
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

the horse is dead, leave it alone!

Right now I'm limiting myself to just one thing that still irritates me, even though I have been extremely cranky (in my head at least, if not outward) and I can name 10 things that are irritating me at any given moment. I'm choosing not to write about them because I doubt it'll help and well, frankly, I don't feel like it. I'm just hoping that typing this one out will purge me of it, cause it's really becoming annoying having this laying in the back of my mind all the time.
My suite-mate is a weird girl. She's a germaphobe, but not really. She only finds certain 'germy' things disgusting, so it's more like she has weird preferences instead of being an actual germaphobe. Anyway, about 3 months into the school year, she decided that the Dawn dish soap I had bought wasn't good enough, and that it needed to be replaced because it was "so old" and it was "disgusting that we still have it." It was 3 months old, there was still 3/4 of a bottle left, it was perfectly good dish soap!
Ok, fine. She wants to buy new dish soap. I don't argue about that, I try to pick my battles well and save the angst for the important stuff. Now, seeing as how it's the dish soap that I bought, wouldn't it make sense that it's my soap? Now, I don't know about you, but when I know something is someone elses, I don't throw it away just because I bought a new one. You're not supposed to throw stuff away that isn't your own! That's like rule number 2 in the 'how to be a good roommate' handbook (it follows #1: learn to use your indoor voice).
She didn't ask me to throw it away. She even waited til I was away to do it so I couldn't object. The whole incident really grated my cheese, so to speak.
And so now, in typical 'heather is pissed off' style, I'm using her soap as if it were mine. That means that I use a ton of it. What's that? The dishwater has more water than soap? Add some more! Need to get a stubborn stuck on piece of food off the plate? Pour the dish soap directly on the spot AND in the water. Feel like making a bubble sculpture? Go right ahead (granted, I haven't done this yet. But I want to!).
Afterall, to my calculations, she owes me a bottle of dish soap. And an apology.

No, I don't really care about the dish soap. It's the principle of the thing. It's what the dish soap stands for. You should not throw away stuff that isn't yours. Especially without permission and/or the owners knowledge.