
Thursday, November 29, 2007


what to say what to say.


Anonymous said...

im back and PISSED OFF

#1 the monitor like restarts 10 times before WIN thats shitting me

#2 despite being easist ever to actually get far in 5mins i have 4 popups that say i have critical registry errors

#3 this thing is slow as laptop is when it comes to opening or swithching pages

so ill try load yahoo and we can talk about it more

love ya smushy
*healling kisses for your sore head*

Anonymous said...

and the fuckign A drive doesnt work either

sorry smush look like anothe rmotherfucking lemon

Anonymous said...

a drive is fine...
its the one floppy that i saved with all the addys that wont load

but smushy i serious HATE this fuckngi thing...had that critcial registry popup liek 20 times now...

and how the fuck are you spose to switch form window to window without having to goe into IE window and indivivdsually choose which window you want

im not a happy mushy at all --he says as the circitcla reigysty erros popups again
thats HORSESHIT....i was online 2secs before the fuckgin thing popped up

so doesnt that suggest it was somethign wrong prior to my geting online??

all i knwo is im motherfcukign well PISSED OFF!!!!

Anonymous said...

im sorry

Anonymous said...

now its changing my ISP password

i need to reset it if i wanna come back online

that IF it will let me rest it without getting an erro message or the aplication freezzing

im really really really fucking pissed smush


Anonymous said...

anothe rthing i dont like at all
the damn drive partition *GGGrrrrrrrrr*