I don't have time to post much (wash to fold, yuck) but I wanted to let you know of this petition. I found the link on fightforyourrights.mtv.com. Lol, and don't let the MTV part scare you off. I think it's a really worthwhile petition. It's about teaching safe sex in schools. Not just abstinence like Bush wants to teach (browse around the first link up there ^ and you'll see what I mean). Safety first, right? apparently not. I don't think this means that high schools should promote sex, but I think since a really high percentage of teenagers are having sex, school's should at least teach how to protect yourself. Anyway, my mom and I signed this petition, I hope you do to, and if you do, and you want to, pass on the link. Go here: http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/ffyr/petition.htm to sign
:) Ok, I'm done trying to convince you to sign now. Comment, and tell me what you think? Sex ed and not sex abstinence taught in schools? I think abstinence should be taught in schools, but it should not be the sole focus of the sex ed class. Agree? Disagree?
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