
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

pay attention!

No, not you. I bet you, unlike another friend of mine, know I'm self-conscious. She actually didn't believe me when I said I was. She said I don't act like I am. Umm... has she ever met me? I'm nervous/self-conscious/scared about everything! I just don't let OTHER people act that way, if they're down on themselves I try to boost them up. Doesn't mean I don't do it to myself.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Hehe your a very nice wonderful person!

That I love to hate:-)

We sound a lot alike I'm all of the above even for things that I shouldn't be.

Hope your doing well I totally bombed a math test today studied for hours got tutoring and still failed. Lol but in fairness I did run out of time and I tried my hardest. lol

Anyways have a wonderful weekend talk to you later:-)