Merry Kissmas!
Or Merry Christmas! If you rather. I like christmas because it reminds you that christ is the reason for christmas, but I like the sound of Kissmas too.
So far it's been great. *knock on wood* Yesterday was awesome, no fights, no nothing. We went to my grandparents, everyone had a nice, fun, peaceful time (and most my relatives were drunk, it was funny). I got lavendar & chamomille (sp?) body wash, moisturizer, and bubble bath, plus $10. I was happy.
Today I got every single thing on my list. not bad, eh? I even got the harvest moon game, because my cousin deicided he didn't want it anymore since he got a different one for ps2 that he likes better. So he said "merry christmas, keep the game" which was really nice of him. :)
The only downfall of the day so far is that when my grandmother (the one who is in AZ) called, she said how my cousin mandy went to the Aerosmith concert the other day with her dad. The same concert we were supposed to take her to/go with, that she was supposedly so excited to want to go with us. We were talking about it a little while ago, and my mom refused to pay...I forget what the $$ amountr was, but it was like twice the amount for these certain seats than the other ones. Mom said we could go, but only if we got the cheaper seats (because mom would have to pay for 3 people, my sis, me, and my mom). My cousin said ok, that's fine. She was the one who even said about the cheaper seats. Then she called and cancelled (after everyone got all excited about going), saying she had to work. Even though on IM she said not even work will keep her away from it. My mom has even talked to her mom on the phone since, and my aunt said how mandy was sad she couldn't go with us. So my aunt lied too. The concert was this past 19th (of dec.). Grandma calls today and we found out she went with her dad. Apparently she didn't want to go with us as much as she was saying (which is hard to believe, because she thinks my mom is MUCH cooler than her dad or mom- cause she is). Or if she did, she didn't want the cheaper seats. Either way, she told us she wasn't going. I kinda saw it coming. She's like that. I'm really P.O. though. REALLY. And my mom is really really really mad, even more so than me. Next time she comes on Instant messenger, boy is she going to get it!!! Lol, I'm that mad even after I put it through my christmas-forgiveness spirit. I just don't think I can forgive this one that easily, if at all. It was going to be my first concert. Yup, going to be tough to forgive.
Well, Merry Christmas!
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