Well, Happy Friday the 13th all. It's almost a belated well-wish, but it's not. It's just late, so maybe I should say enjoy the 1 hour 43 minutes left of it? anyway...
my day wasn't exactly happy. at all. I woke up, went to work outside in the freezing weather (we had a heater and it kept us warm but...). In case you don't know, my dad has a flea market business, and he leaves all his stuff out all the time (he has a security guard that watches out for his stuff). Stuff gets filled with rainwater, snow, willow tree leaves (his stand is underneath a willow tree), you name it he has it in his stuff. So that's what we did today, dumped whatever out of ALLLLLLLL the stuff. sigh. My boots got soaked, my nike coat got soaked (not that it matters, my dad got it for like $2 at an auction, no way would I pay $100+ for a coat), I was, in general, soaked. And cold. And I'm just getting over being sick, so my nose was running and I was Miserable.
Then, after that, we went to the car wash and cleaned my car. It's totally stupid, but you have no idea the joy it gives me to see my car clean. I HATE it when my car gets dirty/muddy, which is anytime my dad drives it. He just used it most of last week, so it was REALLY muddy from puddles and whatnot.
We went to the video store. Rented:
Leelo & Stitch
Ice Age
Murder By Numbers
I really wanted to see all of these, so I was/am happy. Leelo & stitch wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, but still funny/cute. Ice age I thought was hilarious. We didn't watch Murder by numbers yet.
We topped off movie watching with my parents fighting, then dad stomping up to bed.
Not exactly a great friday the 13th- except for the movie watching, that was fun. Yea well, there's always next fri 13th.
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