
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

strange words, blame shakespeare

Today my class performed what I've dubbed as 'Hamlet:Reloaded'- that's not it's official title but I think it fits because from that title you can tell that it's Shakespeare's Hamlet and the Matrix all rolled up into one happy 25min play. And that was the final for our Shakespeare class. It's had me in quite a tizzy lately, as I've tried to meet with the rest of the group members, work out drafts of the script, and memorize lines all at the same time. And of course we only started preparing for this about 2 weeks ago. Granted I didn't have a huge role in the play, but just knowing that I had a choice between complete memorization of lines or being able to hold my script but be guarunteed not to get an A on my performance was quite frazzling. After attempting to run through without mistakes, I decided that I would keep my script on me just in case I needed it.

And happy am I to tell you that I only needed it a little bit. I'm glad I had it, but even so I probably could have stumbled through it alone.
And now I bid Horatio (in Shakespeare, or Link, as in the Matrix) goodbye, and it is time for me to concentrate on the rest of my finals.

I had a religion final at 8am this morning that I'm betting I got a high B or a low A on. So I'm fine with that. And that 8 page paper that I wrote in one day? I got an A on that. So... as far as I can tell, I should be getting an A in my American Catholicism class. Not bad for someone who's not even catholic... or even overtly religious, eh?

3 finals down, 2 to go. I'm done with Sociology (it was just a dinner since it's a seminar class), American Catholicism, and now Shakespeare. All I have left are the worst subjects-- Biology and Statistics. I'm hoping that I'm well prepared for the bio test. It's not cummulative, it's just on the past 3 chapters we just did... I studied for it... hopefully I should be ok. As for the statistics, well, I have all day tomorrow to study for that since my Biology final will be over with around 9am.
So that's my day tomorrow. Final then study for a final.
and I may be going home because... drumroll please... the broken car may be fixed. Lordy I hope it is, they've had it for almost 2 months now. It'd be perfect if it was fixed because then I could have my mom come and get me from school, take me home, and then I can just drive the car back. It's her day off tomorrow, so that's good timing there. And then she'd have a car to go to work on Thursday, and I'd have a car here to just pack up all my junk and leave without having to wait and go through the hassle of packing with mom and my sister here...
Yes, that'd be splendid if the car was fixed. So you know what? It probably won't be ready by tomorrow. Because that's how life is. You make plans and say well this works out perfectly and then *poof* something doesn't happen. 'Tis life. And as much as I'd like to be Suzy Sunshine and say it'll work out, it probably won't. And as long as I'm expecting that, I won't be too upset when I found out I'm right.

Wow, that wasn't supposed to turn into a downer of a post. Oops. I'm half upset about school ending, half happy. Happy the work is over, but sad that (this is where I seem selfish which I am) I won't have my own internet connection and my poor baby wonderful laptop will have to spend all summer in a bag not being used. It doesn't like it at my house if I don't have an internet connection, it freaks out and won't load properly for some reason. Eh. Poor me, I have a laptop and I'm still complaining. Such a whiner. Oh, and another reason to be sad? I'll miss my roomates. Pain in the butt that they are, they're still my friends and I shall miss them over the summer, and I highly doubt we'll talk much so it really will be like I'm leaving them. Woers me.
Good thing I'll be busy with work! (no, that wasn't sarcastic, I'm looking forward to it. And I have new outfits to wear since the store's decided to adopt a uniform look. yay!)


Chris said...

Hey heather:-)

Long time no talk:-/

I've been super busy with this art class and I have taken on reading like a 50 lbs 5000 page art history book.

I havent forgotten i owe you a picture I have one in mind but I need to find the time to do it. Art is fun but time consuming I cant wait to use what I've been learning without deadlines.

Aim is screwed up on my computer but I'm using yahoo CHRISVA81 I tried to add you but it wont sign in. I will try again later.

Hope to talk to you soon:-)

heather said...

i figued out whats wrong! my ftp path changed so I need to update that... but it's still does the endless 0% publishing cycle... :( so it may not work still