
Saturday, March 27, 2004


yea. i'm in another one of those moods. I'm either really really happy or not. blah blah blah. hmm what to write, what to write....

You ever see that old cartoon "Gargoyles"? I remember it from when my brother and I were little... It's on now, repeats of course. I would change it, but I lost the remote and I'm too lazy to look for it. So I put on music instead. lol.
I have to work tomorrow. 11-5pm. And I work Mon. And Tuesday. that makes 5 days in a row. yuck. I have off Wednesday though... and thursday. and then I work 5-10pm Friday and off saturday. So that's not too bad.

The last time I was in one of these bored/listless moods, my grandmother got a HUGE email from me. lol. I'm blogging in an attempt to not torture my grandmother with accounts of my life. lol. Even though I'm sure she loves it. But do you know how dissatisfying it is to write a 1000 word email and get like 3 sentence replies? grrrr. i love her anyway. lol.

I got into another college. 2 out of 3. I haven't heard from the 3rd yet. But even so... I did better than my cousins--- the ones who's parents always brag. hehe. that feels good. And it shouldn't, I feel like karma's going to come bite me on the arse for even noticing i did better. well too bad karma. :P I deserve to brag everyonce in awhile, when every stupid holiday I have to listen to them. "Oh Heather you didn't practice driving much yet? Danielle's been practicing for months.." "Our new boat...." "Gary Lee's going to (blah blah) pre-college to prepare him" well :P to you people, I'm doing better. I'm happy at least. More than you could say, so I feel bad for you. Money isn't everything.

lol yea I was just talking to someone who will never read this....

Oh, I've been meaning to do this for awhile... everyone go join the broken boot saloon because it's the best forum I've ever been a member of.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

from lanni's site...

1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that are true about you.
3. Anything you don't bold is false.
4. Italics are half true or sometimes true. (added by me)

01. When I was younger I made some bad decisions.
02. I don't watch much TV these days.
03. I love psychodelic mushrooms.
04. I love sleeping.
05. I have loads of books.

06. I once slept in a toilet.
07. I love playing video games.
08. I adore marijuana.
09. I watch porn movies. (hahaha)
10. I watch them with my father.
11. I like sharks.
12. I love spiders.
13. I was born without hair and I still have no hair.
14. I like George Bush.
15. People are cool.
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.

17. I have jacuzzi and a Porsche.
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. I carry my knife everywhere with myself.
20. I'm really really smart.
21. I've never broken someone's bones.
22. I have a secret.
23. I hate snow.

24. I drink only milk.
25. Punk rock rules.
26. I hate Bill Gates!
27. I love Chinese food.
28. I would hate to be famous.
29. I am not a morning person.
30. I wear glasses.
31. I don't need glasses.
32. I have potential.
33. I like cheese.
34. My legs are two different sizes.

35. I have a twin.
36. I wear a padded bra. Otherwise I don't have boobs.
37. I can ramble on about absolutely nothing.
38. I'm left-handed.
39. I hate llamas, but I'm one of them.
40. I don't like horror movies.
41. I suck at climbing, but I love it anyway.
42. People hate me usually.
43. I like pop music.
44. I hardly ever go to bed before midnight.
45. I hate parking fines.

46. I know the National Anthem of my country by heart...
47. I know more than two languages.
48. I spend too much time on my computer.
49. I often want to throw my computer out the window.
50. I live on the first floor.
51. I don't like chocolate.
52. I'd like to be more original.
53. I've lied before.
54. Cocks are my favorite birds. (lol!)
55. I want to conquer the world.
56. I wonder what happens when you die.
57. I've read all books about Harry Potter.
58. Eat your dog!
59. I love to exercise.
60. I hate science with a passion.
61. I like to write.
62. I like changes.
63. I hate going to class.
64. I am afraid to die.
65. I hate dish washing.
66. My hair is long, brown, and curly.

67. My nails are nine inches long.
68. One of my favorite colors is black. (actually, it's my only favorite color)
69. I like to sleep on the floor.
70. I am hopeless at cooking.
71. I sucked my thumb when I was little.
72. I should be doing something else rather than writing this.
73. I am online a lot, but not on AOL.

74. I hate government.
75. I don't have a girlfriend. (hahaha)
76. I'm too nice for my own good.
77. I love to read, I read as much as I can. Though I never have time.

