mom said (loudly) "there, done! And it didn't even take us an hour, did it heather?" lol, I was cracking up. I hate when people are unjustifiably rude. It's just rude. Like my mom says "If you don't have something nice to say, Shutup!" lol.
Monday, December 02, 2002
Sunday, December 01, 2002
Umm........ I know I had promised to come up with something to talk about...and I did have topics......but I can't talk about any of them right now. the creative juices are not flowing to my fingers apparently. sigh. maybe later. no, definetly later. check back later for a nice long rant. *crosses fingers (for a wish, not for lying)*