I like yahoo chatrooms. Particularly the Study Group. Normal chatrooms are filled with idiotic, vulgar people, but the study group actually has a few cool people in. **knock on wood** Granted, there are the occasional perverted idiots, but that's what the ignore button is for. (Tip: If people override it when you put them on ignore, if you add them to your permanent ignore list they can't override it) I haven't been going into the study group lately, because I've been too busy. But tonight I went to bed around 7pm, then woke up around 9, and couldn't fall back asleep. So, I went into the chatroom, where I was entertained for at least the past hour and a half. We didn't really talk about much, but it was cool just to talk to people I haven't talked to before. Not that I don't love talking to anyone and everyone :)
Ok, I had this whole big long post about a certain someone that kinda hurt my feelings (that sounds so pathetic..hurt my feelings) but I deleted it because I don't want everyone to know how truely pathetic I am. :) lol. It just felt good typing and venting, I had to get it out. Now I never have to think of what's-his-face again. yay.
I like my blog, gives me a place to vent and get it out. I could never really do paper journals. I've tried. I got one for christmas for....3 years I think. I've decorated them with my picture, and whatever doodads I could find, in the hopes of inspiring me to write. It didn't work. The only thing I use my paper journal for is if I'm really really really upset, I like to rip up the paper after I'm done writing it. So all the bad karma I wish on people doesn't come true I guess, lol. Somehow using the delete button just doesn't work as well as seeing the paper go into itsy bitsy shreds. It would be even better if I had a paper shredder (hint hint Mom).
Well, it's only 11:43pm, but mom's yelling for me to go to bed, I think I might have to go to work tomorrow. dad said he wants help, early in the morning. yuck. these are the times that I wish I drank coffee. I guess soda and a shower will have to work in helping me wake up. wish me luck, cause I'm going to need it. I'm not really a people person, or an early morning person. I'm not as bad as my mom though. She's pure evil in the morning. haha. She hates being reffered to as dave's wife. "Oh, you're dave's wife" she hears all the time. lol, you can practically see the steam coming from her ears. I on the other hand don't mind being known as 'dave's daughter'. Unless he's being an idiot, then I say 'yes, as much as I'd like to deny it'. But either way I don't really mind. It keeps the creepy men that sometimes are at his work from looking at me too closely. Lol. It's funny, my dad will introduce us, saying "And this is my Daughter" really clearly, as sort of a hands and eyes-off sort of thing. Which is good, because if my dad introduces us to begin with it usually means they're old and creepy anyway. lol. if they're not old/creepy/gross, it's just, yea, that's my daughter heather. no emphasis on daughter. lol.
I just want to clarify something. My mom's insulted. lol. She said between my blog, and my sister's, everyone is going to think she's an evil witch. She isn't. She's actually a really cool, great, loving, caring mom. A little pushy, yells more than I'd prefer, but she's my best friend anyway. I just wanted to clear that up so you don't think she's really evil. only in the mornings is she evil. Give her coffee, and she's fine. lol. I should let her read this, maybe if I kiss-butt enough I'll get my paper shredder. lol, doubtful. very doubtful. she doesn't like the idea of me having endless supplies of confetti.
Ok, it's now 11:51pm, and I said I was going to bed a few minutes ago. I'd better go.
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