78. I don't trust newspapers.
79. I sometimes like arguing.
80. I live in a lagoon.
81. I clean my room once a month. (haha)
82. I'm scared of american fast food.
83. I am prying open my third eye.
84. I love Mozambique.
85. I don't trust any religion.
86. I used to play with barbies.
87. I wanted to be a super hero when I was little.
88. I like listening to wind chimes.
89. I'm very disorganized.
90. My hair is long and straight.
91. I learn a lot.
92. I don't like spicy food.
93. I keep a diary. (doesn't this count?)
94. I can't do cartwheels.
95. I am very lazy.
96. I'm sarcastic.
97. I think my hair is annoying.

98. I'm very emotional.
99. I love being "ab-normal".
100. My left eye is violet and my right eye is a light blue

oh yea, I got a scholarship today. $34,000 for 4 years. wooohoooie!

Monday, March 22, 2004

just another daaaaayyy...

That's part of a song. I'm not sure which song, but it's in my head right now. Sadly, that is all I can remember, so I just have that loop going through my head over and over. oy.

I wish today were one of those days where I could just write whatever deep thoughts came to my head. Sadly, I have none right now. Hmm, I say 'sadly' too much, no? Anyway, school is not fun. Work is not fun. Not having my teeth (they broke) is not fun.

However, some things are fun. Instant Messaging with people. Emails (and not the angry ones from teachers either!). music.

Ahh, music. I'm adoring it right now. The only down side is the crap batteries my mom bought can only last for about 3 songs at a time in my walkman. grr. But still, one song is enough to soothe frazzled nerves, or get the blood pumping. It transports me. If I want to feel happy, I put on my 80s dance (lol, yea, really. PULSE) CD, and dance around like an idiot to that while screaming the silly choruses. If I want the music to match a bad mood, I put in some slow sad music. So music works either way with me. It will make me happy or mellow me out.

Anyone else like music? I have actually only ever met one person that has said they hate all music....

Saturday, March 20, 2004

presenting... happy bunny!!!!!

Yup, that's right folks! It's happy bunny! I think he's hilarious. I found it on And I was looking for a template change anyway. The thistle was getting just a bit old. You didn't really think I'd go for too much longer without a template change, did you??? ;)

So, what do you think? Let me know with any problems, etc etc. (yes, that includes you, May!)

Wednesday, March 17, 2004


i feel lots better. thanks to roscoe and leesa for caring. we talked more yesterday, and things have seemed to go from bad to more normal... so i'm just going to see where it goes. :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2004


i'm deleting this temporarily.


i scratched the old novel theme/genre. here's the new one. i'm deleting the old one, because i figure... well, it's crap. lol. I'll be writing 1,000 words per day in the new one, hopefully. That's my goal anyway. wish me good luck please, I'll need it. haha.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004


last post was a bit long, eh? like an essay almost. except worse. lol

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

yadda yadda. bladda bladda. or something like that.

pretty soon i'm going to be starting a game. well, it's not originally my game, I didn't think of it or anything, but nonetheless I'm going to play it on here anyway. It involves linking a bunch of blogs that I've never visited before. So be on the lookout for that game sometime soon. Keep checking back. It'll be fun. I'll give you more details when I play it, which will probably be sometime this week since I have 4 days off (today being the first, so 3 left). woohoo for games, and days off!

i'm sick of blogging about my days off. that has to get boring for you people, maybe as boring as it gets for me to type it. So, on that note, no more mentions of my days off. for this week anyway ;)

I've gotten a few positive responses on an explanation of an incident/person/ghost in the book Beloved. I'm rather pleased with my answer myself. I actually said that the one character wasn't actually a real human after all, that she was instead a "manifestation of Sethe’s guilt over killing the baby", and that each character in the book that had seen Beloved (the ghost/baby) wasn't actually seeing her, they each had their own reasons to create Beloved in their heads. of course that all sounds a lot more put-together and thought out in my actual assignment. This is just me remembering what I put for the assignment. You know what? Reading that book I kept thinking how horrible it was, and how we shouldn't have been made to read it (because of the gross images induced, sex, rape, cuss words, slavery, etc). But now that I've read it, and have had to run it through in my mind so many times because of the essay/trial that I had to write, I think I liked the book. It's certainly not anything that I would have ever chosen to read, but I'm almost glad I did read it just because it made me think. It made me excited to think of possibilities for the characters actions.

