Do you know what you're getting for christmas? I know what I'm getting. Minus a few little surprises that my mom wraps without telling me. I prefer it that way. I don't like to waste money, so if my mom's going to get me something I want to know I'll use it, like it, and/or it's the right something that I wanted. picky I guess. So I go shopping with my mom just about every year. Since I was like......8. I also help pick out my bro and sis's stuff. This year they got to see part of what they're getting too. So far, I'm getting a cd. One. The 8 Mile Soundtrack. I can't think of anything else I want. No, I'm not spoiled, just.. I don't know. I am getting a cd player for my car, but since my parent's want to make sure it's installed right and all, they want to get it done at an actual place. like a stereo place where you buy the stereo they install. Which annoys me, because it'll be like triple the money. But they apparently don't care. So, they're not even counting that as a christmas gift, because it won't be something I can unwrap. I suggested getting me my driver's permit again (it expired, lol) but mom said dad had already promised me that, so that is not a christmas present. She also was adding it up, and provided she spends as much on me as she did the other kids ($100) I have about $73 left. What do I want that will cost $73??? The stereo from walmart (it was like $50) and the permit ($30) would have added up to that. but does it count? nooooooo.
ok, I realize this post maybe made me come off as spoiled. and maybe I am. but I don't think so. Because I don't say "I want that" and get it automatically. I'm not material? Yea, maybe that's it. I'm just not interested in what I see. my options don't interest me, I guess. Plus, the whole gift-giving scinereo makes me feel guilty.
I do have one thing I want. A box for my art supplies. I have a whole bunch of art supplies, pencils, vine charcoal, charcoal pencils, paint, paper, 2 kinds of erasers, and some other stuff. It would be so awesome to have a briefcase-like case to put that stuff in. I like to be organized. Right now it's all stashed in a tin (like the kind pretzel bags or chips come in). A tin with hearts on it. blah.
But, like I had originally intended to say before my fingers started typing without my brain's permission, I LIKE getting to see my stuff early. I hate christmas surprises. surprises in general. spontineity, yes. surprises, no. I'm a very impatient person.
I've known about santa since I was 4 (maybe 5). My cousin told me. So up to the age of 4-5, I have pictures of me sitting on the mall santa's lap looking at him adoringly. After age 4-5, I have pictures of me looking at this guy looking like I'm wondering why I have to sit on some strange guy's lap.
Oh, a little off subject, but I have this amazingly adorable (I think anyway, lol) picture of me when I was little. My aunt and my mom had both chipped in and paid a guy to come visit us dressed in an easter bunny costume. My mom didn't really want to, she didn't think we'd believe him, but my aunt eventually wore her down and she agreed. I was like...4. something like that. This 'bunny' is wearing the stupidest looking easter bunny costume ever. he doesn't even have gloves on, you can see his actual hand. Anyway, my mom snapped the picture at the moment when the bunny came over to see me and my brother. you should see the look on my face. lol, it's so typically ME that it's amazing. I scanned it below, I don't know how good you can see me, but you can at least see how the bunny looks. My mom says I went to her and said "Mom. That 'bunny' has human hands." lol.
I was marvelling the other day at how jaded I was even at such a young age. Mom disagrees and calls me a realist. which I guess I am, but I have a goofy/dreamy side too, so maybe not. I think I'm just jaded. like that aerosmith song (but I don't like that song, so not exactly like it).
What do you think of the whole Santa thing? I don't think I'll teach the myth to my kids. Like, I'll teach them not to tell other kids that he isn't real, but I'll let them know right from the beginning. I just remember feeling hurt when I found out. Hurt that I was lied to, and essentially made a fool of. I guess it's not really like that, I mean, it's cute when you believe in santa, right? but I always felt so bad that I hadn't figured it out. foolish. And I don't want to lie to my kids. unless it's to protect them or whatever. but not if I don't have to. who knows, maybe I'll change my mind. but I don't think so.
This was intended to be a short little blog, to say about hoover's blog, and that I forgot I had to put a link to blogger up, and that it's over there underneath the tag board now. But it grew. and grew. and now I'm taking away the fertalizer. me.
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