Anyways, back to my original blog...
It's day 5 of my school vacation. and I think I'm actually starting to miss it. I mean, I could still do it, it's always there (one of the pro/cons of a 24/7 charter/cyber school) but it's just not the same when you can't go to a chat, or get direct advice from a teacher. I actually like my school. lol, I'm a geek, I know. But it's interesting, for the most part. I like being challenged. I think that's the main reason I want to be a lawyer (other than that I like to argue). As a lawyer I'll constantly get challanged, never the same case twice, whether I become a corporate, contract lawyer, or public defender. variety.
My mom's helping to write up our family tree/book. It's been done before (books being written about my relatives), I guess I have kinda an 'old' family. Old as in prestigious, or something. I could care less, because most of them are snobs, and have never done anything for and/or associated much with my family. Anyway, mom has to write up our names, and put our d.o.b. and such in. There's a catagory for 'other' and I said my mom should put in about our school. I mean, it's a pretty major revolution, it's changing how pennsylvania department of education delivers it's funding to school districts, there's been tons of lawsuits and revocation hearings against it, but so far it's survived. And I (and my bro and sis) was part of that from the beginning. That's something major. At least, it seems it to me. My mom agreed, and said that if I want her to she'll put it in the book. But I changed my mind. Why give these people something to ridicule or find fault in? Because they'd find it, they're just that type of people. I like my school, and that's all that matters. They don't have to know how proud I am of it overcoming it's obstacles. They never gave a whit about us before, and I'm afraid that (if they didn't find fault with it) they'd find some way to take credit for my school being great. Somehow. I'm not sure how, but they would. Sigh.
Anyway, on a more cheerful note, the fridayfive is back! Here's mine for this week...
1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
My biggest accomplishment? I don't know, that's really hard. I didn't do anything this year really worthwile. I made a blog! yea, that's it! My blog is my biggest accomplishment, lol. :)
2. What was your biggest disappointment?
My biggest disappointment.... realizing that someone is actually who you know them to be. Sounds strange, I know. My cousin. {See Dec. 25th's blog, last part of it} She disappointed me greatly, because I just had this feeling that she was going to go to this concert with someone else when she canceled on us, and it saddens me that I was right. Yea, I could be making more out of this than what is actually happening, I haven't talked to her yet (not sure that I even want to), but it still disappointed me.
3. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions?
No, because generally if I try, I don't keep them. If I do something worthwhile next year, great. If not, yea well.
4. Where will you be at midnight? Do you wish you could be somewhere else?
Midnight new years? lol. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume... I will probably be at home. Switching between MTV new year's bash, and the normal NBC or ABC NY Ball dropping. Maybe if my parents go I'll go with them to their friend's house, but I doubt it. Doubt that they'll go (cause they always just stay home and argue on new years, sort of a tradition), and doubt that if they did go, I'd go with. I'm not that close with these friends, so it wouldn't be fun at their party anyway. better off staying in the yahoo chat or something, lol.
5. Aside from (possibly) staying up late, do you have any other New Year's traditions?
My parents fight on new years. Or one goes to bed really early. That's sort of a tradition, lol. Sort of a way of clearing the air for the new year, I guess. Other than that... I usually try to take a sip of a new drink. Like wine or something. Just a sip (from someone's glass). I've never had more than a couple sips (besides the one time I drank half a bottle of hooch, very verygood), and I've never gotten drunk. One year I tried champagne, it was HORRIBLE. Cheap champagne, I guess. Very bad. Too alchol-y, not enough actual flavor. I tried some sort of berry wine the other year, that was good. Lol, mom didn't even notice that I was taking a couple sips from her glass. Haha. shhhh. I don't think she's getting anything this year though, so pepsi all around. lol.
Well, my fingers are getting a lil tired now.
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