Speaking of being excited, I just got an amazing publication/magazine in the mail. From the college that accepted me. It came in an envelope, along with a handwritten note saying how they thought I might enjoy a copy of the magazine since my major will most likely be Pre-law/English. And let me say, it is an amazing collection of stories, artwork, and poems. It actually made me want to go to the college, just so I could meet these amazing minds that are there. The people who have the ability to string together stories/poems/artwork that makes you cry just reading/looking at it. You feel the anguish, happiness, all of that. All that they intend you to feel when reading their work, you do. And then some. It's just so amazing. If I had never recieved any other information on this college whatsoever besides this magazine, this magazine would have made me apply to this college. Just based on the magazine. And this is the one I got accepted to! I am truly amazed, and full of self-doubt. I mean, how could I not be when I got accepted to a college that has such amazing talents? What am I going to be expected to write? I cringe at the thought.

However, I'm ready for the challenge. I haven't felt challenged intellectually lately. I'm not saying that my schoolwork is too easy, it isn't by any means. However, memorizing the differences between ionic and covalent compounds, geomoetry theorms, etc, is not near as stimulating to my brain as holding an actual conversation discussing and debating works of art or literature. There's just no comparison for me.

And the garage just called with my car, it will be fixed somewhat, and it cost me $130 or something like that. Good thing I waited to get my credit card, eh? I have a $250 limit on the card, and I spent $5 on clothing... So I only had $245 to get my car fixed. lol. It does still need a radiator, but that would have made the total cost about $500, and my dad said he can just fix it with some radiator-leak blocker gunk that he has. Or he'll put the new one in. Which will be a lot cheaper than the garage doing it. So yay! And there was some other belt that I needed-- a techner belt?-- but it's only used when you use the air conditioning... Sooo... I no longer use my air conditioner in my car. lol. I never used it anyway. I love an open window. Apparently my techner? belt is broken, and that's what is making my car so god-awful (yet hilariously IMHO) loud. So, if they just take that broken belt off, I won't have the noise anymore. I could have gotten the belt fixed, but that would have been about another $100, and since my car will be perfectly fine (minus no AC) without it, we (dad and I) decided to just say heck with the belt. No sense wasting money I don't have on something I don't need and wouldn't use anyway.

Friday, March 05, 2004

slightly above...

I took the Face the Nation- Fox IQ Test , and accordingly I have a 112 IQ. The average ranges from 90-110, which is 46 correct out of 60 questions. so I did well I guess. :) I wish I could tell you all to take it let me know just because I'm curious/nosy, but I don't think you can take the test online unless you happened to catch the broadcast of the show that was going on at the same time. So, sorry. But it was fun. If you did happen to watch the show and calculate your scores, lemme know! Hoov scored an 80-something, but she gets a handicap since she's below the lowest age bracket (18-34) that they had. lol. My mom apparently has a 107 IQ. :)

Wednesday, March 03, 2004


I got accepted to one of my colleges I applied to! woohoo! it's the first one to send me back a response. I did NOT expect a response so soon. I opened the letter thinking it was just a thing saying that they need more info (SAT scores for example), but lo and behold, I read 'Dear Heather, on behalf of the faculty, staff, --yaddayadda-- I congratulate you on being accepted as a member of this very special college'


i'm happy, for those that say you can't get emotions over the computer. ;)

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

today was a bummer

i never use my days off correctly. and nope, Leesa, I get a ton of days off. Usually 3 per week, which is more than most people who have a job lol. But i only work 20 or less hours so at 5 hours per day I work 4 days a week. so yea. plenty of days off, usually :-)

Side note: That :-) face is a biproduct of my chemistry teacher's influence. she puts the - in when she does faces. I usually just put :), but eh i guess she's converted me. lol

so yea, I don't use my days off correctly. Yesterday was almost perfection, I wish all my days could be like yesterday. very relaxing. watched a movie, lazed around a bit, attended a chem chat that I actually got what we were talking about...

today: lazed around till noon, then went to post office, then came back and did school like crazy (world lit), laundry.... and now I have 2 hours till my chem assignment is due, and i have forgotten how to solve 2 of the equations, which is the very thing that i thought I 'got' yesterday. grrrr.

wish me luck. or don't, considering that by the time you read this it'll be over with. lol